Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

I have been to Water Yadan in Qinghai twice. The first time was in 2013, when I hitchhiked and only passed by without camping.

The amazingness of Yadan on the water has always been lingering in my heart, so I went there for the second time in 2017, and it was specially turned over. Single bicycles must be camped. It’s a pity that the weather is average, but it’s a wish.

I have never been to Erboliang, nor have I been to Emerald Lake, so I specially arranged these two spots when I came out of Xinjiang this year.

It’s just that I didn’t plan to time travel, so I didn’t do any homework.

I don’t want to, by mistake, I traveled through time.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

On the day of April 17, 2019, we departed from Dunhuang at 8:30 in the morning, went to Yangguan, passed through Axai, crossed the pass of Dangjin Mountain, and went around the Lenghu Oil Base, and arrived at Lenghu at 15:13 Town lunch, leave Lenghu Town at 15:55, arrive at the entrance of Erboliang at 16:46, and officially leave at 16:52.

In fact, a few days ago, I always thought that Erboliang was just like Yadan on the water, at most a short way down. It wasn’t until two days ago in Shanshan that I met Brother Lang from Yuanjiang and talked about Erboliang before I realized that he had traveled across the country, and then he sent the track and a hot spring punctuation, telling me to go to the hot spring to turn back Yes, it is easy to get stuck in the back, so I don’t want to go alone.

Well, that being the case, I still haven’t thought about downloading offline maps to travel through.

When I was having dinner in Lenghu Town, I asked the boss Erbo Liang if he could go to Shuishang Yadan. He actually said yes, saying that the road was built last year. I doubted it, but he said that someone had left. At this time, I still have no intention of crossing.

From Lenghu to the entrance of Erboliang is a very easy asphalt road for S305. Signboard at the entrance.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

There is a small square on the side of the road with a brief introduction.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Although the road just entered is a dirt road, it is easy to walk and has simple instructions.

Not long after entering, I saw a rescue call and took a photo for backup, but is there a signal inside?

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Accidentally found that the driving recorder crashed and could not be restarted. It could only be discharged until it was completely dead. So I waited on the spot for 20 to 30 minutes, trying to record the whole process, but I couldn’t figure it out for a long time for some reason, so I had to move on, waiting while walking, but there was no video recorder in the previous section.

The vast Yardang landform is spectacular, but the camera cannot reflect it, and the weather is also average.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

The road conditions in the first 1/3 of the next road are hard and flat, but there is a washboard road, which can be used by any car, and there is no problem in getting to the hot spring.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

It’s almost 6:00 p.m., the day is still bright, and I’m in a good mood to climb a small slope to take pictures.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Another panorama.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Before arriving at the hot spring, I suddenly saw a car from a distance, thinking that I was here to travel through camping, I was very excited, and went straight to the past, but it turned out that it was just a group of male workers working, and there was no result when I asked for directions. As a single female Cycling requires at least a minimum of safety awareness, so I dare not say more and stay longer, and turn around and return to the “main road”.

Arriving at the hot spring at about 18:15, I saw that the road ahead was still on a hard roadbed, so I believed the words of the hotel owner.

Looking at the map track again, I feel that I have already walked half of the distance through the crossing road. Thinking about the first half, it only took about an hour. Even if the road conditions are poor, it will take twice as long, that is, more than 8 o’clock in the evening, and at most 9 o’clock. I should be able to wear it on the G315 before it gets dark, so I decided to travel temporarily.

Let’s take a look at the trajectory first. The covered black line is Brother Wolf’s trajectory, and the yellow line is what I actually walked.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

In fact, I made two mistakes at this time: First, I just looked at the small picture on the phone, without zooming in to see it. The place. Second, I didn’t ask Brother Wolf how much time they spent in the whole process!

Afterwards, I checked the track on the computer to find out that from the S305 down track to the G315 up track, Brother Wolf’s track took 6 hours and 16 minutes for 82.2 kilometers, and I took 6 hours and 36 minutes for 87.6 kilometers. And it is about 28 kilometers from the lower road to the hot spring point. It took Brother Wolf 1 hour and 52 minutes, and I took 1 hour and 34 minutes. After waiting for the recorder for half an hour, I only spent about an hour.

It was only afterward that I learned that Brother Wolf and the others were just passing through temporarily at that time, and there was no track to find the way by combining the map. However, they are a convoy, and all of them are experienced and well-equipped. Solo bicycle.

In terms of time, the Lulang brothers in the front 1/3 may take more time to take pictures than me. I always feel that the pictures are not good, so I rarely take pictures. And I didn’t take any photos later, I just looked at the road and trajectory. The reason why my mileage is a few kilometers higher is that I have gone wrong in several places.

About half an hour before leaving the hot spring, I deviated from the track for the first time. There were ruts at that time, so I thought I would go back to the track and didn’t care.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

As a result, the ruts deviated farther and farther from the track, and floating sand appeared.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

It was about 19 o’clock at this time. Zoom in on the trajectory diagram to see the position of the red arrow in the middle of the diagram at this time.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Previously, the scale of the map was only 500 meters and 200 meters. At this time, it felt wrong. I quickly zoomed in to 100 meters and 50 meters. cannot see the map).

At this time, I thought, Brother Wolf’s skills are strong and the car is strong, but there may not be teammates in the team who are not as good as me. Since they can pass through safely, they shouldn’t be so thick all the way. Stronger cars are better).

So bit the bullet and cut across the “desert” area. In this kind of Yadan landform area, there are floating sands, dare not slow down, sharp stones, dare not move fast, there is no road! All kinds of tastes only you know.

Finally got back on the track, and zoomed in on the map to 50 meters from then on, and if there is a slight deviation, it will be corrected immediately.

Walking along the track, most of them can be seen as “ancient roads”, that is, there are small stones on both sides of the “road” as road rails. However, many roads were submerged by wind and sand, and it was impossible to see clearly. What was worse was that after dark, the surrounding situation could not be seen clearly, and several turns were not right. The bad thing is that the GPS is unresponsive every time I want to go back, so I always walk back and forth.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

In this kind of ghostly place, driving alone can’t wait to be overpowered. You have to watch the road, track, and sound. You don’t even care about drinking water, let alone food.

I deviated here again, and the sky looked better than before, but I was also worried that I would not know when I would be able to go out, so I took the last photo, and there will be no more photos today.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

The whole journey is low 4, and there are a few slopes that are almost stuck there and cannot be rushed up. It needs tossing back and forth. At this time, the H5 is roaring like a tractor.

What is more sad is that the wind is getting stronger and stronger, so I can only close the windows and turn on the air conditioner (you can imagine the fuel consumption). Every time I stop and look at the road conditions, I always wait for a while, thinking that the dust has settled, and then open the window. Unexpectedly, I still face the wind and sand And finally, it was very embarrassing.

It’s half past eight and it’s still dark. There is a steep slope in order not to get stuck in the car and rushed up the slope, only to find that it was wrong again. Get out of the car to observe, it is too steep and there are bends, I dare not turn around, so I can only retreat slowly.

This time I didn’t bring any camping equipment. Seeing that the road was getting more and more difficult to walk, and zooming in on the map, I saw that it was still far away from the main road. I thought about sleeping in the car with my clothes on, but I heard animal calls two or three times. I don’t know why. Dog or wolf. The sound was very strange. No one had seen any animals along the way at dawn, but they came out when it was dark.

I always thought that the roads near the main road would be better, but no. There are two sections of sharp stone roads, and one section is quite long. At this time, the only thought in my heart is: slow down, slow down, don’t tire!

The driving recorder only has a 32G card, and I was worried that it would not be enough, so I turned it off before 9:30, and did not record the difficult places behind.

The stone recorded here is only a short section, and it can be bypassed. There are two longer sections in the back, and there is no way to go around it!

At night, the visibility range is very small, it is difficult to choose a route, and it is easier to get stuck in the car.

At 11:15 at night, I finally saw the headlights of the G315. To commemorate this moment, I drove with one hand and recorded video with my mobile phone in the other.

As a result, I got excited and walked over without looking at the trajectory.

Walking safely to the main road, the hanging heart finally let go.

Impulse is the devil—a single-person bicycle crossing Erboliang to Shuishang Yadan

I called Brother Wolf before S305 was off the road, and said that if there is no news from me tomorrow…then there was no signal during the temporary crossing, so I didn’t inform him. I didn’t get a signal until after ten o’clock, so I quickly informed him of the situation . Now that we are on the road, hurry up and report your safety on WeChat.

Summary: H5 is worth owning; Cooper tires live up to expectations; Lao Piao is trustworthy

In 2013, when passing through Shuishang Yadan from Huatugou to Delingha, I observed that there were no places for accommodation along the way. In 2017, I went from Golmud to Shuishang Yardang and only walked to the west of Dongtai. There was no accommodation along the way, but Last year, the Wusute Yadan Scenic Area was newly delineated on the west side of Dongtai, and the supporting hotels were also opened.

After looking at the map, it is about 100 kilometers from the upper road point to the scenic hotel. The road is very good. It takes about an hour to arrive during the day, but at night, the sight is not good and I dare not run too fast. It will take more than an hour. I am already very tired at this time. Relaxed and more tired after the Tao.

But this time I was very surprised that there are several hotels and restaurants on the east side of Xitai, which are about 30 kilometers closer than the scenic hotel. It seems that the hotels are relatively simple, but I entered one and said that there are standard rooms! With a separate guard, there is hot water for bathing!

Wow, wow, I thought I would wash it in the morning when I was too tired, but I couldn’t resist taking a shower and washing clothes after seeing the dust all over my body. Is there something wrong with the Cantonese?