Chery Group was awarded the “May 4th” Honorary Commendation “National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee” was awarded to Chery Automobile

On the occasion of the “May 4th Youth Day” in 2020, several groups and young members of Chery Group have won national and provincial “May 4th” honors and commendations. Among them, the Youth League Committee of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was awarded the highest honor by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League – the “National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee” in 2019; Hong Gaoming of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. won the 23rd “Anhui Youth May 4th Medal”; Chery New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. Xu Bensheng won the honorary title of “Excellent Communist Youth League Member of Anhui Province” in 2019.

Chery Group was awarded the

The picture shows a partial list of the “National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee (Youth Youth League Working Committee)”

In recent years, with the transformation, upgrading and rapid development of Chery Group, the Communist Youth League organizations at all levels under the Group and the young members of the League have become a new force for the company to insist on independent innovation and promote high-quality development. Especially during the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic this year, Chery gathered the strength and wisdom of young people in the form of “Youth Volunteer Service Team” and “Youth Commando” to assist enterprises and surrounding communities to strictly guard against the anti-epidemic defense line. After learning that clinical blood was in urgent need, more than 100 volunteers from the group signed up and donated a total of more than 30,000 milliliters of blood to support local clinical blood use and emergency blood use in Hubei Province.

Chery Group was awarded the

The picture shows young Chery volunteers donating blood for free to support the frontline of the fight against the epidemic

It is understood that this is not the first time that Chery has won the national “Qing” brand award. Just last August, the No. 3 General Assembly Workshop of Chery Automobile was awarded the “National Youth Civilization Award 2017-2018”. Two national-level “Youth Civilizations”. It is rare for a company to own two national-level “Youth Civilizations” at the same time. Up to now, Chery has 2 national-level “Youth Civilization Numbers”, 21 provincial and municipal “Youth Civilization Numbers”; 3 national-level “Youth Safety Production Demonstration Posts”; more than 50 people have successively won the “National Youth Post Expert” National Technical Expert”, “May 4th Youth Medal”, “Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award”, “Top Ten Outstanding Youth”, “Excellent Communist Youth League Member”, “Excellent Communist Youth League Cadre” and other honorary titles.

Chery Group was awarded the

The picture shows the unveiling of the “National Youth Civilization” in the third workshop of Chery’s final assembly