Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

Self-propelled A-type, B-type, C-type, trailer-type A-type, B-type, C-type A bunch of different types of RVs may have been dazzled. Today, let’s take stock of some very “personal” RVs. You must know that RVs It doesn’t necessarily have to be equipment that can only be owned by local tyrants.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

Of course, the local tyrants can play RVs at a level that no one can achieve. Get a bus or trailer and modify it, or even directly modify the garage to store your own supercar. The couple is obviously self-willed enough, and they are not satisfied with the mobile garage. A fence is added to the roof to create a “roof”, which is taller than ordinary camps.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

Compared with the local tycoon just now, this RV looks much “low-key”. The expandable compartment structure adds more usable space in the car. It seems that the owner is a “luxury” who pays attention to the quality of life.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

As I said just now, the RV is not a toy exclusive to local tyrants. Take a look at the small RV in front of you. You can tell from the front of the car that this car has been around for some years. The owner removed the cargo box of the pickup truck and measured it Customized a set of wooden carriages. Although the function is not much different from that of similar RVs today, the wooden compartment is really difficult to withstand rainwater.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

Seeing this RV is really messy. If there is no background reference, it is really difficult to tell whether this RV converted from a school bus is playing “handstand”.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

After “Optimus Prime” retires, it is also a good direction to abandon the container with weapons and replace it with a caravan to travel around the world. However, the modification of this car is a bit rough. I hope Optimus Prime chooses a better modification shop.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

This RV is a bit too wild, the metal-skinned compartment exudes a retro atmosphere, looking at this Mitsubishi with such a high chassis and such a short wheelbase, I really worry if it will look like an American car Muscle cars do that with their heads up.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

When did Mercedes-Benz play like this, the wooden cabin structure looks very spacious inside, and the sleeping area on the top of the cockpit looks a bit like the enemy’s bunker during the war, so maybe you can refer to the old domestic liberation trucks.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

The GT model can also be converted into a camping car, but the space is a little smaller. If you are not too demanding, you can still spend a night camping comfortably in the wild.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

In contrast, this MINI may be a model of a saloon converted from a sedan. The rear has been rebuilt, and the space seems to be very good, and the overall appearance is also very coordinated.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

If the leader of the primitive tribe owned a car, it would probably be like this. This car may only have a frame left, but this shape can definitely be regarded as a “primitive tribe”.

Alternative gameplay of RV is not something that only local tyrants can afford

The owner of this caravan should not be a rich owner, but he is definitely a tasteful owner who will enjoy it. The sleeping and sleeping areas are designed with “floor-to-ceiling windows” and there are large skylights, which is simply an artifact for travel and sightseeing.