【Industry】Marketing philosophy on the importance of media communication

In this era of information explosion, all walks of life are full of media voices, which have become an indispensable link for people to connect with the outside world. As far as the RV camping industry is concerned, it seems that everyone has not yet fully realized the importance of media promotion, or failed to make good use of media resources.

【Industry】Marketing philosophy on the importance of media communication

The development of an enterprise is inseparable from the recognition of the public. Brand promotion is the process for an enterprise to gain social recognition. Therefore, media promotion has also become another important position for enterprises to carry out brand promotion. In this era of “the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys”, whether it is traditional media or new media, it is a good opportunity to be recognized by the public and should be highly valued. Successful brand promotion can make enterprise products become representatives of similar products and create IP. When consumers want to buy a certain type of product, they first think of a certain brand, which undoubtedly greatly enhances the market competitiveness of the company. 

【Industry】Marketing philosophy on the importance of media communication

Assist in sales

Media refers to the tools, channels, carriers, intermediaries or technical means that people use to transmit and obtain information. The media is the channel through which the advertisement finally contacts with the consumers. The advertisements are effective due to the media contact of the consumers. The media is a part of the advertisement operation and also an extension of the marketing. We often hear a phrase called “sales-oriented”, but the author thinks it seems more appropriate to change it to “all work is sales service”. When we talk about media promotion, many companies will ask a question: Can media promotion bring direct sales? If not, the priority can be pushed back a bit. In fact, only by increasing publicity and letting more people have access to RV camping products and services can we promote the development of the industry and expand the customer base, so as not to stand still in a small circle.

For example, during the annual information collection process of the “Practical Handbook for Off-Road E-City Riders Camping”, many companies recognized it very much, actively cooperated, and provided as detailed information as possible, so that media publicity can achieve better results. However, there are many companies with a cold attitude towards this, avoiding talking about it, and even shutting down the phone. The reason is that in addition to the immature camp planning, some companies also have misunderstandings about media promotion. Many people do not understand what media marketing is, and have not found their own communication channels.

【Industry】Marketing philosophy on the importance of media communication

brewing news

At present, the domestic camping culture is not yet mature. The public’s attention needs to be stimulated by the highlights of the activities. It requires a professional team to initiate activities to create hot news and detonate them through the media to maximize the effect of publicity. Simple product introductions, press releases and other simple and rude rigid models are obviously not suitable. News themes that can bring participation are vital. Only good copywriting, fueled by the media, and follow-up reports can form a complete news chain. Of course, on the basis of creating news points, enterprises also need to maintain long-term and effective media cooperation. If they only invest a lot of money in exhibitions and activities to attract attention, and do not have good media cooperation habits in the rest of the time, their series of actions can only It’s thunder and rain but little rain, twice the result with half the effort.

Among traditional media, television relies on ratings, newspapers and magazines rely on circulation, and new media rely on clicks. All major media have their data to consider. For TV media, popular variety shows can be combined, but attention should be paid to the scope of coverage and the cost is high. Newspapers and magazines, which use ink and pulp as carriers and carry history, are undoubtedly the most popular media, with good reading experience, high-quality content, and greater depth and breadth. Vertical distribution channels can allow advertisements to reach target customer groups accurately, but after all, relying on newsstand sales, direct access to high-speed trains, business class airplanes, and even becoming standard equipment in RV campgrounds and high-end hotel rooms, all have different value manifestations.

As Weibo, Official Accounts, Douyin, and live broadcast platforms have created a large number of Internet celebrities, many companies are also using new media for publicity, but due to the limited level, the publicity effect is weak. Taking the official account as an example, first of all, there must be a good plan to attract the public to pay attention to the official account; secondly, after the original customers settle in, do split marketing, so that those who participate in the sharing can get tangible benefits; and then organize activities to deepen the sense of participation and interaction By submitting information to sign up to attract customers, obtain information on intended customers and user needs, and finally hit the pain points to stimulate consumption. In addition, nowadays there are a lot of car evaluation videos, but there are not many videos explaining RV knowledge. RV companies can rely on the beautiful campgrounds to create RV-themed evaluation columns and cooperate with the live broadcast platform to accumulate popularity.

【Industry】Marketing philosophy on the importance of media communication


The media helps enterprises to publicize and promotes the progress and development of the whole society. Different media platforms already have clear classification and division of content, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Enterprises must recognize the form and purpose of content dissemination, identify high-quality media resources, learn to use media promotion guidance, and convert a small amount of funds into brand value. Maximization is critical.