It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

During the mandatory vacation at the end of April, my wife and I, who were bored, took a walk-and-go trip, Kunming-Dali-Nujiang-Bingchacha-Ranwu-Basu-Mangkang-Deqin-Dali-Kunming.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Lushui took a quick glance.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It was raining all the way from Kunming, and it was good to get to Lushuiche. Bingzhongluo was reminded by the traffic police.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

The Nujiang River has entered the rainy season. When I posted this post, many parts of the Nujiang River had collapsed and broken down. The Dulong River was cut off and there was no signal. Brothers who are going to the Nujiang River in the future, it is best to go to the Nujiang River in early winter, when the water is low. Green, and beautiful snow.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

The famous bathhouse in Nujiang, Denggeng Hot Spring, the water is really good, and the hot spring is free.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Resettlement point

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

on the way to old muden

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

One day of rain, clouds and mountains surrounded by fog.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

The owner of the inn boils water to brew the tea they grow at home. The water is also from the mountains, and the taste is very good.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

old muden church

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

In the lower right corner, it was sunny and a good view of the church. It was raining when I went there, and the ground was full of water, so it couldn’t go down at all, and the weather was fine.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

A sentence that must be broadcast when doing radio exercises when I was a child.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Lisu script, reversed Latin.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

We also came across the bridge. There are many such cable bridges along the Nujiang River, some of which can pass vehicles, and some of which cannot.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

This place is actually in a farmhouse at the intersection of entering Fugong County, the boss really knows how to do business.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Did not see the moon, still surrounded by clouds and fog.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Stay in Gongshan, open the window to watch the snow, on April 30, enter the Dulong River tomorrow.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Why are other people’s cars so clean, but mine, especially the butt, is so dirty.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

this big piece of snow

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

The only place on the 80-kilometer Dulongjiang road that ran more than 60 kilometers was actually in the tunnel. The tunnel was under maintenance when I went there, and it was closed at 12 noon.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Green mountains and green waters

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

After walking 1 kilometer on the trail in the forest, I dare not walk, the trees inside are already blocking out the sky and the sun.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

There was a heavy rain upstream, and the river became muddy, and the color of the water in the nearby tributary was already very different.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

In the past, it was a village on the China-Myanmar border. Unfortunately, 7 or 8 border guards told me that the No. 41 boundary marker and Ha Pang Waterfall could not pass, and I had to turn my head in Maku.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It took two hours to drive 40 kilometers from Dulongjiang Township to Ha Pang, and the result was. . . . . Take a roadside break. In the back is Brother Yu Sheng, whom I picked up in the bathhouse. He is going to Lhasa by bicycle alone. Because it is the first time he has entered Tibet, I will accompany him on the way. After Chacha arrived in Ranwu, we broke up. I will go back to Kunming, and he will go to Lhasa. .

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

This ass is always so dirty. After the Dulong River next to it goes down and drifts down a few kilometers, it will be Putao County in Myanmar. Brother Yusheng and I also discussed the feasibility of drifting abroad, and the result is to return home. Where did it come from? where to go.

After honking the horn for a year in one day, remember to make a big turn when turning.

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

It’s an instant trip, the Nu River tour in May!

Leave the Dulong River and return to Gongshan, aiming at Chavalon.

[The content comes from the off-road e family community]

Author: free october
