It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Some time ago, a “Mount Everest Ban” swiped the screen,

Let the Associated Press, the Guardian, and the Daily Mail rush to report.

The Mount Everest Administration of Tingri County, Shigatse City recently issued an announcement saying:

From December 5, 2018, no unit or individual is allowed to travel to the core area above the Rongbuk Monastery in the Mount Everest National Nature Reserve.

It was interpreted by some media as: In order to clean up the garbage on Mount Everest, the local area “closed the mountain indefinitely”. Since then, the beauty of Mount Everest has become the most beautiful memory.

But soon, the officials came out to refute the rumors (da lian).

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

First of all, the announcement ban is true, but this ban is only for tourism behavior, and mountaineering and other activities will not be affected after approval. Secondly, although the tourist base camp withdraws from the core area, it actually only retreats a little bit, which does not actually affect the viewing of Mount Everest. In the base camp of the new generation of tourists in Rongbuk Monastery, everyone can still clearly see the mountains and peaks.

However, for such rumors, the opinions of most netizens on the Internet turned out to be: just seal it up!

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Netizen: In addition to Mount Everest, many scenic spots should ban tourists!

It is not without reason that everyone thinks this way.

Everest – “the closest place to heaven”

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

For many people, Mount Everest is our pride. It is the highest peak in the world, majestic and majestic, with its head held high above the sky, and it is majestic and shining with the brilliance of the sun.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The current Mount Everest is known as “the highest garbage dump in the world”.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

In 2018 alone, the autonomous region cleaned up 8.4 tons of garbage and excrement above 5,200 meters above sea level in the Mount Everest Reserve.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

There are also some things that cannot be cleaned up, such as corpses and excrement, which cannot be degraded in the severe cold, and are mixed in the ice and snow. Over the years, more and more.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Xiao U remembered that there was a documentary “I Picked Up Trash on Mount Everest” before, which told the story of a group of people risking their lives to clean up the trash that people discarded at will while climbing the mountain.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Up to now, although the official said that the garbage problem is not the main reason for promulgating the Mount Everest ban, many netizens believe that it may be a good thing for Mount Everest itself to welcome guests behind closed doors.

These beauties have also begun to thank guests behind closed doors!

【Holy Elephant Tianmen Scenic Spot】

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Starting from April 10, 2017, the Holy Elephant Tianmen is currently closed to any tourists, organizations, individuals, and institutions, and there is no food and accommodation in the scenic area.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The ultimate beauty spot, now we can only look at the pictures to satisfy our greed.

【Puuo Gangri Glacier】

From June 1, 2018, the Puruogangri Glacier in the Shuanghu County area of ​​Nagqu, Tibet will also suspend all kinds of tourist reception services.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The Puuogangri Glacier belongs to the core area of ​​the National Qiangtang Reserve, and is known as the “third pole of the world” except for the Antarctic and the North Pole. Here glaciers, lakes, and deserts are associated with each other, and groups of Tibetan antelopes, wild yaks, Tibetan wild asses and other wild animals can be seen in the surrounding areas.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

In recent years, self-driving tourists and adventure enthusiasts have traveled to Shuanghu County for sightseeing, which has brought considerable ecological pressure to the local area.

This beauty that shocked the world can only be felt by watching the documentary now.

These world-class beauties are disappearing…

【Amazon Rainforest】

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The Amazon rainforest, which spans 8 countries, is known to primary school students as the “lungs of the earth” and is the world’s largest tropical rainforest with the most species.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Now, due to improper development and unfavorable protection, the rate of deforestation in the Amazon region is astonishing. On average, a forest the size of a football field disappears there every 8 seconds.

【Dead Sea】

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The Dead Sea has shrunk by 30 percent in 50 years due to the compression of continental plates, the frequent drying up of the Jordan River and mining operations.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The level of the Dead Sea drops by an average of 1.2 meters per year, and the most extreme predictions are that it will disappear by 2050.

If you want to experience what it’s like to float on the surface of the Dead Sea, you better hold on tight!


Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa, with an altitude of 5895 meters.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The disappearance of glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro is very serious. In the past 80 years, the glaciers have shrunk by more than 80%.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

For the first time in 10,000 years, scientists predict that the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro will be completely free of snow in 20 years.

【Australia Great Barrier Reef】

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest and longest coral reef group in the world, with 2,900 large and small coral reef islands. Between the reefs and the coast is a very convenient sea route. When the weather is calm, cruise ships pass here, and the continuous colorful and multi-shaped coral scenery under the boat becomes the best underwater wonder to attract tourists from all over the world.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Climate change, pollution, crown-of-thorns starfish and fishing are among the biggest threats to the health of the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem. Other threats include marine accidents, oil spills and tropical cyclones. Because of the third global bleaching event triggered by ocean warming, the coral reefs in the central and northern regions may be completely destroyed, accounting for more than 40% of the Great Barrier Reef as a whole.

【Glacier National Park】

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

The amazing thing about Glacier National Park is its endless variety. On average, glaciers move about 30 centimeters per day. Few of the world’s cultural heritage can “move”, they just “exist”, but Glacier National Park is an exception.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Unfortunately, due to the greenhouse effect, the glaciers in the park are melting considerably. Once, there were 150 rivers festooned with glaciers, but now there are only 25 that contain enough to be called “glaciers.” According to national park officials, Glacier National Park’s remaining 25 glaciers will disappear within 20 years.

It is false that Mount Everest is permanently closed, but these world-class beauties are really going to disappear!

Although Mount Everest has not been completely closed, we hope that it will not be hurt again, because after some places are hurt, maybe we really can’t see them again.