【One week overview】Know the world of camping

Domestic News

Portraits of Female Consumers Holding Decision-Making Power on Mother’s Day Travel

On May 12th, Mother’s Day, many children choose to take their mothers to travel to express their filial piety, and many post-50s and post-60s women who have money, leisure and good health choose to take off their aprons and rush to cities, villages and Exotic streets liberate “self”.

According to the big data of several OTAs, female consumers over the age of 30 are the main group of parent-child travel and family travel, and a relatively large proportion of them choose to travel with 2 to 3 people; 70% of female users dominate the choice of destinations, itineraries, transportation and hotels, etc., especially the “post-70s” and “post-80s” women are the main decision-makers for family travel. 

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

Source: Sina.com

Ctrip travel experts pointed out that in the past two years, the travel and shopping needs of middle-aged and elderly people have decreased significantly, especially female consumers, who have become more rational in their shopping decisions. Fees for shuttle bus tickets and three meals a day do not allow you to visit shopping attractions and pay for extra money during the itinerary. In addition, the middle-aged and elderly people pay more attention to in-depth experience during travel, and no longer fly to check-in travel, and have higher requirements for leisure, comfort and flexibility of travel. At the same time, many elderly people usually travel to a certain tourist destination for the first time, and they generally have the feeling of “realizing dreams” and “recalling the past”.

China Tourism and Japanese Cultural Tourism Units Implement Preferential Ticket Prices

On May 14, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism disclosed in advance the relevant situation of the upcoming China Tourism Day Beijing branch event on May 19. According to reports, this time the Beijing Bureau of Culture and Tourism organized the “1 15 81 N” initiative to benefit the people, and carried out related themed activities in sub-venues in 15 districts of the city, 73 4A and 8 5A scenic spots. According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, to the reporter of Beijing Business Daily, on the whole, during this year’s event, a total of 37 cultural and tourism units in Beijing will implement preferential fares, covering scenic spots, new tourism formats, libraries, cultural centers, etc. facility. For example, China Red Sandalwood Museum and Beijing Automobile Museum will carry out free tours and other activities on China Tourism Day.

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

Source: Tencent Real Estate

On China Tourism Day this year, many scenic spots in Beijing will launch discounted and free tickets. Among them, the China Red Sandalwood Museum in Chaoyang District will implement free tickets; the Beijing Automobile Museum in Fengtai District will provide free tours for citizens and tourists in the city. You can enter the museum by collecting tickets on the spot or making an appointment online. It is worth noting that in order to stimulate the demand for family travel and parent-child travel, Happy Valley in Chaoyang District, Wildlife Park in Daxing District, Le Duo Port Fantasy Park in Changping District, Yuyang International Ski Resort in Pinggu District, etc. Visit scenic spots and implement preferential measures for ticket reduction and exemption.

RV camping has become the new focus of car consumption upgrade

Shanghai International Touring Car Show kicks off in Shanghai

On May 18, the 9th Shanghai International RV Exhibition was held at the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center. At the same time, the 2019 Anting Auto Culture Industry Development Forum was also held in Shanghai International Automobile City on May 16. Among them, Ding Hongbo, the founder of Roadway.com x RV, was also invited to attend this forum as a guest speaker, and delivered a keynote speech on ” RV Camping—New Focus of Auto Consumption Upgrade ” on the spot , deeply analyzing the status quo of China’s auto industry , and proposed that RV camping will become the new focus of car consumption upgrades. The upcoming Ninth Shanghai International RV Show is an important part of the Automobile Culture Festival, and Mr. Ding also made a key introduction to the major media at the meeting.

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

As one of the important activities of the Shanghai Automobile Culture Festival, the 9th Shanghai International Self-Driving Tour and RV Camping Expo was held at the Shanghai Automobile Convention and Exhibition Center on May 18-20. Sponsored by Auto City and Journey.com x RV Shop, the RV Camping Special Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Automobile Dealers Chamber of Commerce, and the Organizing Committee of Shanghai International Self-Driving Tour and RV Camping Expo Organizing Committee.

China’s online travel market slows down

Mergers and acquisitions of large companies and internal innovation will dominate

The “2019 Annual Comprehensive Analysis of China’s Online Travel Market” recently released by Analysys Think Tank shows that the year-on-year growth rate of China’s tourism revenue and the scale of online travel transactions in 2018 are both at a low level in the past five years. China’s online travel industry has entered a new stage of industry development. 

The report shows that in 2018, China’s tourism revenue was 5.97 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.5 and still maintaining double-digit growth, but compared with the past five years, it was the lowest growth rate year. According to the analysis of the report, China’s macro economy is slowing down, but China’s tourism industry has shifted gears and entered a period of medium-to-high-speed growth. The comprehensive contribution of the tourism industry accounts for 11.04% of GDP, which has an important role in stimulating the economy.

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

Source: Sina Technology

Yang Yanfeng, an associate researcher at Beijing Union University, analyzed Jiemian News that at the current stage, the period of rapid expansion of online channels has passed, and the industry has entered a period of platform growth. The same is true for tourism as one of the vertical fields. 

The Analysys report shows that in 2018, there were 996 million quarterly active Internet users in China, and the penetration rate of the total population was 71.4. The growth rate is gradually falling, and the penetration rate is gradually reaching saturation.  

This is an inevitable stage of industrial development after the Internet revolution. The industry is concentrated on brands and leading companies, leaving less and less space for long-tail companies. From an industrial perspective, various online travel entrepreneurship , It was the peak in 2014 and 2015, and it has calmed down now.” Yang Yanfeng analyzed.

international News

German destination travel booking platform GetYourGuide raises $484 million

GetYourGuide, a Berlin-based travel activity booking platform, recently announced the completion of a US$484 million Series E financing led by SoftBank Vision Fund. Follow-up investors include Temasek, Lakestar and Heartcore Capital, while existing investors such as Swisscanto Invest continue to participate. GetYourGuide will use this round of financing to expand into new markets and expand the range of products and services.

【One week overview】Know the world of camping

When asked whether the Asian market is facing challenges due to the existence of travel experience booking platform Klook (which received a US$255 million Series D investment from SoftBank Vision Fund in April this year), GetYourGuide co-founder and CEO Reck said, ” Klook is in the customer The regional distribution of the source market and inventory is different from ours, and the customer acquisition strategies of the two are also very different. Although both belong to the category of travel booking platforms, the two have no direct competition .”

What’s more, it’s not a “zero-sum game,” Reck added, adding that any platform that raises consumer awareness of online booking of travel activities in a destination benefits everyone involved.

The content and pictures of this article are organized from the Internet
