Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

The journey of the brave will always be accompanied by scenery and songs all the way.

The team left Xiongguan in the west, visited the old city, galloped through the sandy mountains, enjoyed the grottoes and walked through the ancient roads. Leaving the Loess Gobi, the scenery and humanities change more and more frequently.

DAY 4 Shanshan-Bayinbulak 650 kilometers, highways, provincial roads, mountain roads, grassland roads

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

●Where the wheels are rolling westward, the pines and Yang are beautiful and the snowy mountains are majestic

From Shanshan to Bayinbulak, the convoy has entered the hinterland of Xinjiang, wandering in the gorgeous scenery, singing a song belonging to the traveler, and has an extraordinary life story. Along the way, as a caring person, you will gradually discover the endless beauty and profound cultural heritage left by the Silk Road.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Vehicles driving in the ancient city of Qiaowan, the temperament of the Land Cruiser and the Loess Gobi complement each other

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Playing the piano with plain hands and singing with low eyebrows seems to be more representative of the state of mind at this time

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

In a chic life, what is more in the heart is happiness

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

People and scenery on the journey, happiness is in the journey

The most beautiful scenery is on the road. On this day, we almost experienced three seasons of spring, summer and autumn. When we set off, we were still in Shanshan in summer. After a long journey of 650 kilometers, we arrived in Bayinbulak in early spring in the evening.

Departing from Shanshan, the scenery changes along the way. Passing through the flaming mountains that are as hot as a furnace, we visit the ancient city of Jiaohe, which has been preserved for two thousand years, and feel the vicissitudes of history in the ruins. God is amazing.

Every time you travel, there will always be different harvests. Although it is a day on the road, you can still have a panoramic view of the beautiful natural scenery outside the window. On both sides of the lingering mountain road, there are grasslands, streams, ravines, villages and groups of cattle and sheep. The colorful colors and the criss-crossing lines, all of which are like a unfolding landscape picture under the blue sky and white clouds, are too beautiful to behold.

After going through the pure and beautiful scenery road, we will stay in Bayinbulak for one day, and more wonderful things are waiting for us.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

The convoy marches in the Tianshan Mountains

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

From Shanshan to Bayinbulak, since Turpan is basically hovering in the mountains

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

The scenery on both sides of the road has a panoramic view

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Wherever you go along the way, the road signs are clear and clear

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Flocks of cattle and sheep inhabit the verdant meadow, forming a natural picture of “the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep”.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

What flows outside the window are distant mountains, lakes and green grasslands, this kind of tranquility and leisure, who has never longed for it

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

DAY 5 Bayinbulak 90 kilometers, grassland road

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

●The clear water reflects the sky, the grass kites fly through the sky, the red sun falls nine times

Since starting from Jiayuguan, I have been on the road every day. Today, we will have a rest day in the beautiful Bayinbulak.

The sky is blue and the clouds are white, the water is clear and the grass is beautiful.

As a traditional content of the “Looking for the World” activity, team friendly competitions with vehicles as units are also being carried out one after another. Following the “Trace the Ancient City” activity in Jiaohe Ancient City, the team “Archery Competition” is also launched on this vast grassland. Watch It seems simple to draw a bow and set an arrow, but it is difficult to master, and it is even more difficult to draw a bow and shoot. Bending a bow and shooting a big eagle is really not something ordinary people can do. In fact, who cares? It is enough to be a grassland shooter in Bayinbulak. A shot on the grassland, high enough!

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

The largest, oldest and best-preserved adobe city in the world

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Ancient city tracking game, find the real building according to the picture, the one with the shortest time is the winner

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

The schedule and driving tips are very detailed

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Archery Competition in Bayinbulak Grassland

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

For people who have lived in cities for a long time, archery has become a rare leisure and entertainment project

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

A fierce team archery competition

The beauty of the Bayinbulak Grassland is not only the green meadows and brocade flowers, but also the quiet and ethereal Swan Lake and the famous Kaidu River. The reason why it is famous is because the Tongtian River in Journey to the West is here, and it is also because of the world-famous nine-curve and eighteen-curve sunset.

The sudden wind and rain in the afternoon replaced the bright sunshine in the morning, and the temporary cotton coats were not enough to resist the cold. In the wind and rain, everyone still did not stop to go to the nine bends and eighteen bends. back. After a long wait, the wind and rain stopped suddenly, the whole world became pure and quiet, the horizon gradually turned light red, and the faint blush exuded a dazzling afterglow. Be totally mesmerized by this enchanting world.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Nine bends and eighteen bends, Bayinbulak in the setting sun

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Towering snow-capped mountains, majestic and boundless

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Best place to watch the sunset

For a person walking on the road, the most disappointing thing about the journey is the rain on a cloudy day, and the happiest thing is the surprise immediately after the rain. Although I couldn’t wait for the nine-curve and eighteen-curve jade belt-like river to reflect the magnificent scene of the nine suns, the afterglow of the setting sun under the heavy clouds also shocked everyone. most beautiful moment.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

People say that Xinjiang is full of scenery, isn’t it?

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

The harsh and changeable weather can’t stop the professional photographers with the team from moving forward

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Brave the wind and rain, just for the most beautiful encounter

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Only those who have experienced it will know the joy of going through hardships and finding a magnificent view

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Walking together along the way makes the brothers who have just met feel more affectionate

In addition to the picturesque scenery, there is also an epic history. A “Return to the East·Impression” live-action drama brought us back more than 200 years ago. In 1771, Ubashi, the leader of the Mongolian Turghut, led an army of 170,000 troops from the Volga River Basin, and traveled thousands of miles in seven months. People returned to the motherland to settle down in peace, and completed the most tragic national migration in human history. The performance that night vividly demonstrated the history of returning to the east, and restored the process of Obashi leading the Turghut tribe to return to the motherland, and the production and life of the descendants of the Turghut tribe after settling in the Bayinbulak prairie. status quo.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

The world not only presents a majestic and beautiful picture scroll, but also has an epic historical story

DAY 6 Bayinbulak-Nalati 100 kilometers, grassland road, national road

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

●Nomadic chasing flowers and snow-capped mountains moistening clouds

Today, the team traveled from Bayinbulak to Nalati, a 100-kilometer mountain road, which was relatively easy.

With the deepening of the team’s itinerary, the magnificence of nature became more and more lamented. In fact, the great world has created countless beauties, and we keep walking on the road, just to meet the beauty we have never seen before, meet the unknown self, let us understand nature more deeply, explore the unknown, the meaning of walking is nothing more than this.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

As a photographer, walking is a process of freezing light and shadow

From Turpan to Bayinbulak, and then to Nalati, which is known as the sky garden, we have been traveling in the Tianshan Mountains, from the barren Yardang landform, to the rolling and vast green prairie, and then to the alpine meadow among the mountains with flowers, All the way, it changes like a slowly unfolding picture scroll, which constantly attracts your attention and touches your thoughts.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

In the evening, we experienced a whole sheep feast with local customs.

“Bows and arrows hang on the wall, knives and axes lie horizontally”, in the beautiful Nalati Grassland, the prince’s account coincides with the happy day of “Wusun Kingdom King’s Wedding”. The arrival of the team adds to the festive atmosphere. The hospitable host ” Fat horses are slaughtered by the river, and fat sheep are cooked in a sky pot.” For a while, singing and dancing to raise the level and wine to add to the fun, the atmosphere is uplifted!

This feast of antique melodrama left a deep impression on our upcoming trip to the ancient Silk Road.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

DAY 7 Nalati-Karamay, 420 kilometers, grassland road, winding mountain road, high-speed

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

●Wanhu in Tianshan Mountains

Pure natural beauty can bring us all the good things. In the alpine meadows of Nalati, we felt this kind of purity and beauty, but in the tourist attractions that are too artificial, I still miss the scenery on the road. From Nalat to Karamay, the convoy travels on the northern part of the Duku Highway, which is a magnificent road running through the vast Tianshan Mountains. The longing for Duku comes from the reverence and hope in the hearts of off-roaders. The Duku Highway in my impression is accompanied by beauty and danger, challenges and hardships.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Marching in the Tianshan Mountains, traveling on the Damei Duku Highway with infinite scenery and dangerous peaks.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Regarding the vehicle, it must be the issue that everyone is more concerned about. There are 11 vehicles in the convoy, all of which are FAW Toyota Prado and Land Cruiser 200. Departing from Jiayuguan, passing through Dunhuang, Hami, Shanshan, Bayinbulak, Nalati Karamay along the way, experienced complex road conditions such as expressways, national highways, country roads, gravel roads, sandy land, and grassland roads, with a total journey of 2,800 kilometers , all vehicles had no faults or damages, except that when crossing the sea channel, the too sharp gravel in the Gobi Desert caused the tires of two vehicles to be cut, and the others were fine. Land Cruiser’s off-road performance and road performance, as well as the driving experience are very good during this journey, which once again proves the strong strength of the “Bull Head” off-road vehicle. It is no exaggeration to say that where there is a road, there must be a Toyota car.

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

With regard to the Silk Road, the ancient poems often contain loneliness and sadness, and the Gobi yellow sand, which seem to be related to the environment of the old time or the poet’s subject matter. Along the way, the convoy saw the tallness of Jiayuguan, the magnificence of Dunhuang, the vastness of the sea, and the splendor of Bayinbulak, which made people marvel at the beauty of all things and the world. Up to this point, countless picture changes and time and space shuttles, it seems that a highly appealing and multi-element Silk Road picture scroll is slowly unfolding. In fact, we are walking on the endless scroll of the Silk Road every day.

At this time, we are about to arrive at Karamay, the end point of this Silk Road tour through ancient times. A wonderful journey is coming to an end, and I feel melancholy.

In fact, the end is not the starting point of another journey, the unknown ahead is waiting for us, let us continue to walk and discover more exciting and beautiful!

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

Finding the way to the world Walking in the scenery of the ancient Silk Road (Part 2)

——End of the full text——