BMW China and BMW Brilliance donated anti-epidemic materials to 44 schools for left-behind children across the country

On May 14, BMW China and BMW Brilliance donated anti-epidemic materials worth RMB 700,000 to 44 “BMW Joy Home” schools for left-behind children and migrant children through the China Charity Federation BMW Warm Heart Fund: 151,700 children’s masks, 22,900 adult masks, 3 pass-through temperature measuring doors, 461 non-contact infrared thermometers and 1,719 bottles of disposable antibacterial and disinfectant gel. These materials will arrive at 44 schools in recent days and be delivered to teachers and students. These anti-epidemic materials promptly solved the urgent need for these left-behind children’s schools to resume classes, and provided the teachers and students of the school with urgently needed anti-epidemic material guarantee.

BMW China and BMW Brilliance donated anti-epidemic materials to 44 schools for left-behind children across the country

Lindu Primary School in Hechuan District, Chongqing received anti-epidemic materials donated by the China Charity Federation BMW Love Fund and distributed them to all students in the school

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Chinese society in January 2020, BMW China and BMW Brilliance have donated a total of 35 million yuan to the society for three consecutive times on January 26, February 12 and February 14 to purchase urgently needed medical care. supplies, and funded the opening of the first nationwide psychological assistance hotline serving medical staff, patients and the general public. As Chinese society enters a new stage of normalized epidemic prevention and control, BMW China and BMW Brilliance continue to closely follow the development of the epidemic, pay attention to the needs of Chinese society, and turn their attention to specific social groups severely affected by the epidemic. Since its launch in 2011, “BMW Joyful Home” has been committed to subsidizing poor left-behind children and migrant children, and promoting the development of children in China’s socio-economically underdeveloped areas. Schools for primary and secondary schools have been announced across the country, and schools for left-behind children in some underdeveloped areas are in urgent need of daily epidemic prevention supplies. After BMW Corporate Social Responsibility conducted a detailed survey of 75 existing “BMW Joy Home” schools across the country, it learned that 44 of them urgently needed epidemic prevention materials for campus health management. The BMW Warm Heart Fund will provide assistance.

BMW China and BMW Brilliance donated anti-epidemic materials to 44 schools for left-behind children across the country

Duwafang Elementary School in Dinosaur Mountain Town, Lufeng County, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province received anti-epidemic materials donated by the China Charity Federation BMW Love Fund and tested the students’ body temperature

In addition, BMW Corporate Social Responsibility makes full use of the advantages of the “BMW China Cultural Journey” project to help the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage in Hubei Province who have been severely affected by the epidemic to promote intangible cultural heritage products and help the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to get out of their life difficulties as soon as possible.