News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

The snow pushing work on the Duku Highway is in the final stage and is expected to open in early June

A few days ago, the work of promoting snow and maintaining smoothness on Duku Highway entered the final stage. The snow in the mountainous area has basically been cleared, but due to the heavy snowfall due to the weather, it is still being cleared repeatedly. It is expected to open the “welcome” in early June.

Affected by the weather, Duku Highway will be closed from October 17, 2018. In mid-March this year, the Kuitun Highway Administration Bureau and Yili Highway Administration Bureau sent teams to remove snow and clear the roads.

On May 20, the reporter learned from the Kuitun Highway Administration and Yili Highway Administration that the last snow wall at the entrance of the Halegen Tunnel on the Duku Highway was broken, indicating that the road will be fully connected, but snowfall in mountainous areas continues to push snow work Still going on.

At present, the members of the snow pushing team continue to push the snow to both sides to widen the road. At the same time, clean up landslides, gravel, and some potholes along the sand level.

Duku Highway is more than 300 kilometers away from Urumqi City. It is located in the middle of the Tianshan Mountains. It runs from north to south. It starts from K543 on the G217 line of Dushanzi, the “City of Oil”, and ends at K1089 on the G217 line of Kuqa Kuche in the south. The total length is 561 kilometers. One-way driving It takes at least 12 hours to run the full distance.

Along the way, there are original famous scenic spots such as Tianshan Mysterious Grand Canyon, Hongshan Stone Forest, Kuqa and Xiaolongchi, Bayinbulak and Nalati Grassland. It is a famous tourist road. Every summer, the Duku Highway is the best route for traveling from northern Xinjiang to southern Xinjiang. Every year, there are more than 10,000 self-driving tours and tourist chartered cars that come to Xinjiang from the mainland to experience this road in a single day.

Affected by natural factors such as snowfall and icing in the Tianshan Mountains in winter, natural disasters such as mudslides, landslides, and water damage frequently occur along the line, and the roads cannot be guaranteed to pass normally.

Currently, the Kuqa section of the Duku Highway under the management of the Aksu Highway Administration is undergoing major and medium tunnel repairs and is expected to be completed in early June. The Yili section and Kuitun section will also gradually resume traffic in early June.

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

(Data map)

Distance from Kuqa County, Aksu Region

About 156 kilometers of Tilimati Tunnel

It is the “throat” of the Duku Highway crossing Tielimaiti Daban

The altitude here is 3200 meters

The ground was badly damaged due to a water leak at the top of the tunnel

Workers are currently working hard

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

profile picture

“Now we are carrying out anti-seepage improvement, road surface improvement, and steel plate reinforcement. We will complete the construction tasks with quality and quantity as required.” Xu Jinshang, head of the Tielimaiti Tunnel Construction Site of China Communications Infrastructure Maintenance Group Co., Ltd., said.

The reporter learned that the scenic road upgrade project of the Duku highway depot section

Proposed expansion, new construction

10 scenic drive parking lots

2 viewing platforms and 1 complete facility

12 new communication base stations

3 toilets for national tourism projects

10 portable tourist toilets

And increase road shoulders and curbs along the road

Part of the viewing plank road and other supporting facilities

Repair and strengthen the tunnel

The project involves the Big and Small Dragon Ponds, Hongshan Stone Forest

Tianshan Grand Canyon, Potala Palace mountain landscape

Yadan landform and other 10 scenic spots

Estimated total investment of more than 60 million yuan

A series of projects are under construction

In June , after the Duku Highway is fully opened to traffic

Will give tourists a new experience  

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

Duku section of G217 line

Disease treatment to improve service quality engineering project

Introduction by Li Yuan, Deputy Commander

The whole line of Duku Highway in 2019

33 new parking areas and 1,500 parking spaces are planned

21 trash cans, 60 trash cans

19 environmentally friendly toilets

And add a number of tourist signs

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

Duku Highway. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao

Simultaneously carry out the Tilimati Tunnel

Reinforcement and maintenance works of the snow-proof shed cave and corridor in Hasilegen

Expected to invest 120 million yuan

Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau of Dushanzi District, Karamay City

Introduction by Wang Shangfeng, member of the party group and deputy director

At the beginning of this year, at the zero kilometer of Duku Highway

Construction of Duku Highway Tourist Base Camp

The total area is 900 mu

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June


The base camp parking lot has been completed

7,900 square meters of tourist distribution center

Has been completed

1.3 kilometers long Huaxi and thousand acres of orchards

will be completed by the end of July

At the same time, the Duku Highway Museum will also be built

Integrating sightseeing, leisure and catering

Service area and other facilities

The main construction of the center will be completed by the end of October

The base camp is planned to be operational within two years

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

A feast about self-driving is about to start

are you ready

Duku Highway

is a beautiful landscape

Sometimes it stretches straight into the distance, majestic

Sometimes ups and downs, mysterious and dangerous

News丨The snow pushing work on Duku Highway has entered the final stage and is expected to open in early June

profile picture. Photo by Feng Lin

A sharp change in vertical height along the way

You can enjoy the Gobi Desert and Yardang Landform

Snow mountain lakes, alpine meadows, forest valleys and other beautiful scenery

Appreciate the mental journey of “From Fire to Sea”

Travel through deserts, mountains, grasslands, Gobi, and snow fields

Switch between reality and dream

Source: Channel 1 of self-driving tour

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