2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

I have known the cross-country e-family group through the old happiness in 2009, and registered the off-road ID (Jianna Baichuan) in 2011. In the days after that, I was particularly addicted to off-road experience. At that time, I drove an off-road vehicle to the mountains and drove Diqu , what an indulgence. A pure manly feeling. It was only after I went to the Hero Club in 2015 that I realized that a car can surf in the sand sea like a boat. If you dare to let yourself go, you must have courage and insight. Just like life, it must be both wild and delicate, both bold and Be reserved, be one with people and vehicles, and follow the trend.

After several trips to the desert, I decided to follow the Rizhao moderator through the Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran deserts to challenge myself. This time, I would like to thank the moderator of the Rizhao team for leading the team, Rizhao Heige, and the chief of the desert for their guidance, and thank all the brothers in Rizhao for their support and attention!

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

The length of life cannot be changed, but the width of life can be increased. Time flies by. Perhaps the meaning of life is more about experience. Practice is on the way!

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

2020 Crossing Ulan Buhe and Badain Jaran Documentary

[The content comes from the off-road e family community]

Author: Jona Baichuan

Link: http://bbs.ucar.run/thread_14758344_1_1.html