[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don’t believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

【Interaction Today】The stories that happened in the transition

I don’t believe you have been sitting obediently along the way! What you see, think, eat and drink, videos, pictures and texts, all the friends are very active in interacting with us in real time! Let’s take a look at some interesting stories during the transition today!

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

Desolation is the appearance of the desert. In fact, its richness will only be richer than we imagined. On the road around the tower, we use the eyes of discovery and the heart of expectation to share the unique happiness of people around the tower. The ring tower is not only The game is a unique luxury trip~

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

Encountering a small desert lizard

“I heard that the sand in Yingwusitang is particularly fond of being dug by people.”

Yingwusitang, the place I passed by today brought back memories shared by many people. How many people dug sand here all night-was the sandstorm and chicken coop pit in Yingwusitang that year the white moonlight in your life? , there is the common memory of the people around the tower. When you come here, everyone can’t help but sigh, and then post a circle of friends to tell everyone that I am coming again, Yingwusitang, you deserve it.

Sand digging Sand digging

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

It is the common memory of Yingwusitang

“I have an ant here who wants to hitch a ride. It seems to get on the car from the starting point of the track.”

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

On the way to the transition, some friends said that they encountered a group of “roasted whole sheep”

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

Of course, there are not only the friends who made the transition to interact with us, but also the moods sent by the players on the field and media teachers. How many postures are there for eating dirt in the ring tower? Big Brother Racer can definitely have it!

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

The figure of the photography teacher who is confused, helpless, but able to eat (earth)

[Anecdotes about Ring Tower] Transition story: I don't believe you have been sitting obediently along the way!

Today’s ring tower anecdote push has not been addicted to it!