【Industry】New travel layout plan

All elements of the tourism industry are closely intertwined, and the upgrade of any link may leverage the restructuring of the entire industry. At present, the concepts of intelligence and ecology are infiltrating and affecting the entire tourism industry chain. We have reason to believe that a new travel map may come quietly at any time.

【Industry】New travel layout plan

With the comprehensive promotion of global tourism and the vigorous development of cultural tourism and sports tourism in various places, tourism consumer products are becoming more and more abundant, and the market scale is gradually expanding. The tourism industry seems to have opened a new era. At the same time, RV camps, new energy vehicles, smart tourism, and line operations in the tourism industry chain continue to innovate, which also provides more possibilities for new industrial forms.

Under the encouragement of national policies and the demand of the market, the output of new energy vehicles in 2017 was close to 820,000, a year-on-year increase of 58.7%, exceeding 1 million in 2018, and planned to be 2 million in 2020. The core concept of green and environmental protection of new energy vehicles has become the best choice for new travel methods, and it has also evolved from a development trend of the automobile industry to a trend of people’s lifestyles.

【Industry】New travel layout plan

From 2015, the cross-country e family “Practical Handbook for Car Tourists” included information on 168 national camps to 770 in 2018. It can be seen that the development of camps is changing with each passing day. With the advent of the third stage of self-driving tours, camps are gradually being popular As car enthusiasts are familiar with, with the expansion of consumer demand, relevant departments across the country have successively issued camp construction goals. This is a signal for the transformation of future tourism consumption patterns, and it is also a business map that people in the industry cannot avoid.

When it comes to future tourism consumption scenarios, smart tourism and shared tourism are unstoppable , and the application of intelligent technology in the field of tourism has become more common. Smart guides, face scanning into scenic spots, smart hydropower piles in RV camps, and the most important Internet big data analysis and application, high-tech convenience meets people ‘s travel needs, and engraves all aspects of life with the imprint of the times. There is no doubt that smart technology and smart scenes must be the general trend of tourism and travel, and they are the most important part of our thinking about creating a new format for tourism development.

【Industry】New travel layout plan

Therefore, in terms of the current development trend and pattern of the tourism industry, we have begun to try to create a new way of travel for people to live a better life from the perspectives of new energy, intelligence, and new platforms. From the perspective of the current situation, the concept of “new travel” can be simply conceived as a new format of urban tourism services, which creates a full range of smart travel service scenarios from smart car rental and return, camp reservation, route recommendation to entertainment consumption, etc. Gradually realize people’s service needs and emotional appeals for travel. Fully intelligent operation with information technology as the core, new energy vehicles with energy saving and environmental protection as the concept, upgrade the sharing and leasing travel service model while cultivating new kinetic energy for urban development. Of course, we still need to discuss carefully whether this new travel concept can take shape.