Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

-This article is reproduced from the official account: Jinzhai Hotline-

The brand-new Huihang Ancient Road and the accidentally discovered Anhui Sichuan-Tibet Highway and Taoling Highway have attracted countless tourists who like to drive by themselves, and more beautiful scenery is in front of them. The landscape of southern Anhui suddenly broke into the eyes. If it weren’t for this road, if it wasn’t for the occasional self-driving, perhaps such a beautiful landscape would have been buried.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

There is such a crossing route in the Dabie Mountains, and there is a foreign name called “Martin Highway”

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

The sky of Tongyuan ancient virgin forest

You may never get tired of delicious food, but you don’t need to go to beautiful scenery every day. People who like to travel and love nature can always find beauty everywhere in life. Therefore, in addition to the Sichuan-Tibet line in southern Anhui, there is an additional section of the essence of the self-driving line “Martin Highway” in the depths of the Dabie Mountains, which has become the second leading self-driving road in Anhui. new route.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Martin Highway Autumn

“Martin Highway” starts from the southeast of Nanxi Town, Jinzhai County, Lu’an City, Anhui Province, and ends at Mazongling Scenic Area, Jinzhai County. The twists and turns of the road, although not to mention the nine twists and turns, the mountains and the panoramic views, are all admirable, but walking on the narrow and twists and turns, you have to be full of energy, here The mountain road is winding and steep, and safe driving is very important.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

This road is like endless heavy-colored ink, decorating the mountains beautifully!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Martin Highway

The clear stream trickles down, ding ding dong dong, and sings according to the place, like a pine wave, like a harp, and the sound of Xu Xu, resounding through the mountains and forests. And the drooping stream is like thin silver snakes, meandering and flowing between the stone banks.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

mountains and rivers

The high electric windmill on the top of the mountain and the mountain constitute a beautiful scenery, which adds a magical color to this fairy tale world!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

electric windmill

This night, this starry sky, a sudden encounter, looking up at the starry sky, looking for it carefully, the starry sky is low and silent, the stars are twinkling and whispering, it reminds people of childhood memories, childhood nights, every family is outside enjoying the cool air , playing cattail fan, listening to summer insects whispering, looking at the starry sky and daydreaming.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

night starry sky

Climbing to the top of the mountain, you can see the vast and magnificent scenery in front of your eyes. You can only see the steep and dark green mountains, the lush trees all over the mountains, the vast blue sky, and the wispy wisps of clouds just constitute an elegant and interesting light ink painting. landscape painting.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

The autumn colors of ancient villages in southern Anhui may not have the gentleness of spring, the enthusiasm of summer, or the purity of winter. However, autumn has used its elegance to calmly capture a group of people who love autumn, the most charming.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Ancient ginkgo next to Tongyuan ancient virgin forest

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

This road hidden in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, because it has been detached from the world of mortals for a long time, the grass and setting sun here do not have a trace of fireworks. When the vegetation is withered, it can restore the most primitive and pure autumn scenery.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

The white clouds are misty, looking around the peaks, the clouds and mists are shrouded, and the tops of each mountain protrude out of the clouds and mists, like lotus flowers emerging from the water.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Evening at Mazong Ridge

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Bamboo forest section on the Martin Highway

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Autumn scenery of Meishan Reservoir

Walking at the end of the road, you will always reminisce about the road you have traveled. The beautiful autumn scenery here makes people linger and forget to return.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

She is like a charming natural picture scroll, slowly stretching in the depths of the Dabie Mountains, where there are many peaks, continuous stretches, towering ancient trees, lush flowers and plants, vertical and horizontal valleys, Longtan waterfalls, gurgling streams, clouds and mists, and are unpredictable. It’s like a fairyland.

The beauty of the Song Dynasty once wrote: When the mountain flowers are all over the head, don’t ask where the slaves return. And for such a mountain, such a road, don’t ask where to go, maybe it is the best place to go.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

At the just-held 2018 Anhui Self-Driving Tour Conference, Martin Line has been included in the officially established list of top ten self-driving tours in Anhui.

Vision丨Jinzhai Martin Highway is so beautiful! With specific lines!

The official roadmap launched by the 2018 Anhui Self-Driving Tour Conference

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