[Encyclopedia] Fuel-saving cheats: ten tricks to reduce fuel consumption, car owners must read!

The following factors can lead to increased fuel consumption. Taking measures accordingly, or troubleshooting can reduce fuel consumption.

[Encyclopedia] Fuel-saving cheats: ten tricks to reduce fuel consumption, car owners must read!

1. Too high speed on the highway will lead to increased fuel consumption. Appropriately reducing the speed of the vehicle has obvious effects on vehicles with relatively high fuel consumption. How is it appropriate? Keep your speed < 105 km/h.

2. Do not brake frequently, especially sudden braking. When you see a red light ahead, let go of the accelerator pedal and let the speed decrease naturally. Use less air conditioning and save fuel.

[Encyclopedia] Fuel-saving cheats: ten tricks to reduce fuel consumption, car owners must read!

3. Insufficient tire inflation will increase fuel consumption. It should be checked frequently to check whether the air pressure of the tire meets the air pressure standard. When the tires are fully inflated.

4. When the tires are severely worn, they will often slip and increase fuel consumption. Replace with new tires if necessary.

[Encyclopedia] Fuel-saving cheats: ten tricks to reduce fuel consumption, car owners must read!

5. The abnormal rotation of the wheels will affect the speed of the vehicle and increase the fuel consumption. If the wheels make abnormal noise during driving or starting, check the bearings and brake system for faults in time.

6. Clutch slippage increases fuel consumption. How can I tell if the clutch is slipping? When you notice that the engine tachometer increases rapidly when accelerating hard, but the vehicle speed increases slowly, it means that the clutch is slipping. The clutch slips and the engine revs are lost. The clutch plate, clutch pressure plate and drive wheel need to be replaced.

[Encyclopedia] Fuel-saving cheats: ten tricks to reduce fuel consumption, car owners must read!

7. Increased fuel consumption due to high mileage. When the car has traveled 200,000 to 300,000 kilometers, there will usually be insufficient cylinder pressure, and the fuel consumption will increase significantly at this time. If this happens, the engine needs to be overhauled.

8. When the exhaust pipe emits black smoke and the fuel consumption increases, it is necessary to check the carburetor. If the carburetor is too dirty, you can spray the carburetor directly to the air inlet of the carburetor with cleaning agent. If there is still black smoke at this time, you can only disassemble the carburetor and clean it.

[Encyclopedia] Fuel-saving cheats: ten tricks to reduce fuel consumption, car owners must read!

9. If the spark plug is used for too long, the fuel consumption will also increase. Because the damage of the spark plug will reduce the ignition energy, the speed of the car will slow down, resulting in a significant increase in gasoline consumption. The spark plugs should be replaced.

10. When the temperature control switch and thermostat of the car are damaged, the fuel consumption will increase. Because the temperature control switch and the thermostat are damaged, the water temperature will drop, and the carburetor will not work normally, resulting in poor atomization of gasoline and a significant increase in fuel consumption. Replace the defective part.

[Encyclopedia] Fuel-saving cheats: ten tricks to reduce fuel consumption, car owners must read!

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