Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

The snow in Lhasa falls as soon as it is said. Snowflakes floated outside the window, and my heart flew to the Potala Palace.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Someone built a snowman early on.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

At this time, I am no longer alone, and you, who are white, pure and exotic, accompany me.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

From a few old photos, we can see the earth-shaking changes in Lhasa since the transition from serfdom to the new system.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Rescue a Volvo that slipped into a ditch. After the success, the Tibetan girl insisted on giving me two chocolates. It’s a pity that I didn’t have the courage to add a WeChat, hahaha.

Although the means of transportation and lifestyle have undergone tremendous changes, their beliefs, love for life, and true understanding of life have not changed, and they are still as different from us as before.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Playing in the snow with my friends, happy like a child.

I’m about to leave Lhasa, a city that I never get tired of.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Fill up the oil, the main and auxiliary fuel tanks are really convenient.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

The old 318 is still in use.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Lalin Expressway, with snow and dark ice.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

The tunnel is closed, go to the pass.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Chalonggou Bridge. Stayed at a hot spring hotel last night.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Tongmet Bridge

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

The old Tongmai Bridge has been closed and not used.

The forest avenue leading to Nyingchi has lush vegetation, and it is said that there are a lot of mushrooms in season.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Ling Zhi added food and grass.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

70 liters of oil were burned from Lhasa to Nyingchi.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

After leaving Nyingchi, it is a mountain that especially fits the word mountain.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

However, Wuhu Lake was frozen. It snowed heavily two days ago, and the lake was covered with a layer of white. I really had the urge to go up and run.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

However, Wuzhen encountered a heavy traffic jam.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

This fork in the direction of Zayu

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Brother Tantu who rowed into the ditch declined my rescue, saying that he could handle it.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

I heard that the Demla Pass was heavily snowed a while ago.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (17)

Rescue a small truck that rushed under the roadbed due to brake failure. This should be the most basic quality of an off-road person.

(to be continued)