A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Continue to escape the crowded city and find a sparsely populated place to stay quietly for a few days. This is one of the reasons why I bought Jimny. Little reading and not too much literary talent! Let’s go hahaha

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Briefly introduce it! I’m Xiao Zhou Zhou, a male fanji car owner hee hee!

The small trailer at the back was specially designed by me for a special day, and I spent a lot of thought. This looks a little handsome, sorry

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Two cars, two big and two small, continue to drive!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Arrive at the camping point in the afternoon and start setting up tents! There is a lot of things to carry with a small trailer, and there is a large water tank on the trailer, which is enough for us to use for a few days! Took the better part of an hour to get the camp set up! With some ambient lights, the effect at night is estimated to be great

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Today’s sunshine is just right, basking in the sun is very comfortable and relaxing, and the pressure of daily life has been completely thrown away!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

This environment is okay, bro!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Brother Bing brought his farm vegetables and local chickens to the appointment,

Sorry I didn’t take a picture

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

The sun is setting! So beautiful! This man with his head held high is called Ah Chen, the owner of the white Jimny, a guy with taste and requirements for life! If you go out chasing girls with him! I guess I’m out of the game! Fortunately, I’m married, his excellence doesn’t matter to me, not to mention there are no girls here at all hahahahahaha!

Accompanied by the sound of the motor of the fishing boat, Brother Chen is preparing dinner for tonight. Dishes include Beijiang River Fresh Hot Pot and Stewed Chicken Soup.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

The sunset in winter is very short, and it will be dark after a while! The ambient light effect is also slowly coming out, it will be more beautiful later

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

It was a little cold at night, so we built a small bonfire together!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Brothers are really sorry! I only cared about eating and discussing life and didn’t take any photos. What are two big men and two babies doing to create this atmosphere! ! People who don’t know think we are gay! Hahaha! Missing two ladies! ! !

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

I went to bed earlier with my two babies. The two babies fell asleep soon after covering them with the quilt, and slept soundly and soundly.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

I got up early to cook breakfast for the three big lazy pigs, purple potato egg syrup, simple and delicious.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

We all got up to have breakfast. The bread with sweet potato syrup is quite delicious, and my baby loves it very much.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Get up early and the fog has not dissipated, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness in the distance! It feels a bit like spring.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Get up early and the fog has not dissipated, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness in the distance! It feels a bit like spring.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

A herd of buffaloes passed by in the morning, and cattle are relatively rare in the city. My son was very curious and went up to see them. The buffalo also occasionally looked over with his big eyes. The baby can’t make up lessons all day, stay at home, and occasionally need to take him out for a walk in the wild, just like herding cattle hahaha

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Going ashore to dig sand

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

My baby likes playing in the sand the most, and my pants are all wet! Fortunately, the weather in Guangzhou is not cold

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

It’s noon time soon, and I’m going to prepare lunch.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Roast goose rice with perilla in casserole, homemade hahaha

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Lunch break after a full meal! Let them go back to sleep in the tent and refuse to go, insisting on sleeping on the terrace! ! ! It was hard to lull them to sleep! ! The sun is warm today, what a dream.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

When the baby is resting, it is also the only time for a father to enjoy the quiet time! Clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and prepare for today’s dinner.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

As soon as Wa woke up, he took his shovel and went to the river to dig sand!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Another beautiful sunset! dinner begins

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Tonight’s menu has been changed to Western food, steak.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

My daughter still looks good when she picks up a knife and fork

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Son! Just eat enough hahaha

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Cheers to happy days, love you guys.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

There is no way to take a picture, let’s toast in turn hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

After dinner, we played beef hot pot around the charcoal stove, which felt super cool. Specially bought Lianzhou beef, sliced ​​into the pan and picked up for ten seconds

Fragrant and tender!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Play with Kongming lanterns while playing with hot pot.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Look at my dad’s skilled skills and never fail hahaha

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

May you be healthy and happy.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Wake up! ! ! Groove! Today’s sunrise is too beautiful!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

According to my experience, this pile of cow dung is left by the cattle that passed by yesterday. The surface layer is relatively dry and not fresh!

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

The baby got up too, put on her clothes and started running around on the grass again.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Looks like he’s about to fight

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Curious about everything

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Breakfast is beef porridge with farm food, which tastes very fragrant.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Today’s weather is cool and windy. Our little whale is swimming in the sky, and it poses gracefully.

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Today’s goal is to wipe out all the food lol

A Jimny Romantic Camping Story of a Man Pinky Owner

Clean out the trash and officially end two nights and three days of camping. It’s so cool to toss for two days! ! Find this feeling when you have time! love it!