B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

Traveling is going from a place where you are tired of being to a place where others are tired of being.

But as anyone I’ve had so far knows, I love this place.

The wind, rain, gods, and mountains of Pamir are all things that I perceive and enjoy every day.

Simple life warms my heart, while friends from far away bring various local products to warm my stomach.

What I want to say is, welcome to Sky Island.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

Many people are familiar with this door, but they don’t know that Sky Island is actually located in the county seat.

Looking at the pictures I post in the countryside every day, I think I live in the mountains.

Although it is in the county seat, Ta County is surprisingly quiet, and there are not many people to be seen on the street at any time.

It is nothing like a tourist attraction with many beautiful scenery.

Of course, if I have the opportunity to live in the countryside, I would also like to experience it.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

I’m a coffee kid, and if you’re lucky and catch up with me, I’ll make breakfast for you.

This year, I am fascinated by the kitchen and study various dishes. Although I am a chef who cannot do without my mobile phone, I can still do it well.

Of course, it all depends on the performance of the day. Uncle Zhang came to visit me once, and I planned to cook breakfast for them every day, but when I woke up, Uncle Zhang sent a message saying that I had already arrived in Kashgar.

So, I am a child who fully adapts to Xinjiang time.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

The living room is a space I like very much. It completely absorbs Tajik elements, and the carpets, mattresses and pillows are all local materials.

And the reason I like it here is that I also hand-painted maps and made a glass bookshelf here, where I can read books, drink tea, and chat with friends.

Of course, if there is a lot of interest at night, this place will transform itself into a bar intoxicated by the night.

There is no shortage of wine in Sky Island, but you can only drink with friends you can chat with.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

For places that are thousands of kilometers away from anywhere, the journey is hard.

When you throw everything in the washing machine, it’s like washing away the hardships of the journey.

Taking advantage of the sunshine, dry your clothes and your mood.

Forget about the worries and confusion before you came, and get ready to start a new life in Sky Island.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

This is the sun room, and the afternoon sun will crawl in through the windows and sit here with us.

There are almost no chairs in the sky island, and all the places where you can sit can lie down. Therefore, after friends leave the sky island, they will always miss this place the most. It makes people feel as if their bones are superfluous.

Can lie down and never sit.

Of course, it is also suitable for work, and I am writing this manuscript in the same position at the moment.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

Finally, I will often travel with guests.

For me, even the countryside, which I have visited countless times, still excites me.

Even sometimes, I am more excited than the guests.

Seeing the beautiful scenery, I can’t help but scream “Wow”, just like coming here for the first time.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

This is my favorite place. Every time I come here, I always envy myself how I live in such a beautiful place.

If you came to Ta County following the strategy, then you will definitely not find this place.

It is not famous at all, and most tourists who come here will not pass by.

But I love it here so much that if I took you out, it would be here.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

Take a satisfactory photo.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

A few minutes away from Sky Island is Golden Grass Beach.

I often tease myself that I live in a scenic spot, and if you walk a few steps, you will see the scenery everywhere.

Even if you go out for a walk with your guests, you can stay on the grassy beach until the sun goes down.

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

B&B | A day of Sky Island guests

At night, dinner is the main activity.

Since the sky island is not completely open to the public, I am here as if I am hosting friends in my own home.

I should eat, I should smile, and I have to complain about myself here.

Let the guests clean up the kitchen, wash the dishes and wash the pots, let the guests go out at home until midnight, let the guests sleep in the living room, let the guests go out to buy wine by themselves, let the guests go over the wall, let the guests repair the wires…  

I’m very relaxed, so relaxed that I don’t treat everyone as a guest.

So on Sky Island, I will only say one sentence:

enjoy yourself!