For the “Olympics” of Chery Group, the media commented like this

Chery’s annual global manufacturing skills competition has come to a successful conclusion, but media attention and heated discussions have not dissipated. Why did Chery organize an “Olympic” competition for factories around the world? How “thick” is Chery’s “unique secret book” to build system capabilities through strategic transformation in recent years? After the media went to Chery for in-depth excavation, the answers to each question were gradually found.

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The picture shows some media reports

The “Chery Global Quality Management System”, which was released publicly for the first time in this year’s competition, has attracted widespread media attention. Xinhuanet, Economic Reference Network, and other media reported that whether it is Chery’s “Olympic” or the quality management system released by Chery, people have seen Chery’s determination to build core competitiveness and build system capabilities and action. When mentioning Chery in the past, it was necessary to mention its technical background and the label of “technical innovation”. In fact, Chery realized very early on that mastering core technology and making technology sustainable development are only the basis for enterprise survival. It is not enough to have technology, but also other important elements, such as system, system, and culture, which are the core capabilities for Chinese brands to eventually grow into world-class brands. “

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“China Youth Daily” believes that: “Global Quality Management System” has become the cornerstone of Chery’s development. It was mentioned in the news report that, as a pioneer in the exploration of China’s independent brands, Chery began to think about the future development direction of Chinese brands very early, and formed a consensus internally that the foundation of brand is quality, and the foundation of quality is system. Through years of independent innovation and quality management practices, Chery has gradually improved its quality management model to meet Chery’s global factories. After application and improvement in Chery’s 10 overseas factories around the world, Chery’s global quality management system has finally been formed.

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Red Dot of the auto market commented in the distributed “Red Dot Observation”: After participating in the on-site event of Chery’s 4th “Global Manufacturing Skills Competition”, the two biggest feelings are Chery’s “ingenious manufacturing” and “globalization”… …It is not so much that Chery spent 20 years building a culture of ingenuity, but it took 20 years to establish the “Chery Global Quality Management System”. And it is precisely in the past 20 years that Chery has laid a low-key and solid basis for quality, achieved ingenious manufacturing with the spirit of craftsmanship, and at the same time realized the globalization of the enterprise and the globalization of the brand.

The article “Let the “Global Manufacturing Skills Competition” Empower the “Chery Global Quality Management System”” in the headlines of the automobile mentioned: Based on the deepening of Chery’s strategic transformation and the improvement of the system construction, the “Global Manufacturing Skills Competition” has effectively promoted Chery’s The perfect popularization and efficient operation of the global quality management system is also why Chery craftsmen from different nationalities, skin colors and cultural backgrounds around the world can compete under the same “rules of competition”.

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Chery’s persistent pursuit of cultivating a culture of ingenuity and pursuing the quality of ingenuity for more than 20 years has been praised and recognized by the media. Che Jingshe wrote in “Is a soldier who doesn’t want to be a general a good soldier? Why does Chery have such a paranoid spirit?” “The article said: In terms of promoting the spirit of craftsmanship, as a representative of Chinese brand cars, Chery Automobile is clearly at the forefront… From experts in the National Thousand Talents Program to ordinary assemblers, they are all indispensable and valuable talents for enterprises , Let professionals do professional things, and the right to speak in the professional field is greatly respected within the company. In this regard, Chery has indeed been very successful among domestic car companies, which is also an important reason why Chery can accumulate a lot of money.

Automobile Tianya mentioned in “System Chery: Creating World-Class Manufacturing Technology and Product Quality” that it can be said that it is precisely because of Wang Jianguo, Xu Xiaofei, Qi Jinhua and other outstanding “big country craftsmen” that Chery’s manufacturing technology level has been truly improved. , narrowed the quality gap with joint venture brand cars, and laid the foundation for “Technology Chery” and “Quality Chery”. It also makes more Chery people willing to become a real “craftsman”, and this is exactly the craftsman spirit that Chery and Made in China need most… The Chinese auto industry needs more craftsmen, and more real manufacturing processes and management systems Chery who are on par with joint venture brands.