[Camp] Nomadic Business Opportunities: Analysis of the Nordan Camp in the Plateau Winter Ranch

On the Gannan Sangke Grassland at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, there are 7 solid wooden huts and 4 yak hair tents scattered beside the meandering stream. This is the Nordan Camp. In summer, herdsmen move their cattle and sheep to higher-altitude meadows, and tents and wooden houses appear on movable foundations. For the protection of the ecosystem and climate reasons, the pastures are returned to the cattle and sheep here in late October , only operates from May to October a year. At first glance, I thought it was a herdsman’s tent.

The official website in English and the five-star charging price show that it is targeting a small group of high-end people. Like European hotels, it does not provide disposable items, European-style dry toilets and saunas, and focuses on Western-style meals for foreign tourists, which shows its external ” ambition”, so how can this “part-time” camp attract people to explore?

[Camp] Nomadic Business Opportunities: Analysis of the Nordan Camp in the Plateau Winter Ranch

return to the original

The tents in the camp have been improved, and many windows have been added to increase the brightness. The traditional iron washing rack is filled with natural well water in the water tank next to it. Iron buckets, iron basins, iron ladles and other tools bring people back to the last century. The water system composed of these retro gadgets can be used for simple washing, but the shower has to go to the public bathroom. Because running water and feces sewage system will not only increase the consumption of water resources but also cause damage to the underground environment of the grassland, the Nordan camp does not have a running water system or flush toilets. There is an independent log cabin next to each tent. Finnish-style composting dry toilet, you only need to take a layer of soil from the bucket on the side and cover the excrement with a spoon after using the toilet. This is the improvement of the life of traditional grassland herdsmen, and it is also respected by many western developed countries. Environmental protection concept.

In summer, the temperature in the Sangke grassland is only ten to twenty degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, so it is often necessary to keep warm. The camp is equipped with the traditional warm iron stove and firewood used on the grassland. The fragrance of natural wood burning is mixed with the chirping of summer insects, which is pure natural Wilderness feeling. Nordan’s facility features a retreat of more than 150 square meters surrounded by scrub, wildflowers, and the river for meditation, yoga, sauna, stargazing, campfires, horseback riding, and creating private meals and herbs with natural ingredients Tea. The natural and original experience is the absolute advantage of the Nuoerdan camp. Of course, some items require additional charges to reflect its added value.

[Camp] Nomadic Business Opportunities: Analysis of the Nordan Camp in the Plateau Winter Ranch

luxury experience

The wooden floor is laid in the tent, but it does not directly touch the grass. Instead, it is placed on top of stones and suspended above the ground, so that the bottom of the floor is ventilated to keep the ground inside the tent dry. It is worth mentioning that Nuoerdan’s bedding and interior decorations all come from Nuole’s handmade yak wool products, which are atmospheric and exquisite, defining new luxury and elegance. Nole is the self-created brand of the founder and his wife of the camp. It is made of Tibetan yaks and exquisitely hand-woven. It provides yak wool shawls for Lanvin, YSL and other big brands.

In addition, the three meals in the Nordan camp can be described as full of sincerity. The former Aman hotel group chef Andrew is specially invited to make a special menu based on grassland ingredients, and customize Tibetan organic food and Western cuisine for the camp, such as fresh yak yogurt served with bees and local Ajia’s freshly baked fragrant steamed buns, together with fried eggs or egg rolls, pay attention to both ingredients and cooking techniques, meeting the needs of different tastes while retaining Tibetan characteristics. Moreover, the butler will ask tourists about their itinerary and return time at any time, arrange an independent dining environment, provide meals according to the needs of guests, and provide exclusive and thoughtful services, which are more commendable than beautiful scenery. It is not difficult to understand why there are tents at the price of five-star hotels on the grassland, because its experience and service are also five-star.

[Camp] Nomadic Business Opportunities: Analysis of the Nordan Camp in the Plateau Winter Ranch

According to the camp operator, they continue to improve the facilities every year according to the needs of tourists. From single tents to wooden houses to the public area of ​​the cafe, they gradually add facilities to services, and the number of Chinese and foreign tourists who come here is also increasing year by year. Because most of the tourists who come here like to live in tents, the current supply of single-room tents is in short supply, and it is planned to launch a tent suite with a bedroom and a living room.