Brother, don’t be afraid!

Brother, don't be afraid!

Brother, don't be afraid!

High-reverse, lost, flat tire, stuck car, broken car

Trapped in a desolate no-man’s land…

in case of being unable to save oneself

Foreign aid is the only way out!

There is always this kind of help message in the group

Brother, don't be afraid!

Brother, don't be afraid!

Believe in us who walk the rivers and lakes on the road

play more or less

The role of saving and being rescued

Interpret a moving story

Brother, don't be afraid!

Today, I will introduce to you

Behind “Self-Driving Geography” are scattered all over the country

Heaven (rescue) soldiers (rescue) heaven (friends ) generals ( friends)

part two

Some of them are from the rescue service

some from cars, outdoor clubs

some are just individuals

But they are all “skilled” and willing to help others

Participated in multiple rescue operations to varying degrees

They deserve respect!

(The following are in no particular order, they are all the good Lei Feng of car lovers!)

Brother, don't be afraid!

groups providing rescue services

Ningxia Desert Star Automobile Club

Brother, don't be afraid!

Founded in 2017, it has a professional driving and training team to undertake car-themed self-driving tours at home and abroad; private customized self-driving tours; professionally leading teams in Tengger Desert, Badain Jaran Desert, and Kubuqi Desert ;

Undertake self-driving tours of various sizes, desert expansion training, desert driving training and other services.

“The club has a stronghold in Ningxia. Welcome to find us when you are playing in the desert. At the same time, we are very willing to provide rescue for members who drive by themselves!”

Brother, don't be afraid!

Yuxi Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Club

Brother, don't be afraid!

Affiliated to the off-road e-family Yuxi team , it has officially organized a rescue team since its establishment in 2015.

“Please remember our name ! I would like to declare to the masses and friends: Our rescue is free, and we don’t need money or material compensation. Everyone’s recognition is the best thanks to us!”

Brother, don't be afraid!

Brother, don't be afraid!

social assistance

Brother, don't be afraid!

Brother, don't be afraid!

Brother, don't be afraid!

Brother, don't be afraid!

Rescue during convoy travel

Zhangqiu Volunteer Rescue Team

Brother, don't be afraid!

Founded in January 2017, it mainly carried out road emergency rescue work during 2017. According to incomplete statistics, it rescued social vehicles more than 500 times. In 2018, we will implement more such as festival security, assisting police stations to find missing persons,

“Green Ribbon, Compassionate Examination Assistance” and other social assistance… The establishment of the Blue Sky Zhangqiu Team is currently being negotiated.

Don’t forget the original intention, you must always do your best, reject indifference, and spread positive energy from the side!

Brother, don't be afraid!

Escort college entrance examination

Brother, don't be afraid!

Rescue for wading vehicles in rainy season

Brother, don't be afraid!

Xianggong Yuquan Mountain searched and rescued the girl who lost her footing, and the family thanked the scene

China one key

Brother, don't be afraid!

The world’s leading one-click visual alarm, help, emergency, and caring APP.

A strong national network formed with more than 6,200 professional institutions and certified service providers in China, including alarm centers, security service providers, medical service providers, air rescue planes and emergency coordinators, etc.

Brother, don't be afraid!

It has served the government’s 110, 120, Red Cross and other emergency rescue platforms; it has served socialized helicopter emergency rescue, tourism emergency rescue , mobile (people, vehicles, objects) safety rescue service platforms, etc.

Xi’an Tent Tribe

Brother, don't be afraid!

Xi’an Tent Tribe was established in 2016, advocating: return to nature, free exploration, simple life, kindness and generosity, and openness to all rivers.

Brother, don't be afraid!

Since its establishment, it has actively participated in outdoor activities of many car clubs and clubs. Held a number of large-scale self-driving public welfare activities, respectively completed the “pursuit of red memories, re-walking the Long March”, “self-driving in the west, walking with love” , and joined hands with Shaanxi Tourism in the “aid to build Ali, self-driving Ali, public welfare Ali” activities.

At the same time, the club has joined many rescue teams to provide 24-hour rescue service!

Jinan New Youth Volunteer Emergency Rescue Team

Brother, don't be afraid!

“A country of justice, voluntary rescue, acts of kindness, when one party is in trouble, all parties support! Great love knows no bounds, selfless dedication!

I hope caring people from all walks of life can pay attention to us, pass on positive energy, and help more people in need! The New Youth Rescue Team only accepts smiles and does not charge money. It is responsible for mountain rescue, outdoor rescue, voluntary vehicle rescue,

Safety assurance, disaster prevention, first aid, self-help knowledge popularization, etc. ”

Brother, don't be afraid!

S-power modification

Brother, don't be afraid!

Customized modification chain brand, specializing in the car modification industry for nearly ten years. Headquartered in Nanchang , with branches in Dongguan, Ganzhou, Changsha and other places, we are very willing to provide rescue for all self-driving enthusiasts!

Brother, don't be afraid!

Founder of S-power modification chain brand: Yang Hong

Brother, don't be afraid!

Ganzhou, Wrangler stuck car rescue

Individuals capable of rescue

not doing business

Brother, don't be afraid!

right one

“I have been driving for thirteen years, and I feel obsessive-compulsive about rescue. When I see other people’s cars breaking down on the side of the road, no matter what kind of car I have, I have to go down and ask if I need help.”

Brother, don't be afraid!

“The video was in the Alxa Desert. Passing by, I saw a car stuck in Lanzhou. One of their cars couldn’t move. They went down to help without saying a word.”

Nishino Hedy

“I am from Golmud , Qinghai, and I live in Golmud City. I like off-roading, outdoors, adventures, and self-driving. I have rich experience in self-driving. I have been in contact with outdoor adventures since 2013. I love traveling. I like photography and have traveled to Tibet many times.

And participated in the organization of self-driving classic routes in and around Qinghai Province.

I am very happy to be a part of the rescue of “Self-driving Geography”. I firmly believe that kind people will always have good rewards, and helping others is helping yourself! We are very willing to provide all the riders with the help that Golmud City can do,

If I happen to be out of the scope of rescue, I will do my best to help members! ”

Brother, don't be afraid!

Kunlun Walker

“I am a member of the Pajero (China) Club Xinjiang Brigade and Bobcat Column. Due to work, I often travel between Korla, Xinjiang and Huatugou, Qinghai. Every summer, I volunteer to rescue some mainland tourists who drive by themselves in Xinjiang.”

Brother, don't be afraid!


“I live in Zhengzhou and have participated in the rescue for a year. I usually do rescue work in Bawangcheng and Nanbaotou in Zhengzhou.

I formed my own club with a few fun-loving friends: Ambition Column. We have our own off-road refitting factory, and we often go off-road and camp in Zhengzhou, Henan and its surrounding areas. ”

Brother, don't be afraid!

Modification factory

Brother, don't be afraid!

wild line crossing

The Wrangler fell into the Yellow River, and three vehicles (Paladin, Overbearing, and Pajero) rescued one, and then a forklift also came, and the rescue continued until 5:30 at night.

There is an old saying:

Helping you is a favor, not helping you is a duty

But friends who like off-road self-driving

Most of them are full of positive energy

As long as you see someone in need on the road

will immediately