Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

It was rainy all the way from Lhasa to Namtso, and I thought that the starry sky of Namtso might have to wait for the next time.

Unexpectedly, after turning over the Genla Pass, it seemed to be another world, and above the lake was the blue sky and white clouds.

Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

Namtso is located between Damxung County in the north of Lhasa and Bango County in Nagchu Prefecture, 240 kilometers away from Lhasa, with an altitude of 4,718 meters. It is the highest lake in the world. Namtso means “Tianhu Lake” in Tibetan. Because the lake is at a high altitude, it looks like it is in the sky. Another saying is that it looks like the blue sky falls to the ground, so it is called “Tianhu Lake”. It is one of the “Three Holy Lakes” in Tibet. .

Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

From sunset to sunrise, Namtso seems to store all the blue in the world, which is boundless.

In the distance of the lake is the Nyainqentanglha Mountains, one of the main mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. The main peak is 7111 meters above sea level and runs across the central and eastern parts of Tibet.

Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

There are many legends about Namtso and Nyainqentanglha Mountain. According to legend, Namtso is the daughter of Di Shitian and the wife of Nyainqentanglha. The gasshang stone on the bank is their incarnation, symbolizing their love, standing in the sky and the earth. From morning to night, compose a love song of mountains and seas.

1. When dawn breaks

The farthest distance in the world is not that the branches cannot depend on each other,

It is the stars looking at each other, but there is no trace of intersection.

The furthest distance in the world is the distance between fish and birds,

One is in the sky, but the other is deep in the sea.

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“The longest distance in the world”


Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

2. At dusk and sunset

There is no nearer to God and heaven than here,

I am his rocky shore, his breeze across the middle of the lake,

In the palm of my hand is his clear water, his white sand,

And his most hidden spring eye hangs high above my philosophical thinking.

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Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

3. When midnight falls

A lone stone sits all over the sky,

No night can lull me to sleep,

No dawn can wake me;

No tear turns me into a flower,

No king has made me a throne.




Discover Tianhu Namtso, meet that touch of blue

Content source: Original article of “Tibet Tourism” magazine.