How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

Days without an RV…not used to it!

This article is just a groan for nothing, to talk about the impact of “RV” on me personally. It is estimated that it will take 3 minutes to read it all. If you are not interested, you can quit. This article does not introduce cars.

I went to the Zhengzhou RV Show a while ago, and I felt uncomfortable without driving. Maybe the lesson from the last time was not deep enough, and I didn’t drive this time on a business trip!

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

I went to the “2019 Wuhan RV Self-Driving and RV Camping Summit Forum” yesterday, because I was in a hurry and I didn’t drive! Although the host arranged food and accommodation properly, I still didn’t eat well and didn’t sleep well. I felt sorry for the star hotel that the organizer arranged for me, but… I just didn’t feel as comfortable as in my RV. A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as my own bed, and no matter how good the hotel is, it is not as good as my own “home”.

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

Every time I participate in some RV-related activities, I can meet a group of old car friends, and this time is no exception. However, the old car friends did not drive there like me. We went to the high-speed rail station together on the way, and it was obvious that my brother was not used to the life without a car. It is estimated that all old car enthusiasts have this problem. If they don’t take their own home to go out, they will feel uncomfortable in various ways.

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

To sum up a few points:

1. If you go to a strange city, don’t you want to walk around? If you want to go, you need a car. For example, in Wuhan this time, in such a big city, it is inconvenient for you not to have a car. It is not impossible to rent a car on arrival, but for a one or two day itinerary, the organizer will usually arrange a full itinerary, and you will not need to rent a car for a while, which is inconvenient!

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

2. It is uncomfortable to sleep. As I said, the bedding in the hotel is not bad, but why is it not as comfortable as my own luggage? Probably the mites on the hotel bedding are not familiar to me. Mites, it’s better to raise yourself…

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

3. I carried my bag and walked for two days. It’s not that I have any valuables, but where do you put them? I don’t have a good memory, so I forget where I put it… Although no one picks up my underwear and socks, I can’t change them after losing them. There are also a bunch of camera equipment, data cables, computers and so on. If these things are lost, and the tools for eating are gone, it will be troublesome to buy them again. My RV is my oversized storage box…

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

4. I didn’t bring my “living room” with me. I usually go to exhibitions and meet some old and new friends. I stand and drink the wind, and my cheeks hurt from smoking one cigarette after another… Are you tired? How comfortable it is to get in the car and drink tea if you take “home” with you. Black tea, green tea, Pu’er Guanyin, can be picked vigorously.

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

5. In this meeting, there was a senior organization operating the Wuhan camp, and it was a bit regrettable that they passed by the camp but did not have a car to enter. As a media worker, it is my duty to show you the development and current situation of the RV camping industry in the form of video and text. That’s great, the people have gone, but the car hasn’t gone… It feels like the crew has entered the stage and the actors are lost…

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

6. To catch the subway, catch the train, or catch the plane, in short, you have to hurry to go out. Unfamiliar cities, unfamiliar bus lines… the time constraints also made me uncomfortable.

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

Recently, there seems to be an exhibition press conference in Beijing… Every time I think about it, I feel pain, because my goal thousands of miles away is not within range! This kind of ultra-long-distance meeting, driving to trouble! Because it will be open for two days. It’s still painful and inconvenient not to drive… Am I suffering from “RV dependence”?

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

For me, the property of a caravan is greater than that of a “poetry and distance” caravan. When people are not old, they have to do work and participate in things. From now on, as long as it is a place that I can reach in a day, I must drive, and drive resolutely! I must take my tea-tasting room, living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom with me, so I can use my own and never ask for help! Living with an RV, even working, is fun.

How can I go on a business trip without an RV? Check out the many disadvantages of not driving a RV for business trips! lesson

Above, the complaints are over, can you read all the complaints? Definitely a true friend! The shoulders are the brother, and what you click to follow is what you should do. It is a great honor to chat with you about “RV” related topics every day. Let’s chat tomorrow~ Bye!