519 gathered in the cloud, the first Haval H9 Hero Conference kicked off

On May 19th, China’s off-road flagship Haval H9 “organized the bureau”, joined forces with the world-renowned modification brand Lawrence, outdoor sports expert Sanfu Outdoor, China’s first brand of off-road modification Yunliang modification and Fenghuang.com, with the “Cloud Camping Festival” With the theme of “Heroes’ Story Meeting”, the first Haval H9 Heroes Conference was launched on 5•19 by using the live broadcast room and sub-venues to connect with guests and car owners through the air.

519 gathered in the cloud, the first Haval H9 Hero Conference kicked off

From the foothills of Helan Mountain to the beach of Qinhuangdao, from Taiyuan, Shanxi to the mountain city of Chongqing… From west to east, across mountains and seas, car fans from all over the world gathered with the number “9” and completed it on the day of 519. The largest camping cloud gathering for car enthusiasts in China. It is reported that this is the first time in the domestic off-road circle that multiple places have been linked together, and a large-scale car enthusiast activity has been connected to camping on the cloud. A total of more than 40 million people have joined this car enthusiast party through live broadcast rooms or offline campsites.

“5.19” Create circles, control and create IP

Haval H9, the flagship model of China’s hardcore SUV, has successfully captured a large number of fans who love life, outdoors, and off-road by virtue of its all-road performance comparable to international brands, and has also hatched a unique Haval H9 culture. A perfect brand experience is not limited to products, but also covers human communication. Haval H9 riders are also a group of people with great personality and recognition. They always give people the sense of “friends all over the world”. They are passionate and loyal to the love in their hearts. They dare to challenge and are always full of confidence. , but never alone, just like the “Enjoy Off-Road” Haval H9, life should not only be enjoyed, but also know how to share and take responsibility.

519 gathered in the cloud, the first Haval H9 Hero Conference kicked off

 The “5.19 Haval H9 Hero Conference” was born precisely because of such a group of people. In the “Cloud Camping Festival” live broadcast room, Gu Huajun, director of the Great Wall Motors User Operation Center, said that “519” is a homonym for “I want 9”, which is an exclusive festival created by Haval H9 for car fans, and the H9 car fans love to play , Aiye, and Aiju, on this day every year in the future, Haval H9 will send out invitations to all riders with different themes, and go to friends in the name of “9”.

This year’s first Hero Conference not only received the support of the “top-tier” brands of pan-outdoor life, but also invited traffic stars to cheer on the spot. In the future, the Heroes Conference will invite more pan-outdoor sports and cultural brands to “join and camp”. Through long-term investment and the “connections” of Haval’s brand circle of friends, the “519 Heroes Conference” will be built into the most influential and most influential in China. The festival worth looking forward to has become the top IP of China’s off-road culture and outdoor culture.

519 gathered in the cloud, the first Haval H9 Hero Conference kicked off

The number “9” is separated by thousands of miles of clouds at this time.

The first Hero Conference was themed with “Hero Story Meeting of the Camping Festival on the Cloud”. Participating car owners each played their home games and gathered nearby for camping offline. Offline carnival and online chat, it is definitely the most special camping that every participating car owner has experienced.

519 gathered in the cloud, the first Haval H9 Hero Conference kicked off

The entire camping festival on the cloud integrated multiple elements such as stars, music, parkour, food, off-road culture, and modification culture. The main live broadcast room was themed “Camping Pavilion 9”, and riders chatted about their interests and experiences live. It is said that you can live whatever kind of car you drive, but the owners of Haval H9 seem to live a different life. Skiing, diving, fitness, sea fishing, wilderness survival, polar crossing… keep challenging and trying, and constantly harvest unknowns and surprises. The three major live broadcast sub-venues, fancy performances of music, sports, and food outdoor life experience, although thousands of miles apart, it is like sitting together around a stove.

519 gathered in the cloud, the first Haval H9 Hero Conference kicked off

Lawrence in the airborne live broadcast room used the modification workshop as a camp, and chatted about the private customization of wild aesthetics. The Pole Star version jointly launched with Haval H9 also made a stunning appearance through Lianmai. Zhu Yunliang, the founder of Yunliang Modification, shared the story of how he embarked on the road of entrepreneurship because of his unwillingness to let go of modification. The unique H9 modification plan has benefited many car owners and is very enjoyable. The story sharing of Sanfu outdoor made car fans more yearning for quality outdoor life.

519 gathered in the cloud, the first Haval H9 Hero Conference kicked off

A camping on the cloud with a large number of responders is an out-and-out carnival for all car lovers who love outdoor life. For Haval H9, it means leading from hard-core strength to SUV culture, off-road The beginning of a new journey led by culture and outdoor culture. With the support of the “5.19” hero meeting, Haval H9 will also be continuously injected with new power, driving and leading the Chinese SUV brand and pan-outdoor ecology to flourish, and forming a more diverse and richer pan-outdoor culture for Chinese car enthusiasts .