A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

I tried to drive a friend’s V93 by chance, and I fell in love with it. So I have been paying attention to the information of second-hand Pajero. One day, I accidentally saw the information of a local car owner in Shenzhen on Xianyu, so I made a simple phone call. Not far away.

I drove the car over and tried it out briefly. Out of trust in the riders, I decided to take it down without even looking down at the chassis. The car was from a Hunan household, so I made an appointment to pick up the gear and drive the Bobcat back to my hometown in Guizhou for the New Year. , by the way.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

I am the kind of person with a relatively wide heart. As an old driver, the fact that the fault light is on does not affect my mood at all. I abandon the car and go to the scenic spot to play. This place in Zhangjiajie is really beautiful. Unfortunately, the weather is not beautiful. Rainy days Adding fog makes it impossible to take pictures.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

The goal of buying this car is very clear. It is for long-distance travel. After driving Xiaoji for several years, I really can’t bear the discomfort of Xiaoji’s long-distance travel. I don’t want to open it anymore.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

As for the old Pa, although it is said that it is old and unbearable, the glory of Dakar’s seven-year crown was not blown out. In short, if you choose it, you must love it. As the second off-road vehicle in the family, The characteristics of remote households are destined to accompany me to more distant places in the next few years.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

There is basically no difference between Xiangxi folklore and our eastern Guizhou, but we still wandered around with tourists with great interest.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

The next day, the weather improved slightly, and we could take pictures of the mountains in the distance.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

By the way, familiarize yourself with a camera that you haven’t used for a long time.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

It’s still pretty cold on the mountain.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

Strolling around the city of Zhangjiajie, I am planning to go to Shenzhen to pick up my daughter and go back to Guizhou to celebrate the New Year. I will post it here for the time being. I want to know what will happen next, and I will listen to the next chapter to break it down.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

Based on the principle of not turning back, the route back to Shenzhen is from Guangxi. Today’s destination is the ancient city of Fenghuang. The Spring Festival is approaching, and there are few tourists in the border town. It is rare to return to its peaceful and peaceful state.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

I found a homestay in the alley of the ancient city to stay, and slowly felt the beauty of the ancient city.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

Walking slowly along the river in the border town and taking some night scenes, as a catering business, this kind of leisure is very rare for us.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

This is the second time I have come to Fenghuang here. It has been nine years since the last time. I vaguely remember that I was riding a motorcycle at that time, and I also picked up a girl from Guiyang who I met while climbing Fanjing Mountain to watch the sunrise. The ancient city awakened some of my memories. beautiful things.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

Time slips away in a hurry, and the Tuojiang River still flows slowly and unhurriedly. I am no longer that high-spirited young man.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

After taking this picture, there was a big or small accident. I jumped into a stone trellis in the river to take the scene. When I turned around, it was inconvenient to hold the camera, so I handed the camera to my wife across the water, and then prepared Jump back to shore.

My wife casually leaned the camera with the tripod on the lamppost. As a result, while I jumped over, I watched my Fuji medium format camera worth more than 50,000 yuan fall into the Tuojiang River in slow motion.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

Fished out the camera that sank into the bottom of the river, disassembled the lens, took out the battery, wiped off the water, and went back to the inn. My mood was indeed affected a little. However, I know that the accident has already happened, no matter how angry you are afterwards, it will not help , quickly adjusted my mood, and continued to visit the border town the next day.

Fortunately, when I travel, I will bring at least two cameras. This time, the backup Canon 6D2 will become the main force.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

When traveling, I like to wander around as I please, and I never want to make a strategy, but this is also good, I can see what I see.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

Walking up the Nanhua Mountain on the back of the ancient city, I met a few local people who also climbed the mountain to get water. They took a little straight drink, which was quite sweet.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

The local market, huh, catering people, always like to visit the local vegetable market and learn about the special ingredients of various places.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

These are the neighborhoods where the real local people live that tourists don’t come to.

Looking at the weather, the weather was not too bad. I calculated the time and needed to go back to Shenzhen to pick up my little daughter before the year, so I left Fenghuang for Guangxi after lunch. Today’s plan was Longsheng Terraced Fields. It was already too late after arriving at the terraced fields, so Canceled camping plans.

After staying at the Terraced Fields Residential Inn, on the second day, I drove off-road to the viewing platform. It was not in the right season. The Longsheng Terraced Fields really didn’t have much to see. The ticket price of 80 yuan per person for the scenic spot was cheated.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

The landscape is not worth seeing, but the dirt road between the viewing platforms of the terraces gave me a chance to experience the Bobcat’s super-selected four-wheel drive. The classics are classics, all kinds of comfort, and I found a small platform on the top of the mountain. , took out outdoor equipment, cooked rice and tea, then packed up and went straight to Shenzhen.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

Running all the way back to Shenzhen, everything is on the table. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, pack up your luggage and equipment, and start the New Year’s journey. The first stop, Xingping, Yangshuo, avoids the crowds at the pier, and goes down to the Lijiang River to find the ideal camp. By the way I also took the Lijiang River hiking route that I had planned before.

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!

A simple long-distance record of a second-hand Pajero V93, 5,000 kilometers!