【One week overview】Know the world of camping

New developments in camping and cultural tourism

Exhibition Express won the grand slam in order popularity of the 9th Shanghai Auto Show

On May 20th, the 9th Shanghai International Self-Driving Tour and RV Camping Expo ended successfully at the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center. At the exhibition, prices range from 30,000 to 6 million, and mainstream models from 300,000 to 500,000 are on display. Tents, camps, wooden houses and other exhibits are rich and diverse, bringing you a grand event belonging to the self-driving tour and RV camping industry. The number of visitors on the exhibition site during the three days of the exhibition is endless, and the total flow of people has reached 60,000!

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

Source: RV Shop

The Shanghai RV exhibition has a large scale and strong publicity. Two orders were signed one day before the opening of the exhibition. During the exhibition, major manufacturers continued to sign orders, and the total transaction volume reached 556 units, including 367 self-propelled RVs and trailer-type RVs. 189 units. SAIC Maxus RV, Karen Benwei RV, Jiangling RV, RV China, Jinghang RV, Aitu RV, Lanzhong RV, Shunlv RV, Longcui RV, Weihang RV, Nova RV, Yate RV, River Brands such as RV, Torest RV, Defa RV, and Pan RV have won a large number of orders and gained many interested customers.

“2019 China Smart Cultural Tourism 5G Application White Paper” Released

On May 24th, China Unicom and Tencent jointly released the “2019 China Smart Cultural Tourism 5G Application White Paper” (referred to as the “White Paper”). The “White Paper” pointed out that 5G will provide tourists with more accurate, more matching and more personalized services. For example, the 5G AI scenic spot tour guide will provide each tourist with exclusive services, including information on visited and recommended scenic spots and supporting transportation, accommodation, etc.; 5G AR-assisted explanations will push different explanation materials for different types of tourists. Every visit will have different feelings; 5G AI travel assistant will output different styles of travel materials according to different types of tourists.

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

Source: Sina Finance

In addition, the combination of 5G and voice technology can provide multilingual online translation services for foreign tourists during their tours. At the same time, when foreign tourists encounter language barriers and cannot understand the meaning of the content when appreciating traditional Chinese cultural works, they can use the mobile phone application to translate the works they appreciate into their own languages.

Hainan strictly controls the localization of newly built country houses

According to news on May 23, the Hainan Provincial Information Office and the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a press conference on the “Management Measures for Rural Homestays in Hainan Province” and the “Implementation Plan for Promoting the Development of Rural Homestays in Hainan Province” in Ruzhang Village, Yongxing Town, Haikou City. The start-up requirements, start-up process, operation specifications, supervision and management of homestays are regulated, and it is clearly required that new rural homestays must insist on reporting every time they are built, and it is strictly forbidden to develop real estate in the name of starting a country homestay.

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

In addition, according to the plan released this time, Hainan Province has also made further plans for rural homestays: it is expected that Hainan will build no less than 80 characteristic rural homestays and create 3 characteristic rural homestay clusters in 2019; many will be built in 2020 In 200 characteristic rural B&Bs, create 4 characteristic rural B&B clusters; by 2021, build no less than 200 characteristic Rural B&Bs and create 5 characteristic Rural B&B clusters.

 Junting Hotel’s sprint for IPO  mid-end hotels is getting better and better

In recent years, a word that has been on the lips of the hotel industry is “mid-end hotel”. Almost all hotel groups have launched their own mid-end brands. Entrepreneurs and investors are also targeting this opportunity for frequent investment and financing. Foreign giants are unwilling Showing weakness one after another rushed to cut the cake. Mid-end hotels have become “a battleground for military strategists”.  

On May 17, Zhejiang SSAW Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SSAW”), a mid-end hotel brand and NEEQ hotel company, officially submitted an IPO application to the A-share GEM, planning to leave the NEEQ and enter the GEM.

According to investigations, although there are quite a few hotel companies currently active in the capital market, such as BTG Hotels and Jinjiang in the A-share market, Huazhu and GreenTree Inn in the U.S. stock market, Kaiyuan Hotel in the Hong Kong stock market, and Fosun Tourism, etc., they really rely on China Few start from high-end hotels, or use mid-end hotels as their main source of income. The core income of BTG Hotels, Jin Jiang, Huazhu, and GreenTree Inn is still economical hotels, and mid-end brands are still in their infancy and development stage; New Century Hotel is positioned as a high-end brand; Fosun Tourism’s main income comes from Club Med Resort and Sanya Asia Atlantis.

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

Source: Xinlvjie

If the IPO of Junting Hotel is successful, it will become the first mid-end hotel brand to enter the important capital market, and with the help of the capital market, the expansion speed of Junting Hotel will be greatly accelerated. According to the plan disclosed by Junting this time, it plans to raise 344 million yuan, which will be used for the design and development of mid-to-high-end hotels and the construction of a comprehensive management platform.  

For the players in the field of mid-end hotels, mid-end hotels are in a critical period of seizing the market and consumers’ recognition. Whoever can make a faster and more stable staking will have a greater chance to stand out. Therefore, Junting’s IPO this time may become a “fuse”, detonating more intense competition among mid-end hotel players. At the same time, for the industry, through the development history, financial data, and thinking planning of SSAW, the development and changes and future trends of the mid-end hotel field can be seen more clearly.

The content and pictures of this article are organized from the Internet
