Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the “Yangtze River Delta” Innovation Achievement Exhibition

On May 23, the first Yangtze River Delta Integrated Innovation Achievement Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the Yangtze River Delta Innovation Exhibition) and the 9th China (Wuhu) Popular Science Products Expo (hereinafter referred to as the Science Expo) will officially open in Wuhu, Anhui. At present, in the exhibition hall of Wuhu International Convention and Exhibition Center, the exhibition area of ​​Chery Group has been completely set up. 12 heavyweight exhibits including Qianzhan Power, Qianzhan Technology, and Concept Cars have been unveiled, waiting for guests and guests from all walks of life. audience.

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

EXEED E-IUV concept car is located in a prominent position in the exhibition area

The exhibition area of ​​Chery Group is more than 180 square meters. The exhibits include fuel cell electric vehicles with a maximum cruising range of more than 700 kilometers, the first domestic hydrogen fuel cell ship model, “zero emission” hydrogen fuel components, and a general-purpose aircraft that has completed its first flight test. Forward-looking power exhibits such as aero engines, as well as a series of forward-looking technology exhibits such as Chery LION smart cockpit, smart city sand table, and EXEED E-IUV concept car. These exhibits not only represent Chery’s profound accumulation of technological innovation over the past 20 years, but also explain Chery’s deep insight and forward-looking layout of future smart travel methods.

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

The picture shows the staff debugging the smart city sand table

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

The forward-looking power hydrogen fuel electric vehicle and the traditional power “Chinese core” engine appeared side by side

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

Chery exhibition area has been set up

“Yangtze River Delta Integration” has always been a national strategy that has attracted much attention. On May 22, a symposium for the main leaders of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui, and one city was held in Wuhu to seek a plan for the development of the Yangtze River Delta. The first Yangtze River Delta Integrated Innovation Achievement Exhibition with the theme of “sharing innovation resources, coordinating innovation activities, and promoting the integrated high-quality innovation and development of the Yangtze River Delta” will invite guests who participated in the symposium of major leaders in the Yangtze River Delta region to visit the exhibition and focus on Showcasing the latest innovations in the Yangtze River Delta region.

During the “Yangtze River Delta” event, Chery Group, as an enterprise representative of the “host” city, will not only exhibit heavy technological exhibits, but also provide 50 EXEED TXL vehicles and dozens of star-rated drivers. Guests provide travel services. EXEED is a new high-end brand created by Chery in accordance with international standards. It is committed to providing consumers with an all-round smart travel experience from product to experience. Development, technology leading the future” coincides with the theme.

Chery Group is waiting for the opening of the

The picture shows the EXEED fleet serving the “Yangtze River Delta” event