Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Lu Zhishen, a Liangshan hero, stabbed his friends in both sides,

I am an E friend and entered the “South of Colorful Clouds”.

D1: Liuzhou – Bamei 686.9 kilometers

D2: Bamei – Bisezhai 316.6 kilometers

D3: Bisezhai – Jianshui 83.5 kilometers

D4: Jianshui – Yuanyang 132.6 km Yuanyang – Maitreya 183.4 km

D5: Maitreya – Xingyi 201.4 km

D6: Xingyi – Liuzhou 670.6 kilometers

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

I like to walk alone, and the two dogs are speechless together. Think quietly, how ideal life is. I just think the scenery is beautiful, and this pot of old wine is delicious.

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

I would like to ask, is there a fairy living in the mountain——Bamei (Xanadu Taoyuan)

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go and pigs come, south of colorful clouds. A dog grows into a pig, waiting for your dog to be the same.

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Feeling the stories of this generation of strong and strong people, and all the joys and sorrows-the Zhu Family Courtyard!

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

This is a gift item for two dogs (to frighten a village woman into compensation for about two bottles of Moutai)

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

During the “Spring Festival” period, local cars hang pine branches on the front, back, left, and right sides. Why? (I will tell you next time)

keep going keep going

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

“Being a Good Man” Looking back on the Reform Movement of 1898, I was not a dog, and looking forward to Jihai, I was not a pig. In previous years, the dog did not rely on the power of others, but this year, he will not be slaughtered by others.

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

Who do not obey, do not obey!

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

The original way to determine who sleeps alone!

Dogs go to pigs, and the Spring Festival enters the south of colorful clouds

A map of history, walking in the field of hope. Wash your body with the dog smell, usher in the golden century, the breasts are natural