An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

 Some people say that South Africa is a rainbow country where wildness and elegance coexist, and I think, yes! His unique charm made me come here across thousands of rivers and mountains, and the purpose of my trip, in addition to admiring his unique and magnificent scenery, I will also experience a wilder hunting trip in South Africa.

Under the organization of a well-known domestic club, I signed up to participate in an 8-day hunting event in South Africa to experience real guns. This is also the first time in my life and I am looking forward to it. Hunting in South Africa used to be an activity of the dignitaries. Today, under the legal and perfect system, this activity has become a high-end sport.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

The hunting area we are going to this time is about 200 kilometers from Johannesburg. We are cheered by the magnificent scenery along the road and the wild animals that appear from time to time. When driving in South Africa, the traffic rules are to drive on the left and overtake on the right. Except for driving on the left, the other rules are basically the same. However, it should be noted that there are no traffic lights in towns, and there will be stop signs at crossings. You must stop there. Get out of the car and check the situation before proceeding. There are still many expressways that are basically single lanes. If you want to drive slowly to see the scenery, remember to give way to the car behind, and drive slightly to the left within the yellow line, and come back after the car behind passes That’s it. Generally, the overtaking car will flash a few times to express its thanks.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

After getting off the expressway, you have to walk another section of dirt road to reach the hunting ground. On the way, I saw a little black brother selling various fruits. After watching us stop, he immediately stepped forward and asked if he needed to buy something. A bag of oranges weighs about 10 kilograms. The price is about ten yuan, which is really not expensive.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

Our hunting camp, with beautiful scenery and comfortable environment, is no worse than a five-star hotel, and it is not in vain for us to come here all the way.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

The theme of camp decoration, environment and hunting is also very good.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

In the camp room, the black housekeeper here cleaned our room very neatly every day, and even the coats we left on the sofa were neatly folded. It can be said that the service is quite in place!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

I think every man is destined to have some wildness flowing in his blood. Looking at these excellent guns, he couldn’t help touching them. It’s a bit like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Every gun will try the feel, and then ask the team leader to help us take a photo and send it to Moments to put a letter or something. In the end, I received a lot of likes and envy. This feeling is really cool up. Czech CZ550, German HK417, German Mauser K98, I prefer that CZ550.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

Next is target training. There is a professional hunting guide on the side to guide, the first time I shot, I always missed the target at the beginning, the hunting guide said, you can’t do this, you are too bad, I guess he rolled his eyes at me in his heart, hey~ I still don’t believe it Yes, I finally got several eighth and ninth rings after playing twenty rounds of bullets. Although I was at the bottom of all the team members’ scores, I was still very excited and finally got the approval of the hunting guide , although he still has no hope of my hunting results.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

When the hunting is in progress, we will go deep into the hunting area in a dedicated hunting car to search for prey. The hunting guide told us before departure that when hunting, the crosshairs in the sniper mirror should be aimed at the vital parts of the prey: such as the forelimbs If the part of the heart or the lungs at the lower part of the back is hit on the stomach or legs, the prey will not die for a while and will run away. The hunting area is so big, it will take a long time and effort to find it, and it is extremely difficult to find it. It may not be found, so the gain outweighs the loss.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

Listening to what the hunting guide said, I feel a lot of pressure. After all, the previous shooting results are obvious to all, so that after the hunting guide finds the prey that can be shot (under the explanation, there are strict regulations here, female, small, pregnant I can’t shoot at all), when I aim and shoot, my nervous and excited mood has not yet calmed down, holding the gun and aiming at the prey, my hands are shaking all the time, and the crosshairs are always not on the vital parts of the impala , the heart kept pounding~beating non-stop, so that the other party realized that something was wrong and ran away… Suddenly, ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in my heart.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

After finding the prey again, the team leader will shoot. Just look at him. After finding the prey, the hunting guide observes and shoots. Then, he raises the gun, takes aim, and hits the target with a bang. The action is fast, accurate, and ruthless. All applaud.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

When I returned from hunting this day, I ate the antelope meat that my teammates had hunted. I was quite disappointed when I heard them share their experience and photos of the hunt. The team leader comforted me and said that I will definitely be able to catch it next time. I won’t hang zero, but I replied that it’s okay, as long as you have fun, I’m still quite unwilling in my heart, I missed such a good opportunity, can I still call later? It didn’t take long for me to discover that the leader was right.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

When I set out to hunt for the second time, the target was warthogs. Hunting this kind of animal is the most challenging, so at the beginning I also went with the mood of watching the excitement. I first encountered two or three groups of warthogs, but they My vigilance is too strong, and I ran fast. Before we got close, I got into the bushes, oh, just when we said that we would return empty-handed today, the car stopped, and the guide pointed to the front left The lump of yellow thing was gesturing to us that it could be hit. The teammate on my left immediately took aim. Without thinking about it, I took the gun, aimed, and shot, and hit the target’s abdomen. It was like a miracle. I saw it staggered for about ten meters and then fell down. It was only at this moment that I realized that I had succeeded. Even the director Liedu gave me a thumbs up. Get out of the car and head towards the direction where the warthog fell. When you walk in, you realize, hey, it’s not small.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

Afterwards, as if I had opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, I harvested a white-faced antelope and several small animals, and really got rid of the title of rookie.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

We also met many other animals during the hunting, but we just observed them from a distance and did not dare to approach them. At this moment, you will truly realize that the “Animal Kingdom” is well-deserved.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

I also saw aloe vera flowers that are only found in the tropics here. It was the first time I saw it, and I was very curious.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

After dusk and before sunset, the golden light sprinkled the earth, covering South Africa with a layer of mysterious gauze, and I didn’t want to miss any beautiful shots, wandering in the safe area of ​​the hunting area, admiring the magnificent scenery.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

It was getting late, the dusk was dark blue, and the night hunting area was very quiet without the hustle and bustle of the city, except for the howling of animals from time to time.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

Sitting around the campfire, chatting, but the smell from the side attracts me from time to time. I know that tonight the camp owner is making roasted wart pork for us. It is the one I caught. I am looking forward to it until the meat is cooked. At that moment, I couldn’t help but take a sip, only to hear me say that it was very hot, and then I said it was delicious, the meat was really tender, and there was no fat, so I immediately gave a thumbs up to the camp owner, and my companions listened Hearing my voice, he didn’t care about chatting, and quickly gathered around, each of them picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. He couldn’t help sighing: a bunch of foodies!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

The night before returning home, we went to what they said was the safest place in South Africa—the casino. Even though I wasn’t interested in gambling, I couldn’t help playing a few games in such an atmosphere, with little win or loss. But he didn’t want to continue, so he walked around and looked around.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

The magnificent decoration and warm yellow tones give off a resplendent feeling, but most of the people who come here are not distracted to visit. For them, this is just a place for recreation. One thought of heaven and one thought of hell. Fortunately, our group mainly came for sightseeing, and we walked out of the casino after a few small bets.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

Appreciating the night view of the city, I thought that this is the life we ​​are used to. Those few days seemed to be in a dream, I don’t know whether it is true or not, but the photos in the album remind me that everything is real, I think I really fell in love with this kind of journey. So far, I have opened the door to a new world and explored a new journey.

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!

An unforgettable experience, Wild South Africa Safari!