Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Fuego and Acatenango volcanoes

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan is located 70 kilometers west of Antigua and is a relatively large lake in the highlands of Guatemala.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

The lake is surrounded by volcanoes, and there are three volcanoes around the lake. Atitlan Volcano on the left, San Pedro Volcano on the right, and Toliman Volcano in the center.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Today is foggy, and the lake is under the clouds and fog, so I can’t see it.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Sitting in the living room of the hotel, you can see the volcano outside the window at a glance.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

The clouds cleared and the scenery was pretty good.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

There are more than a dozen small and large villages along the lake, including hotels, holiday houses, and small villages. Many tourists come to enjoy the lakeside scenery and hike around the lake.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Among them, Panajachel is the central town, which is relatively large and popular.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

There are many small shops along the street, selling all kinds of scarves, belts, clothing, wood carvings, souvenirs and so on.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

There are many tourists by the lake, but today’s weather is not good.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

You must eat local fish rice by the lake.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

For breakfast, the hostess gave us fried bananas.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

We drove from Lake Atitlan to Chichicastenango, Guatemala. The road is very bad and has potholes at times. It takes more than an hour to drive more than 50 kilometers. The next few photos are photos of the colorful cemetery, friends who are taboo, please enter with caution.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Chichicastenango is known for its markets and Mayan traditional Indian culture. We came here just as the Sunday market here is very lively.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

The market is composed of several blocks, the scale is relatively large, but the streets are relatively narrow, and the market is crowded with people coming and going.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

The market mainly sells handicrafts, Mayan textiles, flowers, clothes, department stores, fruits and vegetables, jewelry, wood carvings, etc. The price is also cheaper than other cities, but you need to bargain.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

The local bus stickers are colorful and pretty.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

The costumes of the local Indians are also quite distinctive.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

There is also a colorful cemetery here. In our concept, the cemetery should be a solemn place, with black and white as the main tone. And here is a variety of colors to match, without making people feel intimidated.

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery

Lake Atitlan and the Colored Cemetery