Cute and cute micro-face modified Volkswagen classic T series

Does it look familiar? That’s right, this is indeed a “cottage version” of a classic Volkswagen T-series model~~~~~, but what is worthy of praise is that the craftsmanship of this car is still very good, at least the details of the corners and corners are also very good. The handling is in place, and the rim is also a classic retro style.

Cute and cute micro-face modified Volkswagen classic T series

Obviously, this is an ordinary “Microface” refitted. The owner’s idea is very unique, which also gave this Microface a new look. The painting style is also small, fresh and light-colored. The roof part The luggage rack is also painted in the same color as the body, which is not obtrusive.

Cute and cute micro-face modified Volkswagen classic T series

Except for the front seats, the interior of the car has been removed and two transverse reinforcement beams have been installed to increase the rigidity of the body. The car has a wooden floor, and the owner did not add additional equipment such as tableware. Obviously, the owner does not plan to cook in the car, although there is enough space.

Cute and cute micro-face modified Volkswagen classic T series

The bottom of the floor is not fully occupied, but some storage space is taken out to store some tools. The raised part of the roof is not completely wasted, and a storage space is also created, which is convenient for temporary storage of some small items.

Cute and cute micro-face modified Volkswagen classic T series

You can camp in the wild with a mattress in the compartment, which is very suitable for young couples who are still in a two-person world, but you need to find a way to solve the meal, or fast food or bring some extra tools.

Cute and cute micro-face modified Volkswagen classic T series

Cute and cute micro-face modified Volkswagen classic T series