Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

The weather is getting warmer, and the crossing activities have to be organized. After exploring the way with the team leaders “Dahai”, “mj” and “Lu Xun 123”, we met at Cheli Village, Yanshi Fudian. The crossing route is located in the Funiu Mountains, about ten kilometers.

All participating vehicles will gather at the Yanshifu shop

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

The magnificent Funiu Mountains have different beauty throughout the year.

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

The legendary Yanshi Small Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

The scenery on the top of the mountain is unique, camping

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

How can I go out and do activities without going to FB? Barbecue barbecue, tea making tea, and two team chefs “MJ” and “February Feelings” are in charge of making special stewed noodles on the spot. The aroma of all kinds of food wafts on the hillside, tempting people’s appetite.

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall

Crossing the Funiu Mountains, viewing the Yanshi Great Wall


1. Scenic spots are free;

2. Please do not throw away garbage in the scenic area;

3. The domestic water in the scenic area is extremely scarce, please bring enough drinking water when entering the scenic area. It is best for visitors to bring their own dry food, drinking water, and crutches to prevent falls.

Self-driving route:

Depart from Yanshi—Gu County—Goushi along G207 to Fudian—Yingjun Road—Go west under the dam of Jiulongjiao Reservoir—South of Cheli Village