Experience – the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

In 1997, I was 19 years old and graduated from high school. I drove a 100-displacement motorcycle with my best friend and crossed the Qinling Mountains. For two full days, from Xi’an to Danfeng County, Shaanxi Province, the lack of power on the way caused the cylinder to pull and avoid The oncoming car accidentally drove the car into the ditch. Of course, I also reaped the most beautiful scenery in the Qinling Mountains. This should be the first self-driving tour in my life…

On the National Day of 2006, LP and I drove Qinghai by ourselves. After passing through the Duoba toll station and crossing the Riyue Mountain, the feeling of goose bumps was still fresh in my memory. A self-driving tour on the plateau, since then, my fascination with the plateau has been out of control…

In the depths of the universe, there is a blue planet, and on the most protruding highlands of this blue planet, there is a white wasteland covered with ice and snow, washed away with lead, waiting for my pious heart, the vigorous, joyful, The passion and pulse of grievances are just a speck of dust in the wasteland here, and will disappear without a trace after a gust of wind. Therefore, never talk about conquering the wasteland, because you don’t understand the wasteland at all. He just cares for you and can’t bear to hurt you. Your passion, forgive your arrogance…

SO, for the wasteland, encounters are enough!

1. Qinghai, here I come again

2. Looking for Ga Duo Jue Wo

3. The secret realm of Kunlun under the nine-story demon tower

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

1. Qinghai, here I come again

Qinghai, the north of the roof of the world

Every year, my holidays are habitually contributed to Qinghai,

Not for anything else, just for the love of Qinghai in my heart,

That every road, every mountain, every river,

make me obsessed,

Indeed, I am a fan of Qinghai…

In the spring of 2018, it was time for the annual assembly again, and the location was still Yushu, so the story began…

Mainly because of the needs of taste buds, the seduction of stuffed skin and sweet slabs made me lost my mind and gave up the safety of my accommodation. Even if I went out to face “Xining Du” the next day, I would not hesitate. When I wrote this post, my saliva was Can’t help but flow down.

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

The expressway from Xining to Yushu is finally connected, but the time is not saved much! The cheating super-long areas are repeated one after another, the pickup is 60, you read that right, it is 60 kilometers per hour, forcing us to leave the expressway and take the 214 National Highway. The altitude is still a bit fast, I didn’t get used to it around 3000, and I suddenly went up to around 4200, a little altitude sickness, got off the car to rest for a while, a bottle of glucose and a Red Bull, and it was a lot easier.

Continue on the road, the first destination today is Two Lakes and One Monument, the iconic landmark of the source of the Yellow River. Xiaoxi, Hu, and I finally revisited the old place. Brother Hao and Xiao Li had never been here. After leaving Maduo, we ran all the way excitedly. The three-hour drive was almost an hour! Washboard road at 90 to 100 speeds all the way, for which I paid the price of radio horns and cigarette lighter splitters being turned crazy. Although I have been to Two Lakes and One Monument several times, this is the first time I have experienced the frozen Eling Lake. Some people look at the lake and have a lot of thoughts. It can be understood that it is emptying, or feeling life, or simply feeling the scenery. I don’t know. What are you thinking?

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

I met the administrator of the Two Lakes and One Monument at the Niutou Monument, took a group photo with each other on WeChat, and had a pleasant conversation, from geography to belief, from customs to human sophistication…

The wind is not strong at this time, and the temperature is very suitable. What is missing is a sea of ​​tea. Let’s taste the sunset of Niutoubei together. I think of two old friends who are as hospitable and talkative as he is, that is Gajia in Maduo Township not far from here and a dumb guide (I met you when I went to Yueguzong Liequ). The most memorable one is the dumb guide, We ate Tibetan food at his house, tasted buttered tea, and discussed his favorite tiger-headed mastiff (sign language), all of which have been in the past for many years. I wish you all peace and happiness here.

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Just a while ago, I got the news that the two lakes and one monument have banned travel activities, and I don’t know if this trip to the two lakes and one monument will be the last time in my life? mixed feelings…

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Huashixia does not eat, Maduo does not stay in the shop, so we decided to attack Yushu at night. Finally arrived in Yushu at two o’clock in the morning, still familiar with the airport hotel, Yushu rested…

PS: Yushu is so huge, it is almost impossible to buy a cigarette lighter splitter and a radio speaker! In the end, I had to buy an active speaker to connect to the car platform. The cigarette lighter splitter was only bought in the last store! Hey, it would be great if a certain Dong and a certain treasure had a front position here…

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

The breakfast in Yushu made me think of it involuntarily. I thought of the Hu spicy soup I drank in Xi’an before departure, and my mouth watered again!

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Staying in Yushu, in addition to trying my best to find car speakers and cigarette lighter splitters, it’s a pity that I couldn’t buy what I wanted. Forget it, let’s make use of it!

Yushu is a good place to adapt to the altitude. Although it is slightly inferior to Golmud in terms of supplies and accommodation, you can eat delicious meals and purchase ingredients for crossing in this place. Compared with other counties, the accommodation conditions are much better.

The most important thing is that the altitude is suitable, 3700 meters, neither high nor low! And if you want to go to Yushu, you will cross Jiangluling and Bayan Harshan, which can be regarded as the first exploration of 5000 meters. If you react violently to these dumb mouths, then it is best not to go through the next step, or if you are in Yushu again. It can also be observed for a few days. Because for the plateau crossing, high anti-altitude has always been unavoidable, and at the same time it should be attached great importance to. I usually stay in Yushu for about 2 days, and I usually walk with heavy equipment. I must take more than 20,000 steps a day. One-step crossing to do a good job of adaptation!

Prepare supplies, load vehicles…

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

I don’t know what you are talking about… Hehe, do you want to tug of war?

The sleeves are ready, one pair per person, 25 yuan, bought by the Ma family, if you lose it, you have to accompany me, haha…

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

2. Looking for Ga Duo Jue Wo

Ga Duo Jue Wo, the first time I heard about it was at Xi’an Che You Luo Tuo Ci, and the second time was “The Road to the Mountain” by Big Brother Wilderness. When I came out of Kariqu in 2014, I also passed by Gaduojuewo. Indeed, Gaduojuewo is not as famous as other holy mountains, at least I didn’t pay attention to it at that time. In order to further adapt to the altitude, we decided to travel a little bit, so we decided to walk the Tongtian River on a temporary basis and head north to find Gaduojuewo.

Starting from Yushu, a few kilometers north along National Highway 214 is the Sanjiangyuan Monument. Enter County Road 817 from here, which can be regarded as entering the crossing section. The dust raised by the off-road vehicle forces us to continue to increase the distance between vehicles. As the altitude climbs, the scenery becomes more beautiful! Those who have never been to Bingchacha can come here to have a look. Except for the vegetation, the topography and road conditions are basically the same. We jokingly call this the Qinghai version of “Bingchacha”. This route is to adapt to the altitude, and the ultimate goal is to find the legendary Ga Duo Jue Wo, but I didn’t expect the scenery on this road to shock me!

Before we knew it, it was noon, we chose to have lunch by the river, and my drone took its first flight after the meal. This is also my first test flight. Although it is the first time, I also took photos that I like very much. God’s perspective is indeed different! However, there are also dangers everywhere. An eagle seems to be interested in my drone, and almost…

We were short on time and didn’t stay too long. Soon we arrived at Zhaduo Town, which is also the location given by the navigation, but we couldn’t find Gaduojuewo no matter what. It was difficult to find the police. The police from the Zhaduo Town Police Station told us to go to Saikang Temple and then we could see Gaduojuewo, so we quickly turned around and went straight to Saikang Temple. After communicating with the Lama at Saikang Temple, I learned that it takes about 12 hours on foot to see Gaduojuewo from here, and off-road vehicles cannot reach it. This 12 hours is still their speed, or about 6 hours on horseback, let’s not talk about us How about your physical fitness? If we arrive at this time, it will probably be midnight! Moreover, this is a place at an altitude of 4,500 meters. After a while of frustration, we quickly adjusted our mood and took a group photo at Saikang Temple.

Because I didn’t do my homework well before and didn’t know the specific coordinates of Gaduojuewo, I temporarily opened the map and looked for Gaduojuewo. Thanks to the teamwork ability, we basically determined the coordinates of Gaduojuewo and temporarily planned the route , leave as soon as you say.

After turning around the mountain (driving on the road), we finally drove the off-road vehicle to the foot of the mysterious Gaduojuewo at around 6:00 p.m., and dared not get off the vehicle because there were a group of wild dogs, so we picked up the dried meat and started feeding the dogs. After the wild dogs are attracted by the jerky, we can get out of the car and encounter the elegant demeanor of Ga Duo Jue Wo. I remember that the outdoor expert, Wilderness, said that the dogs here eat people, but I really forgot about this when I was feeding the dogs, and I was really scared when I thought about it!

Later, when the radio station mentioned this matter, I still felt a little guilty, but the moment I saw Gaduojuewo, I was deeply fascinated by him. The majestic, steep, and surrounding mountains tightly surround the main peak. Nature is truly amazing. uncanny workmanship! As in the legend, Ga Duo Jue Wo was a general who led his subordinates to benefit mankind and live and work in peace and contentment…

As the sun sets, we reluctantly bid farewell to Gaduojuewo and head straight to Qumalai to continue the next journey…

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

After so many years, the accommodation and catering conditions in Qumalai have not improved! It’s no wonder, after all, this place is not on the main road of traffic. It’s understandable. It’s a pity that the Sichuan restaurant has not opened. This reminds me of the Sichuan cuisine in Qumalai many years ago. It’s all the past. Maybe the boss can’t bear to come here The harsh environment is back to Chengdu! After a day of hunger, no matter what, I always have to eat, so I found a noodle restaurant to eat!

To sum it up: a group of dicks spent a day at an altitude of 4-5 kilometers for a mountain. Brother Hao drank a 95 yuan 4g cup of Zhuyeqing Lundao. On topic, huh…

Experience - the most precious wealth in life (exploring Kunlun) 1

(to be continued)