Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

On the vast territory of China, among the many famous mountains and rivers, Nanling, which stretches for more than 1,000 kilometers, is really an inconspicuous mountain range. It has bred local characteristics with endless charm. It is not only an important geographical boundary, but also a cultural highland with a very humanistic color.

At the end of November, we set off from Guangzhou with Tanyue, crossed the Nanling Mountains, looked at the river and the mountains, and explored the legendary past hidden in history.

“Eat 300 lychees a day, and never give up to be a Lingnan native.” Su Shi’s lament after being demoted to Lingnan seems to be still in his ears; , The picture of the endless Nanling Long March seems to be in front of you…

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

In the early morning of November 26, after a night of light rain, we met our little partner, Tanyue, at the entrance of the hotel. When I saw Tanyue for the first time, I felt the trend-setting strength from its unconventional exterior design.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Tanyue breaks through the shackles of traditional shapes with the design concept of “Advanced·Shangism”, and the overall appearance design presents a powerful, high-end and avant-garde style. The eight ridges of the front hood form an aggregated posture, bringing a strong sense of strength; the honeycomb chain grille design strengthens the modern sense, and the rhythmic waistline on the side is sharp and flexible, connecting the full wheel bag and the strong shoulder , highlighting its forward-leaning posture, bringing a groundbreaking dynamic aesthetic.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Sitting in Tanyue’s comfortable and spacious cockpit, our bodies are completely relaxed, and our hearts are also excited. The little friends sitting in the back row have been expressing this emotion since they got into the car: Hey, you see I am so tall and fat, but I don’t feel crowded at all. You can unlock various sleeping positions along the way, which amuses everyone Straight music.

The horizontally extended cockpit and the floating design of the center console designed by Tanyue centered on the driver, as many as 24 surround-type ambient lights and the use of large-area interior soft-package materials have created a warm and comfortable interior for us. decoration environment. In such a comfortable state, pack your bags, have a cup of coffee, and start our long-awaited journey of exploration!

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

lets go! When I step on the accelerator, the instant push back makes me enjoy the long-lost driving pleasure.

Go along the expressway to Nanling, pass through Qingyuan, Yingde, Shaoguan all the way, the destination – Yashan, Dayu County. When the snow gradually begins to fall in the north, the south is still full of vitality. For a true northerner, it is definitely fatal. Take off the thick winter clothes and put on the light autumn clothes, the first thing to do is of course post a circle of friends to “show off”~

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Walking on Yashan Mountain, feel the natural magic charm and rich cultural heritage

Ya Mountain in Dayu County has a long history and was famous for religious activities and tourist attractions in ancient times. Lingyan Ancient Temple, a famous temple in the south of the Yangtze River built in the Southern Tang Dynasty, is located in the mountain. With anticipation, we officially started the journey of exploring Yashan. Here, there are beautiful forests, green mountains and tea fragrance, and bursts of bamboo waves. Driving Tanyue in the winding dense forest is quite adventurous. Open the car window and take a deep breath, as if your body and mind have been cleansed.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

We are driving in the mountains, the sun shines on everything in the mountains, and the mountains in the distance are shrouded in clouds and mist. It is indeed a rare beauty, but the more beautiful and primitive the place, the more complicated the road conditions.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

The real challenge came soon. We continued to move forward along the winding mountain road. There were many hairpin turns and steep slopes, but they were both steep and exciting. When going through several difficult corners in a row, thanks to Tanyue’s precise control pointing, coupled with the flexible four-wheel independent suspension system and solid chassis tuning, it provides sufficient lateral support for the vehicle, even if it is too fast. The roll is also very small during sharp corners, which greatly improves Tanyue’s driving stability and cornering tracking.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

It was almost noon, and we came to the depths of Yashan Mountain, and the surrounding scenery became more and more beautiful. The bamboo sea is deep, the bixi stream is flowing flat, and the fragrance of ink is slowly flowing, and the sound of Zen is flowing. Even the plants and trees along the way are like works of art presented to people by nature. Just as we don’t know what kind of beautiful scenery we will encounter ahead, we also don’t know what dangerous road conditions we will challenge ahead. Fortunately, Tanyue’s Active Control driving mode selection function can realize random switching between 4 road modes, 2 off-road modes and 1 snow mode, and easily cope with various road conditions.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Yashan is also a well-known historical and cultural holy place. “Three thousand worlds of inspiration, five hundred monks hidden in the rock” is its true portrayal; Xu Zhenjun practiced enlightenment here, killed dragons and captured monsters; Zhang Jiuling, Su Dongpo, Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Zhang Jiucheng, Zhu Xi, Wang Mingyang and other celebrities all linger here and create masterpieces, which are engraved on this mountain. We spent an afternoon experiencing the rich and colorful culture here, ancient musical instruments, tea ceremony, calligraphy and so on. After a day of running around, after a baptism of traditional culture, the body and mind are gradually comforted.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Beautiful encounters, feel the tradition and enthusiasm of the Hakka people

Just when we were hungry because we had no time to eat on the road, we suddenly found a family in the dense forest. Originally, I just planned to rest my feet and take pictures, but I received warm hospitality in this paradise-like place, and it was the first time I really felt the enthusiasm and generosity of the Hakka people.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Regarding the history of the Hakka people, I read relevant materials. The Hakka people should first start from the old settlements in Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi, migrate westward along the Nanling Mountains, and then spread along the two wings to southwest China, Southeast Asia and overseas. Why did the Hakka people migrate along the Nanling Mountains? 1. The original place of residence is too small, and it is a mountainous area, which cannot accommodate so many people, so the space must be expanded outwards; 2. Nanling is a subtropical area, where animals and plants grow vigorously, which can provide a rich source of food; 3. Nanling is a mountainous area , The work and lifestyle of the Yao and Hakka people in the mountains adapt to the natural conditions in the north and south. In the northern and southern mountainous areas, there are Yao people on the mountain, and guests on the mountain. They are “mountain peoples” who gather together in Nanling, tolerate each other and live in peace.

The family we met made a living raising chickens, fishing and drying them to sell. In the yard without walls, there are full of chickens and fish drying, which makes people salivate.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

It was hard to resist the kind invitation of the host, and we enjoyed a table of authentic farm meals. Hakka people eat “four plates and eight bowls” during banquets and festivals. There are a total of twelve dishes. I am very lucky to witness.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Sitting at the same table and drinking a pot of green plum wine, they became friends with us and talked about everything in just a short time. Of course, when we finally left, we still expressed our gratitude to them for their hospitality.

Take the ancient Meiling Road again and listen to the voice of history

Meiling was the watershed between the Central Plains and the Southern Barbarians in ancient times. Meiguan, located above Meiling, has always been an important military throat. As early as the Qin Shihuang period, a pass was established here. However, due to wars and long-term disrepair, Meiguan was no longer passable. Until Zhang Jiuling, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, was ordered to re-dug the ancient Meiguan Road, this place became the most important land passage connecting the Central Plains and Lingnan.

“Nanyue Xiongguan” is located in the ancient Meiguan Road, also known as “the first pass in South of the Five Ridges”, and it was one of the necessary passes from the Central Plains to Lingnan in ancient times. On one side of it is Lingbei, and on the other side is Lingnan. The literati who were exiled to Lingnan in ancient times left many well-known poems here. Not only that, the Nanling Mountains to which the Meiguan Ancient Road belongs are a collection of beautiful natural wonders such as mountains, forests, springs, lakes, waterfalls, and caves. It has been famous since ancient times.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Tanyue took us to the entrance of Meiguan Ancient Road. With the brand spirit of exploring and seeking truth from Tanyue, we embarked on this remaining ancient road, a road paved with a thousand-year history.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Walking along the mountain, a majestic pass lies in front of you, and you can see that it stands majestically on Meiling, like a mountain gate separating Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces. Jiangxi is to the north of the pass, and Guangdong is to the south. Standing at the pass, you can feel the hustle and bustle of passers-by and the wisdom of people in that era.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Exempt the car in the valley, feel Tanyue’s off-road nature and free and easy personality

We stopped briefly in a small valley of Yashan, drinking tea, chatting, and enjoying the rare leisure during the journey. Tanyue also shows its free and unrestrained nature here, playing sand, climbing, wading, muddy, and having fun!

With the 4MOTION intelligent four-wheel drive system equipped with BorgWarner’s fifth-generation central differential, Tanyue can quickly identify and accurately distribute front and rear torque on demand, and easily pass through cross-axle, wading and slippery road sections. In the limit state where individual wheels lose adhesion, all driving torque can be input to the rear wheels to achieve a 0:100 power distribution, thereby ensuring the power output of the vehicle and helping the vehicle get out of trouble easily.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

Even on the steep hump road, the power of Tanyue is still very strong. Just lightly step on the accelerator, it can output a steady stream of surging power and easily climb up the steep slope. The downhill process is also easy. Tanyue is equipped with HDC steep slope descent control system, which brakes the four wheels through the ESP system to control the speed of the vehicle downhill, so that the vehicle can drive downhill smoothly. While driving on rugged gravel roads, the vehicle will inevitably bump. The standard HRS suspension tension hydraulic buffer system of all Tanyue series has a good shock filtering effect, which greatly improves the ride comfort of the vehicle. In addition, Tanyue is also equipped with high-strength resin chassis guards, so there is no need to worry about damage to the chassis in complex road conditions when galloping in the wild.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

In terms of power, Tanyue is equipped with a “TSI engine + DSG transmission” gold powertrain, which provides abundant power for the vehicle, and can provide a steady stream of power output no matter when starting or accelerating midway. When climbing steep slopes, Tanyue’s power performance is also excellent. The match between the third-generation EA888 2.0T high-power engine and the DQ500 seven-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox is perfect. Among them, the DQ500 seven-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox was mainly used in high-end products before. It is the pinnacle of Volkswagen, and it is a veritable flagship “ace” gearbox.

Encountering Lingnan | This kind of travel is more exciting

After drinking tea, chatting, and leaving the car, our journey with Tanyue is coming to an end. This journey across Nanling, looking at rivers and mountains, and exploring history not only allows us to appreciate the vastness and meandering of Nanling, but also gives us the opportunity to understand and personally experience the rich history and culture of this hot land. What Yue Suo has been pursuing. A trip should at least allow the eyes to find beauty, but also let the soul accept a holy baptism.

In the days to come, why not set off with Tanyue to explore the truth, look at the river and see the mountains?

— END —