Chery Group’s intelligent R&D layout is “launched” and “Xiong Technology” Nanjing R&D Center is in operation

On May 6, with the relocation of Lion Automobile Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. to Nanjing Hongfeng Science and Technology Park, Chery’s “Lion Technology” Nanjing R&D Center was officially opened. Another layout after the R&D team in other places is “lost”. In the future, the Nanjing R&D Center will mainly undertake services such as Internet of Vehicles cloud platform, autonomous driving software development, system testing technology R&D and operation, and big data operation, and cooperate with other R&D centers to complement each other, helping Chery Group accelerate its intelligent strategy.

Chery Group's intelligent R&D layout is

Chery Group's intelligent R&D layout is

“Lion Technology” Nanjing R&D Center currently has 85 R&D personnel, and the number of planning personnel in 2020 will reach 200. Daily business includes product planning, visual interaction, software and OS, testing, autonomous driving software development, big data development and operation . In the next year, the Nanjing R&D Center will complete various tasks such as the establishment of the Internet of Vehicles operation platform, the delivery of the Internet of Vehicles OS system, the development of autonomous driving software and integrated testing capabilities, and the delivery of big data operation products. All kinds of autonomous driving, Internet of Vehicles and big data products developed by “Lion Technology” will be installed in various models of Chery Group one after another.

Chery Group's intelligent R&D layout is

Chery is one of the earlier car companies to promote intelligent transformation. Since 2010, it has been developing intelligent interconnection technology for cars. In the second half of 2017, Chery established a smart car business group internally to maximize the integration and utilization of resources and give full play to Chery’s 20-year-old car manufacturing technology advantages. In April 2018, Chery released the “Chery Lion” intelligent brand strategy. This strategy is not a single-point strategy, but an overall intelligent solution involving R&D, manufacturing, marketing, service and other aspects. In 2019, Chery took the lead in holding the “Chery Lion Ecological Alliance Conference”. Nearly 100 well-known Internet, technology companies and companies related to the automobile industry chain reached an “alliance” agreement with the “Chery Lion” intelligent brand strategy as the core. In the same year, “Chery Lion” started public road testing in North America, and Chery became the 65th company in the world to obtain a test license for autonomous vehicles in California, USA.

In 2019, the intelligent business was officially promoted to the “seventh largest business segment” of Chery Group. Together with other segments such as automobiles, auto parts, ships, real estate, finance, and modern services, it constitutes Chery Group’s diversified industrial layout. Wuhu Xiongshi Technology Co., Ltd. has also become a platform company for Chery Group’s intelligent segment.

Chery Group's intelligent R&D layout is

It is understood that Chery Group’s “Chery Lion” intelligent strategy includes five major businesses: “Lion Intelligent Driving” representing the autonomous driving business, “Lion Zhiyun” representing the intelligent interconnection business, and “Lion Intelligent Driving” representing intelligent manufacturing. “Intelligent Manufacturing”, “Lion Smart Win” representing big data operations, and “Lion Smart Travel” representing future mobile travel services.

In the coming period, “Lion Technology” will focus on the three major areas of autonomous driving, Internet of Vehicles, and big data, and carry out advanced assisted driving and autonomous driving core technology research and development and solution business, vehicle and user-based big data collection, analysis and The development and operation of data products, the development of smart cockpits and in-vehicle entertainment operating systems, the ecological maintenance of the Internet of Vehicles, and the operation of vehicle-related cloud service users will accelerate the implementation of Chery Group’s intelligent strategy.