Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases…

The Leshan Giant Buddha, which took nearly half a year, was finally completed. Recently, the topic of Leshan Giant Buddha has never stopped, but many netizens expressed dissatisfaction when they saw the restored Giant Buddha. This is comparable to the effect of a beauty filter. Not to restore cultural relics, but to destroy…

▼Everyone feel the original style of painting

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

▼The current style of painting

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Many netizens said:

might as well not fix

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

In fact, what everyone sees are only superficial phenomena.

The Leshan Giant Buddha was excavated in the first year of Kaiyuan (713) in the Tang Dynasty.

▼The original appearance is different from now

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

For 1,300 years, the Buddha has stood amidst the wind and rain. The carving knife of time has carved it one by one, and everything from natural disasters to insect footprints has eroded the body of the Buddha.

Just last year, the chest and abdomen of the Buddha were damaged and cracked. If it is not rescued and repaired in time, it may collapse!

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

The protection of stone cultural relics is a difficult problem in the world, especially the water seepage in grottoes, which is recognized as the “cancer” of grotto cultural relics. The Leshan Giant Buddha has a history of 1306 years. The reason why it has stood for thousands of years can be said to be closely related to the wisdom of the ancients. Inseparable.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Not only is a powerful drainage system installed on the back of the Buddha, but there are also drainage ditches between the 18 layers of snails on the head to reduce damage to the Buddha itself.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

This time, the engineering personnel cleaned up the drainage corridors and gutters of the head and neck. Nearly 200 of the 1,047 buns damaged to varying degrees on the head of the Buddha were repaired this time.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

After 200 days of retreat “physical examination” and “treatment”, the reappeared Buddha is not only “beautiful”, but also has eliminated stubborn diseases and is more “healthy”.

In fact, Xiao U thinks that the restoration of the Leshan Giant Buddha is already very good. If you have seen those cultural relics that failed to be restored, it is emmm…


The following is a great award for failure cases of cultural relics restoration:

The first is the statues in the Anyue Grottoes in Sichuan that made a sensation last year.

This Buddha statue is a cliff statue of Fengmen Temple in the county. It was excavated in the Southern Song Dynasty. In 2012, it was rated as a provincial cultural protection unit in Sichuan. The original faded Buddha statue has been baptized by the years, with a simple and simple beauty.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

And the statue after the so-called repair… This is wearing red and green, which is comparable to the high-saturation color scheme of the village yangko leader, the willow leaf eyebrows, big red lips, thick foundation… It was full of fairy spirit, but now it has gone down to earth in a second?

In addition to the Anyue Grottoes, many unknown cliff statues in Sichuan have also been transformed in this way.


For example, statues on the cliffs of Jinfeng Mountain in Guang’an County

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

There are dozens of Song Dynasty statues here, especially the Shuiyue Guanyin stone carving is the most exquisite. After thousands of years, it still looks lifelike. It is named for its back against the rockery and the moon, overlooking the water of the Qujiang River.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

And the remodeled Shuiyue Guanyin…

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Where did this brothel girl come from?

And who is that newly installed vajra unicorn arm trying to hit? ?

The painting style of the statues around Avalokitesvara is also very harmonious, making people seem to have entered a national Buddhist kindergarten by mistake…

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...


▼A Qing Dynasty mural in the scenic area of ​​Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, before “restoration”

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

▼After “repair”

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

This wave of “comic picture restoration” was finally imposed with a “fine of 500,000 yuan, and the original appearance will be restored within a time limit.” But after such a stroke of genius, I am afraid that the gods will not be able to restore their previous appearance…

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Such a thing,

Is it unique to our country?

not oh

There are also many abroad…


For example  , the most famous case of failed restoration of cultural relics on the Internet comes from the church in the Spanish town of Borja.

▼There is a mural of Jesus in the 1830s, which has become like this for too long.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

A kind old lady decided to “fix” it all over again.

▼After the “repair”, it looks like this, “Jesus Wearing a Thorn Crown” becomes “Monkey Wearing a Thorn Crown”

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Because the restoration was so funny, the town soon became popular, and it also stimulated the local tourism industry.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...


Another famous “fix”, also from Spain.

A 16th-century St. George in a church, the image of a dragon slaying warrior riding a horse.

▼Before “repair”

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

▼After “repair”

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Saint George: Who Am I? where am I?


There are many similar examples, let’s just look at the before and after comparison of “repair”.

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

Now you look at the Leshan Giant Buddha above, don’t you think it’s much better?

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

The common feature of these cultural relic restoration tragedies is that almost without exception, they are all done by laymen. A middle school art teacher put on make-up for St. George, and an old lady put on the crown of thorns on Jesus. Most of the “restorers” of Buddha statues and murals in my country are local believers, construction workers and ordinary people.

However, the restoration of cultural relics requires sufficient aesthetic skills, historical knowledge and restoration techniques.

So, professional things, or to the experts to do it!

Leshan Giant Buddha changed face after restoration, but it is much better than these failure cases...

How do you feel about the restoration of these cultural relics?