Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Daolang is not referring to the singing Daolang

Today is the day of changing camps for the Ring of Tales Rally. The team needs to transfer from the camp in Aksu Film Town to trek for more than 400 kilometers to the second camp – Maggiti Town, Kashgar. During the stage of the competition, it is very hard to complete the transition from the finish line to the new camp.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Fang Mingji is preparing for departure

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

The three drivers of the Shell Amway XS all the way to the south rally team received the courtesy at the finish line

The new camp is located at McGiti Quintiles Oil Company. Many teams have occupied a better position early. The Shell Amway XS team went south all the way to improve the food by themselves.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Beautiful cooking skills are also amazing

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

See how the team’s food is

For information about the arena, please see the picture of Mr. Qiangqiang.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Markit is surrounded by sand on three sides, next to the Taklamakan Desert, and the only side is moistened by two rivers, the Yarkant River and the Tiznafu River, which belong to the river alluvial oasis terrain and are oases in the desert. tree lined. Very suitable for travel.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

I had a very delicious roast pigeon

Markit is a small county town. On the one hand, the arrival of Huanta has made this quiet town lively. On the other hand, the people from Huanta have booked all the hotels, hotels and guest houses in the town, which is far beyond Maigait. Raise the reception capacity.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

In the shantytown renovation area in the county, the simple bungalows no longer exist. The government has built beautiful new buildings. Many families have some spare rooms. The government also encourages them to start the business of homestay, which can also increase some income.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

The head of the household, Wusiman Maimaiti, is one of a pair of elderly brothers who have been engaged in the blacksmith business. Now that they are old, they live in a building built by the government to help improve their lives and live a comfortable life.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

old brothers live together

Only when you come to southern Xinjiang can you feel the hospitality of Xinjiang people. As soon as you sat down in the living room, the old man went out and bought watermelon, mango, banana and other fruits. At first glance, he bought the most expensive ones. Just chatting a few words, a solid plate The kebabs are served.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Head of Household Granny

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

The cultural feature of Markit is the “Daolan culture”, not the singing Daolang. The Daolang culture has a wide range of meanings, especially everyone’s obsession with music and dance is amazing. Every night in the community square, singing and dancing are extremely joyous.

Maihesumu Kudulaiti is a traditional large courtyard. There is a traditional big kang in the middle, with as many as a dozen rooms. The head of the household has several children, big and small. After dinner, everyone changes into beautiful Clothes, ready to dance in the square, very happy.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

This kind of simplicity and enthusiasm is not found in big cities. The head of the household is not even ashamed to set a price for our room. They are generally engaged in some small businesses, and their lives are not rich, but they are happy.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Tomorrow, the third stage of the Taklamakan Rally will be held. The whole journey is more than 300 kilometers, and it goes deep into the hinterland of Taklimakan. The whole journey is a desert stage. Keep your head clear at all times and not get lost. Tomorrow will be an extremely difficult stage, which is the ring tower.

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Huanta Road | If you don’t come to Southern Xinjiang, you don’t know how fun Huanta is

Source of text and pictures: Motorcycle Travel Guide