During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

This year, cultural, sports and tourism management departments across the country have launched various policy support and event support for RV tourism! For the majority of RV riders, this is a great thing! In short, playing RV is now in the “bonus period”, and I hope that car fans will participate more.

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

Last night in Panzhihua, the “Sixth China Self-Driving Tour and RV Camping Conference” officially kicked off. This event was organized by the Panzhihua government and took place from July 13th to 15th. Supporting activities. The main activities of “Seven Ones” are: an opening ceremony and a cultural evening of “Here Renhe meets the starry sky”; a music evening and camping activity of “Meditation·Starry Sky”; a folk cultural performance of “Enjoyment·Starry Sky”; a A “cool self-driving tour” route experience; an outdoor hiking competition of “the most beautiful crossing line”; a photo contest of “meeting the starry sky · the most beautiful Renhe”; a self-driving tour summit forum.

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

For details, see: “The 6th China Self-Driving Tour and RV Camping Conference and 2019 Camping Festival in Renhe District, Panzhihua City”

As far as the author knows, similar activities led by the government, fully implemented by the cultural and sports departments, and vigorously advocated to guide RV users to drive locally are being carried out in succession across the country.

Recently, there is nothing more influential among car enthusiasts than “Xinjiang on the Second RV”. The overall event is expected to recruit 2,000 RVs and 1,000 non-RVs. The “Tianshan Heritage Corridor Self-driving Tour Route, Kashgar Area There are 10 classic routes including self-driving tour routes, self-driving tour routes around the tower, covering 48 counties and cities. Many RV riders have been to Xinjiang since May 1 this year, and all of them praised Xinjiang after returning! It can be said that RV riders have brought fresh blood to Xinjiang’s tourism industry. At the same time, all participating riders have also benefited from local services, club subsidies and other aspects. It is a win-win event.

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

At the end of this year, the China Camping Industry Self-Media Alliance will also jointly plan a Hainan RV self-driving event with the organizer of the Hainan Lubo Expo, providing all-round support for local camping, routes, car rentals, and car purchases. It provides comprehensive reference suggestions for migratory birds living in Hainan through RVs, and hopes to get the support of “migratory birds” from all over the country. The whole event consists of three activities: RV car buying season, RV self-driving trip around the island, and Hainan Lubo Expo. At that time, car enthusiasts from all over the country will be invited to gather in Hainan and participate in the activities we organize.

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

The caravan Northeast self-driving tour organized by the caravan travel network before has also received the support of relevant departments and the cooperation of the local camp. In fact, there are RV clubs all over the country, and there are various RV self-driving tour activities of various sizes, many of which are guided by the government or even organized to participate. In my opinion, this is the “bonus period” of RV self-driving travel. is a good start!

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

I have seen a saying before that RV riders cannot bring any benefits to local tourism, because the self-sufficient travel mode of RVs consumes very little. In fact, this kind of statement is biased. RV travel also requires tolls, gas fees, meals, and scenic spot tickets! The overall contribution of self-driving travel to the local area will not be lower than that of traditional tourism. The contribution it brings to the local tourism industry cannot be considered from the perspective of the hotel industry alone, but an all-round calculation. RV tourism can even stimulate the construction of RV camps in some scenic spots, which is an all-round boost to local economic development.

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

For the majority of riders, self-driving RV travel is not just to save money! Self-driving RVs can avoid some unreasonable phenomena in the tourism industry in various places, such as the incidents of guest slaughter caused by inadequate management of car rental, board and lodging, which basically has nothing to do with RV riders. At the same time, tourists who drive their own RVs generally have plenty of time, and can experience the local culture more deeply and go deep into local life through the way of living in RVs.

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

At this stage, local governments have not issued any “restriction” policies for self-driving RV travel. They are more encouraging, guiding and supporting. In this bonus period when the overall scope is improving, we sincerely advise RV riders to do it. Traveling in a civilized way without leaving any pollution is what every car owner should do. Friends open the door to welcome you to your home as a guest. Do you have the nerve to leave a pile of garbage when you leave? To be a civilized rider, to maintain the sustainable and healthy development of the existing RV self-driving activities organized in various places, is a good thing for others and yourself!

During the bonus period of RV travel, it’s time for RV self-driving! Vigorously develop RV camping and self-driving activities in many places

RV tourism is at the right time. If you are a car enthusiast, I hope you will pay more attention to the activities related to the RV camping industry organized by various places, and participate in them, and thoroughly enjoy the various convenient services brought to car enthusiasts during the bonus period of RV travel. If you are still in the stage of paying attention to RVs, I can only advise you to get involved early, after all, no one can say how long the bonus period will be…

The above, written by First RV, is a personal opinion, for reference only.