Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

From June 21st to 23rd, the 2019 Mingyang Motorsports “Shengdio Lubricant Cup” and the Luli Concentric Off-Road Competition Daluzhuang Station were held in Jinan. As a media member of the Shandong Brigade, it is natural not to miss such a wonderful event. Take the high-speed train from Qingdao to Jinan at noon on the 21st, and meet with the team members of the Qingdao Yuemi Cross-Country Club starting from the west coast in Jinan. I would like to thank Mingyang Racing and Dabing, the chief commander of the race, and Chenchen, the media member of Shanda University, for picking up the station.

In the event, it is inseparable from the strong support of the sponsors, sponsors and all the big names. This cross-country race is named by Shengdio lubricants.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The background picture of the large screen of the dinner party. The photography is strongly supported by Shandong Yellow River Photography Club and Kutribe Xiaoyaoke.

Introduce the organizational structure of the competition

Organizer: Shandong Brothers Vertical and Horizontal Culture Development Co., Ltd.

Organizers: Shandong Mingyang Racing Club, Luli Tongxin Public Welfare Alliance, Amber Light Decoration, Shandong Zhongtong Municipal Garden, Shandong Jianghe Sports Development Co., Ltd.

Co-organizers: Off-road e-family Shandong Brigade, Shandong Caravan, Quancheng Four-wheel Drive Brothers Alliance, Xiaodong Car Dealer, Ruibin Rescue, Pioneer Tribe, Chang’an 75 Team, Shandong Prado Team, Hongjiu Shandong Brigade, Jinan Caravan, Daqie Jinanji Tuanjun, Liaocheng Boundary Line Outdoor Club, Laizhou GM League, Qingdao Yuefan Off-Road Club, Jinan Polar Four-wheel Drive, Shandong Tourle Brigade, Dongying Extraordinary Outdoor, Binzhou Jiatu Life, Wild Latin Four-wheel Drive Club, Shandong Siling Army, Jinan Yunliang Modified Shandong Five-Star Car Club Off-Road E-family Shandong 20th Team Off-Road E-family Shandong Cheetah Army, Shandong Yellow River Photography Club, Liushun Changyou. Travel Alliance ~ etc. (in no particular order)

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Race track map. Departure: 1. 2. Speeding platform 3.4. Take-off slope 5. Left U-shaped bend 6. Small jumping platform. Closed car.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Next, I will post pictures of the event.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The staff set up the venue at Hongyuan Hotel, the event reception hotel.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Where to report.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Racers sign in.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Zhao Chengyu is in the car inspection.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Post door stickers.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Before the dinner party.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Gifts from sponsors.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Time and black roses.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Our table.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The host discusses the details of the party with Dabing and Dawuxing.

The pictures are mainly used, and the text is omitted.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Big Five Star’s son Little Five Star. The T-shirt on is nice.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Uncle Longfengpiao asked Xiao Wuxing to take a photo with liquor.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Liquor in the left hand and Sprite in the right. Which to drink?

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

In the end, he couldn’t resist the temptation. Don’t let the big five stars see this one!

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The staff at the check-in desk. In the middle is Shanshan beauty. Responsible for event registration and reception. They have been very busy these days, thanks to them!

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

group photo. In the middle is Lu Shiming. That’s what it says on the banner above.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The promotional brochure and related products of Shengdio lubricants, the title sponsor of this event.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The host comes on. The dinner party officially begins.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

It was full of guests and friends.

Pictures from the party scene.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Little five-star photoshoot.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Chen Chen, secretary-general of the Luli Tongxin Public Welfare Alliance, took the stage to speak.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Mr. Li, the sponsor of Shengdio Lubricating Oil, delivered a speech on stage.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

President Wang of Guojing Group delivered a speech.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Chief referee Wei Yifeng.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Racers. Live draw.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Media group member Little Crab

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

A little fish from the Yuefan Off-Road Club.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Women’s draw.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Yangyang of Mingyang Racing Club presented the “Best Strategic Partner” award to Mr. Li of Shengdio Lubricant.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The secretariat of the off-road e-family Shandong Brigade and the founder of Jinan Luli Tongxin Alliance came to the stage to present the “Best Supporting Partner” award. These three awards were awarded to Zhang Wuji of Shandong Caravan, Mr. Wang of Guojing Group, and Liuliu of Shandong Toule Brigade. Since Zhang Wuji, a caravan from Shandong, was going to participate in the China-Mongolia-Russia Rally, the Shandong Toule brigade was on a business trip on June 6 and was unable to attend the dinner awards. They specially entrusted representatives of their respective clubs to attend.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Group photo.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

President Wang of Guojing Group presented the “Best Sponsor” award.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Group photo.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

President Li presented the Best Sponsor Award.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Mr. Lu from the Daluzhuang Village Committee presented the Best Contribution Award to the Big Five Stars

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Group photo.

Li Shenghan, a student of Jinan Art School, a volunteer of the Luli Tongxin Public Welfare Alliance, and other students presented wonderful performances to everyone.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Lottery session. The little crab came to the stage to draw a lottery.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Hit the jackpot.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

One box of oranges per person.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

This award is more affordable, haha!

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Xiaoyu also won the prize.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Keep watching the show.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Dawuxing, Yangyang and Dabing toasted.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Continue to draw.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

The staff at the table of Cross-Country Consonance.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Our table has won a lot of prizes. Time and Brother Jiang accepted the award.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Each person has a box of tea sponsored by Shijia Zhencha-Dabing.

Fast and Furious Luli Concentric Cross-Country Race on the Yellow River Beach

Enjoy the show while eating.

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