Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

New Year’s Cross Country First Wave

Land Rover tough guys and hot heroes gather from all directions

Manzhouli across the border

Fearless, go to the cold Siberia

Deep cold blue ice, crossing ice and snow

off-road hotter

Start a New Year’s Journey

Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

brave boy

pretty girl

Offer hada to friends far away

Use Humai’s momentum

In the melodious sound of the matouqin

Use the enthusiasm of the Mongolians for the hot hero

eat meat, drink alcohol

Once again, a Mongolian-style fiery night was ignited

Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

at dawn

Hot off-road team

crossing borders

greet the first sun

Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

A Conquest Through Ice and Snow

A clink of glasses across borders

Created by Hot Wine and Land Rover Defender

Lake Baikal here we come

Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

“One day you suddenly appeared

You are clear and mysterious on the shore of Lake Baikal”

“Lake Baikal” by Li Jian in 2011

It expresses the Chinese people’s imagination of romance in the distance

It is also a longing for the old homeland

Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

A well-known song “On the Bank of Lake Baikal” brought Lake Baikal into people’s eyes. The blue tears in Siberia, the pure, mysterious and most beautiful blue ice world, Lake Baikal has become the dream of many people, and it has become the dream of all travelers and the paradise of off-roaders overnight.

In the ice and snow environment of minus 40 degrees, drive the purest off-road – Land Rover Defender, drink a sip of the “three fires” hot craft wine; Campfire, drink a sip of hot wine from China in the cold Siberia!

Hardcore off-road pursuit of excellence, fine brewed wine challenges the severe cold

Land Rover Defender, the “mount” of the Queen of England, the star of “Fast and Furious” and “007”, is the pure off-road that all men have been longing for and pursuing. China Land Rover Alliance Guardian Club gathers off-road totems and beliefs, gathers a group of off-road enthusiasts with personality, feelings and taste, who love life and challenge themselves.

Hot, as a boutique and fashionable wine that emerged last year, it represents quality, taste and a lifestyle that will not be compromised. Hot Xiaojiu joined hands with China Land Rover Alliance Defenders Club this time to start the hot trip across the ice and snow of Lake Baikal. The off-road convoy composed of 20 hard-core Land Rover Defenders will cross the border between China and Russia, challenge the extremely cold world of minus 40 degrees, shuttle in the deep mountains and snowy forests, and jointly complete a feast of ice and snow.

Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

This ice and snow trip is not only the pursuit of off-road pleasure, but also a pure love for life, a journey of awe of nature and a pursuit of returning to a free soul.

58-degree hot PK strong vodka, challenge the “battle nation” who are addicted to alcohol

The popular fine brewed wine, as the designated wine for the 4th Land Rover Alliance Guardian Club Ice and Snow Carnival, accompanied the popular off-road team to go to Lake Baikal in Siberia. Land Rover Defender is an off-road tough guy wearing a “hot jersey”, travels through 8,000 kilometers of snow-capped mountains and forests, and explores the deep blue Baikal Lake. The feeling of not going completely ignites the fiery spirit in the hearts of all off-road heroes.

Crossing borders, the Land Rover Alliance Defender Club kicks off the first wave of off-roading in the new year

In the 12-day extreme cold challenge, the hot craft wine will use three fires to fuel this “pilgrimage” of global off-road enthusiasts. So, what kind of brand-new performance will this popular craft wine make in the new year’s cross-country “first punch” at the beginning of 2019? What kind of passionate moment will the Chinese tough guy driving the Land Rover Defender and the alcoholic fighting nation burst out?

Hot Crossing Land Rover Defender Lake Baikal Ice and Snow Tour, so stay tuned.