Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

India is an indescribable country.

In terms of secular life, it seems that you can observe everything at a glance, and you don’t need to cover up poverty with gorgeousness, and you don’t drive beggars away in places where “foreigners” hang out; Live spiritually.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Although it is the second time I have come to India, I still can’t define everything here. The chaotic rules seem to be chaotic, but there are actually traces to follow. It seems that everyone can find their own way and practice to enter the next life smoothly. Even dirty streets, chaotic traffic, slow trains, everything, because they are all in India, you will take it for granted.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

During this trip to India, I saw more suffering in the world. A tramp who lacks food and clothing, builds a home with a few pieces of cloth, can only beg for a living since childhood, and is a young prostitute in the largest red light district in Asia. . .

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Undoubtedly, our urban construction is better than India. In the comfort zone built for us by the government, we exchanged a little freedom for the possibility of changing our lives as long as we work hard. We gave up our beliefs and only care about whether we can enjoy ourselves in this life , we rarely care about food and animals, we like to judge right or wrong, thinking that there is a standard answer in the world.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

As for the suffering in India, maybe I don’t understand it, but it’s like the protagonist’s rebellion against the utopian world in Brave New World, “I don’t want comfort, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want kindness, I want Sin, I claim the right to suffer.”

So there are 7.2 billion possibilities in life, each of which belongs to his own life.

What we cannot understand is only one of them.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Naipaul said: “India cannot be judged, India can only be experienced in the Indian way.” 

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

And what I want to talk about today is a gypsy town called pushkar.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

By chance, I heard about the place Pushkar from an Indian friend. Since we had to wait for our companion for a few days, we decided to come and have a look.

When we arrived, it happened that the camel festival had just ended, and there were still people on the street who refused to leave after the festival, and the crowds were crowded. We thought we had gotten used to the bright Indian colors, but we still felt that everything was incredible. Old Yu shouted, this is the gypsy.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Although I didn’t do a strategy beforehand, I am still very familiar with the name Gypsy, dance, music, color, divination, mystery, wandering… Gypsies have been wandering for thousands of years without a country and a home, making them follow the wind like dandelions Floating, they stop at every piece of land, firmly grasp the land, and absorb cultural nutrients.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Gypsies are good at learning the characteristics of different cultures and integrating them into traditional styles. After thousands of years of precipitation, they are already recognized as the best musicians and artists on earth.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

This nation originated in northern India, and the pushkar where we are located happens to be the village of Indian gypsies. This surprised us so much that we decided to stay a few more days to explore the gypsy village.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

As a born wandering nation, Gypsies have a strong national character in their hearts. They reject other cultures and changes, and keep some romantic yearnings about wandering in their hearts. They live under the abuse of many people and live a life that only their own nation can understand.

Actually they call themselves ROM Roma because Roma means (people), the British call them Gypsies, the French call them Bohemians, and the Russians call them Gypsies.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Lao Yu said that to understand this nation, one must first listen to their music, so he played a famous violin concerto, “Song of the Vagabond”, which was performed by the famous Spanish violinist Sarasate in a Gypsy village in Hungary. Created while collecting wind.

This song has been used in too many film and television works, highlighting the grief, which is also the gypsy emotion that Sarasate felt.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

This nation has never been recognized by the world. After World War II, Hitler came to power and started genocide. The first was the Jews, and the second was the Gypsies. Gypsies in Europe still face all kinds of discrimination. Thieves, liars, and beggars have become synonymous with them.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

They are not good at farming, and they have no special skills. They perform everywhere to make ends meet during their wanderings. They are good at singing and dancing, and for them, flamenco is in their blood. That’s right, for us aliens, Flamingo is a gypsy, a Carmen, a beautiful and unruly soul from a faraway land.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

This is not just an art form, but also represents a generous, fanatical, uninhibited and uninhibited way of life. The meaning of dance to the gypsies is not just a means of earning a living, but also their nature, a part of their life.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

If one ethnic group is only rejected by another ethnic group, there may be a misunderstanding, but being rejected by multiple ethnic groups should also have its own problems.

When I told the homestay host that we wanted to go to the gypsy village to get to know them, he was surprised and told us to be careful not to be scammed. Wherever we go, begging, from children to adults, without exception, sell goods at high prices and shoddy them as good ones. In our superficial contact, we have not felt the artistic essence of this nation, which is a pity.

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation

But we were still overwhelmed by their innate color matching skills and bought two old gypsy dresses, which are not immediately recognizable as Indian elements like sarees, but are one of the most important memories of my trip .

Incredible India | Pushkar, the doomed gypsy nation