Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

I don’t remember how many Tajik weddings I have attended, but this time I went to Datong Township and caught up with another wedding.

Weddings in the countryside are different from those in county towns. There is no restriction on dancing time here. As long as the switch is not suddenly tripped, the music and singing and dancing will never stop.

But what impressed me this time was that in the new house, there were two tambourines, an old man, the simple accompaniment and the songs sung like poetry, just like a sudden rain in the dry desert, I was fascinated from beginning to end Wet, I stood still, I couldn’t move my body, because my ears were attracted, and the hand that fell from the sky grabbed me tightly.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Some nations are born to be selected by music, and their every move is infiltrated by art, and this natural talent is as common as their daily breathing, and they are not proud of it at all.

I have been standing in this desert until the rain is over, and I finally understand why I never tire of attending the wedding, because every wedding will give me a different experience.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

In addition to the music, the owner brought a sheep, and we felt very embarrassed when we learned that they were going to slaughter the sheep for us. Han people pay attention to courtesy and reciprocity, and are especially afraid of such unreasonable entertainment, which makes us feel awkward. However, they explained to us that you have come all the way to attend our family’s wedding, which is the greatest respect for us, and we couldn’t be happier. A sheep is nothing.

Even if I went to this wedding as a tourist, I think their attitude towards me must be the same. People from Datong Township maintain a very old Tajik tradition.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Whether it’s the speakers in the yard or the tambourine singing in the house, when the music stops, the boys will shout: music music. They cannot live without music for a moment.

But at the wedding in the country, I saw the real dance.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

The dance between men and men seems to be harmonious, but in fact there are hidden mysteries everywhere, just like two predatory eagles, tempting and pressing each other, suddenly approaching and far away. The strength of every drumbeat, the beat of every piece of music, and every gesture is very particular. Although this battlefield is not as bloody and fierce as holding a sheep, often after a battle, both sides will try their best, which is no less exhausting than a battle of holding a sheep.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Suddenly, Salman and his friends offered to take us to a place they said was like heaven.

We left the wedding venue with wine and crossed a bridge over the raging Yarkand River, surrounded by trees and weeds. The mountains of Datong stand straight behind, and the turbulent river is like a natural accompaniment.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

A few of us sat on the ground and formed a circle.

Talking about the past and the future, old people and young people singing and dancing together, the smiles on their faces are the truest portrayal of this moment.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

There is no tambourine, just pick up a notebook and beat the rhythm, this grass will not restrict you, you can invite your dance partner at any time when you stand up, and someone will sing along whenever you make a sound.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

At this moment, the Boci Hotel in Dubai is not as luxurious as here. We have the tallest and brightest roof in the world, the most gorgeous and life-filled columns in the world, and the softest and most comfortable carpet in the world. What you feel is freedom.

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth

Datong Township 03 | From the wedding scene to the paradise on earth