Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

It’s time to start. The half shaft that was used a lot in Hara Lake before is kept, and its position is replaced by a monkey climbing pole.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Luggage filled a trunk.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

There are only two days left for one month’s parking fee, and it just so happens that it’s time to set off.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

I asked the Zeketai Highway Bureau, and the road was smooth, but because it snowed before, the road was closed for a while.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Goodbye Yili, goodbye my friend, see you next time when the grass is lush and the flowers are in full bloom.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The stubborn AutoNavi will not let me turn around.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Nalati Public Security Checkpoint

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

It is very difficult for the officers and soldiers who play ball at the checkpoint to be stationed here.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The Duku Highway forks and continues here.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Inside this railing is the famous Duku Highway, which seems to be closed, but when I walked in, I found that the railing was not locked. Decided to sleep in the car next to it and go in tomorrow to have a look.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The biological clock is very strong, get up early and go to the mountains.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The snow was so thick that I was not afraid of getting stuck in the car. There was a winch, but it was really windy outside and it was extremely cold.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Such a wind blowing snow has completely buried the road!

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

No matter, drive forward, the car gets stuck again and again.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The plane flew up to check the road conditions, and it seemed that the road became more and more difficult as it went forward.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Looking back at the road.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Going forward, the whole road seems to be integrated with the mountain.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

snow corridor

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Unit 00123 was established in October 1984

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The snow-proof corridor is full of snow more than one meter high. People can walk on it, which shows how strong the wind is usually.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Look back at the promenade

Snow road ……

The snow is super thick and the wind is super strong. Car stuck.

Out of the deep snow…

Selfie skiing…

The snow slope is deep and sloping, and if you rush hard, you will slide sideways onto the guardrail.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

After leaving the Duku Highway, we arrived at Gongnaisi Town. Hey, there is not a single restaurant open in such a small town. It seems to be the off-season in the off-season.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Only one post office and canteen was still open. I bought some dry food. The boss was very polite and insisted on letting me try their freshly cooked horse meat. Indeed, it was the most delicious meat I had ever eaten.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

I saw a hot spring nearby on the map. I am a hot spring fan. Of course, I can’t miss it. I asked the boss and said that I would bring him and the boss’s wife, and we will arrive soon after dozens of kilometers of mountain roads.

The boss said: The running boy

It was already late when I went to the hot spring for the first time, and it was snowing again. To be safe, I returned to the town at dawn and stayed at the canteen. It was really cold at night.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The next day when I got up in the car, it was minus fourteen degrees inside and outside the car

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The appearance of snowflakes is very cute

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Snow plows start working early in the morning

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

The Wuling car turned around and kindly reminded me to pay attention to safety.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

I am the only one in the whole hot spring villa, and I pretend to be as much as I want.

Come to a self-tumbling of ice and fire.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

BFGoodrich’s snow performance is quite good.

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

Driving the beloved horse Jimny, wearing Ali around Xinjiang, 30 years old, 30,000 kilometers to find yourself (8)

On the way into the mountain to soak in the hot springs yesterday, I met a girl who drove sheep in thin clothes in the snow. She was his wife. When she came back, the hostess had no choice but to drive away the wolves alone.

On the road from Gongnaisi Town to the forest farm, the road was covered with snow and icy, and large trucks formed a long queue.

The road has been icy severely, and I can still drive by myself. I am most afraid that the big truck on the other side will not be able to stop or something.