【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

During holidays, people always flock to the popular pilgrimage road, which is a headache, so in 2018, they decisively chose the relatively more primitive and natural Ulagai Grassland, which is not well known by everyone, to hide.

The plan is as follows:

Time: mid-June

Line: Beijing – Hunshandake – Xilinhot – Uragai – Aershan, return the same way

The route and duration are shown in the figure below

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

The time and distance are approximate, but they are almost the same. Every day is not very tiring, and the stop-and-go photos along the way are leisurely and fulfilling.

Day 1

Depart from Beijing energetically early in the morning, take the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, pass the Badaling Great Wall, Guanting Reservoir, and transfer to the Zhangshi Expressway at Zhangjiakou near noon, which takes nearly 2 hours.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

At noon, take a rest at the stop (Zhangbei) before the border of Inner Mongolia, and first feel the smooth coarse grains——Natella Mushroom Soup is very suitable for people with a light mouth, with a light aftertaste.

After a brief tasting, set off, and then turn to the Xizhang Expressway to visit the Hunshandake Sandy Land.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Little Zagstai Nur (Nur: pronounced no r, Mongolian transliteration. It means lake)

The scenery here is enough to attract many photographers to stop.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

It happened that the wind was not strong, so I used a drone to take a picture

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Unexpectedly, the sparse forests and grasslands paired with ribbon-like river bends reveal a sense of chivalrous tenderness.

After taking pictures, go to Xilinhot according to the plan.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

The flock of sheep that I met by chance crossed the road freely, looking forward to the light of the sunset even more while waiting.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

The shepherd’s house passing by, the perfect combination of the clouds under the halo of light and the yurt!

After more than 1 hour, we arrived at the destination of the first day – Xilinhot. There are many hotels, and you can choose a suitable place to stay according to your preferences.
The gaps in the sandy land along the way are slowly filled up, gradually transforming into a scene of meadows and grasslands, the heart-warming green and the color of the setting sun are particularly charming.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

After running around for a day, I must have a good appetite. Go to Xishi and recommend a self-service hot pot bone shop, 80 per person. The big bone marrow is delicious, the gravy is mellow, and you can order hot pot dishes if you feel greasy. For the local “vegetables are more expensive than meat” As far as it is concerned, it is the gospel of vegetarians.

DAY 2:

At 7:30 in the morning, I drove from Xilinhot and took Provincial Highway 307-Baihuo First-class Road-Provincial Highway 101. I was lucky. Except for the strong wind and good light that day, the scenery along the way also highlighted the beauty of the Uragai Grassland. Charm – Tranquil beauty.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

I have always felt that the scenery like this kind of wallpaper cannot be appreciated by looking at it on the screen. Only by visiting it in person can I truly feel the simplicity.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

The road conditions along the way are also much better than previous years. Most of the roads are paved with asphalt and the roads are very flat, and the cars I encounter are also driving fast. Who makes the roads here are straight roads leading to the sky? Speeding if you don’t pay attention, (although I really enjoy the feeling of self-driving on the grassland dancing with the wind, but you still need to pay special attention to the corners and ramps, the big trucks pulling coal on the road may not see you).

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Since we left very early, we arrived at Bayin Hushuo Town, Ulage Management District at around 12:00 noon. We recommended a Hongyan restaurant (should be these two words) that we went to at that time. It is big, and the beef cubes inside are very solid, which is too enjoyable for meat lovers.

After dinner, go out of Bayin Hushuo Town and go straight to the Bulin Spring Scenic Spot about 10 kilometers away. Tickets are 40 per person. Fortunately, there are not many people when we go, so we can drive in directly, otherwise we have to rent an electric car for 30 per person.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Stele of Bryn Springs

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

In the vast grassland, this small courtyard-like Brin Spring is dotted in it. Compared with the courtyards in the Jiangnan water town, Brin Spring is as heroic as the statue of Genghis Khan under the scorching sun—majestic and extraordinary.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

After a short tour, take a sip of clear spring water along the way.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Immediately afterwards, I went to the shooting location of “Wolf Totem” – the small town of Bingtuan, which made me know Ulagai for the first time.

Since the wolf totem was filmed, the local government has combined its historical and cultural advantages to restore the Revolutionary Committee, medical points, post offices, supply and marketing cooperatives, etc. according to their original appearance, so that the excellent culture of the Corps has been fully protected, and it has also become a new place. tourism highlights.

The buildings here are full of blue-gray walls and ancient gates. You can see “unity, tension, seriousness and liveliness”, “serving the people” and other red and eye-catching characters everywhere, as if “traversing” back to more than 40 years ago.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Everything is like the scene in the movie at that time, and it is well preserved. Touching the mottled wall skin seems to want to talk to me about the sweat shed by every youth who went to the countryside here.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

The eye-catching typing in the health station deeply pulled the memory in my mind.

After visiting for less than an hour, after seeing Bulin Springs, Bingtuan Town and Bulin Temple, at 2 o’clock, we decisively embarked on the route to Hesgnur Wetland Park.

Return to the intersection of Bayin Hushuo along the Brinquan Line, turn into Provincial Highway 101 and walk for about 100 kilometers. At about 3:30, the light is still strong, but the scenery of this wetland park is also highlighted.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

There are rows of Mongolian packaging lit next to this pond mouth, and there is a sense of imagery that can only be found in “longing for life” from a distance.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

No wonder it was also called “Swan Lake” before. The water area here is about 6,000 mu. There are many lakes, rich aquatic plants, abundant fish, and many migratory birds stopping here, so that photographers can also find inspiration everywhere. out.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Clouds and birds are idle, two or three people are resting on the boat on the lake covered with straw hats.

After relaxing a lot physically and mentally, we set off at 4:30 and drove to Jiuqu Bay, the last stop of our plan today.

Navigating along the map and walking a small road for nearly 45 kilometers, it was more than 5 o’clock when we arrived at Jiuqu Bay, and the sun’s rays on the grassland finally softened a little, which made us look forward to Jiuqu Bay even more. It was a good opportunity to produce a film, so I couldn’t help but quicken my pace, climbed up the hillside, and looked at the winding ribbon on the grassland.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

I think this one should show the most charming scenery of Jiuquwan and Ulagai Grassland, which is one of the reasons why I like to come to this “Sky Grassland” for several years
. ! !

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Come down and take a photo with Xiao Ma in Jiuqu Bay.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Why do cows always look so cute? I am also very helpless!

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

full of distinctive elements

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

When I was about to arrive, I passed by and found a newly built wooden camp (I hadn’t seen it before). I took pictures on the mountain and found that this camp combined with the surrounding scenery is not as primitive as a yurt, but more like a European-style ranch. The vast land constitutes a harmonious and comfortable picture.

The original plan was to live in another yurt camp not far away, but when enjoying the scenery on the top of the mountain, this camp always attracts my attention, so I changed my mind and went here to experience it. Originally traveling by car is to be free and easy, not to mention that after a few trips to Inner Mongolia, I am more inclined to experience new feelings.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Because it will arrive soon on the opposite side of Jiuqu Bay, the gate of this camp is a bit interesting, and the name also fits the feeling of this grassland.

The sky was getting darker, and several people checked in one by one, relying on the campsite in front of them.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

After I went back to the house and cleaned up, I ran into a little Heihei on the boardwalk to the restaurant for dinner. It was like a host entertaining guests, and it was very cute.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

The restaurant in the camp is designed around three sides, leaving the middle area for activities, and you can enjoy the surrounding scenery while sitting indoors. It seems that the designer still wants to highlight the experience of being in the camp and in the grassland. A little bit happy. Inside, I wanted to use fresh Inner Mongolian specialties and local delicacies, so I went back to rest obediently.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

As soon as I entered the room, I could smell the elegant smell. I don’t know if it is the effect of those solid wood furniture. The whole room has warm light and a sense of urban simplicity and luxury.
After taking a shower, I felt so comfortable lying on the bed that I didn’t want to move. The material of the bedding was soft and skin-friendly, and the quilt was light and fluffy, so I fell asleep quickly.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

I was actually woken up by the sunshine on the grassland in the early morning, but seeing such a grassland scene outside the window on the bed, no one would stay in bed. Walking in the camp, sucking the natural smell, compared with reinforced concrete It’s so relaxing to be in an urban cage that presses people down and can’t breathe.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

Found small blue spiny balls in the grass.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

At 8 o’clock, when all the people gathered, a pot of mellow and fragrant pot tea was served, and the Mongolian buns overflowing with gravy were served with side dishes for breakfast.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

After dinner, head to Shaoyao Valley, which is 1 hour’s drive from the campsite. From mid-to-late June to early July, the fragrance of the peony valley in the flowering period is really beautiful, and you can directly post pictures.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

a little yellow in the bush

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

In the later stage, a feeling of oil painting was brought out, which still makes people feel relaxed.

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

It took nearly 40 minutes on the return trip at noon to arrive at the Haragaitu Farm, also known as the “51st Factory Department”. When you walk in, there is a sense of time travel. All the exhibition venues pull your thoughts to the side of Kenxu,

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

The New Trend of the Prairie Corps: Dongfanghong Tractor, Green Card

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour


【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

【Wulagai Grassland 2018】——A Tranquil and Beautiful Grassland Holiday Tour

After eating a meal of “rough tea and light meal” that reminds me of bitterness and sweetness, I walk in the town, and every brick and tile is engraved with that period of sincere green years.