Life can’t hold you back – visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Life can’t hold me back, the story continues. Because of taking care of “Dabai”, I met several “big brothers” by chance. I was lucky enough to sit together and talk about the past cross-country moments at the wine table. “Only by experiencing and understanding, talking a lot, the most impressive thing is the joy of fighting wits and bravery with herdsmen when they rob roads. talk on the Internet. When it comes to herdsmen, I have not yet seen bullies who rob roads and charge fees. This time I went north, and wherever I went along the way, the people I met were kind, simple, hospitable Mongolians. At this point in the record, it seems that it is destined that during this journey, we were lucky to meet a noble person—an Uncle Simon from Beligutai, and he also made us a “beautiful encounter”. (Source: off-road e-family forum)

Bid farewell to Ulan Hada in the Quaternary, continue the journey, pick up the map, draw a circle with Beijing as the center, and the unit of radius is “land border”. Traveling back to the Quaternary volcano, I have to mention the dinosaurs. The connection and stories in it have become the topic of my children and I. Go north along G208, pass Sunid Right Banner and turn into the expressway. It takes more than an hour to reach Erenhot. The warmth of early May has not infected this grassland, and the speed of 80 kilometers per hour does not make people feel how fast the scenery jumps in the windshield. Stay calm and look at the speed in the rearview mirror. The flashing pasture fence reminds me not to speed. Looking at the traffic signs ahead, Erenhot is getting closer!

Speaking of Erenhot, here is also an introduction: “Erenhot” is a Chinese transliteration of Mongolian. “Hot” means “city” and “Erenhot” means a beautiful city. (hereinafter referred to as Erlian) Erlian faces Zamyn-Uud, Mongolia, across the border. It is the largest road and railway port opened to Mongolia by China. It is 7623㎞ from Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, and 714km from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. ㎞, you can also bring your passport when you come here to play. If you find a local tour group, you can take the train to travel abroad. In addition to being located in the country, the biggest attraction of Erlian is the dinosaur. This is the earliest dinosaur recorded in the history of international paleontology in Inner Mongolia. Fossil origin, known as the “Hometown of Dinosaurs”. After entering the city, you will also see various dinosaur statues, as well as the main roads such as “Dinosaur Street” and the theme square of “Dinosaur Park”. If these are not vivid enough, then when you embark on the first step of Erlian, you will definitely have the “label” of dinosaurs printed in your heart!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

This is the entrance of Erenhot, and after searching on the map, I only found this only intersection! Let people never forget.

I have seen the promotional photos of Erlian on major travel platforms before, no, it should be said to be a landmark building! This time let me take a label of my own. Let’s take a wide-angle telephoto end first.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Come closer!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

A little closer, no good! It’s a little too close, but the sexiness of the seemingly “tongue kiss” conveys the friendship of this city! Of course, the photo is followed by the thriller of the plane crashing into the dinosaur and narrowly missing the crash. I can only blame myself for being too excited.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The four of us big guys and a little guy stood under the dinosaur sculpture. For the first time, we felt so “coquettish” and “small and exquisite”. We can’t think of more words to modify our “smallness”.

Here is a close-up record of the lens.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Dinosaur sculptures can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road, while taking pictures, Baidu, and explanations, the perfect combination of practice and learning.

The behemoths on the ground attract children, while those “little things” attract me, and I hold my breath to approach and capture. Harvest a few masterpieces that are rare!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Hand-held shooting without a tripod, it’s really “shaking” without any foundation

After seeing the dinosaurs, I ran to the gate of the country. The old gate of the country was built in 1984, and there is a double boundary marker No. 357 on the border between China and Mongolia. On August 15, 2003, the No. 815 large granite Shuanglitong Boundary Pillar replaced the original No. 357 concrete Boundary Pillar, and No. 357 Boundary Pillar completed its mission and became a historical relic. Of course, such “state-owned assets” are supposed to contribute to the construction of the socialist economy, so if you want to appreciate the style of the “gate”, you need to pay 50 yuan per person to enter. “Short Cannon” is not a vegetarian, just wait and see in the camera. Here Sister Xue urged me to take a drone to take an aerial photo. The education and culture I received since I was a child told me that this is an act of death! ! ! (If you fly a drone across the border, you can be considered a spy.) So resolutely refuse!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The main entrance of Guomen Scenic Area, click a picture and leave a note.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Discuss the importance of taking pictures: the key point of the photo is the background, here the background has become hazy, leaving only a lovely princess riding her “car”.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Family portrait, when the girl is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 years old, there will be a record of growth every year.

Next to the main entrance of Guomen Scenic Area is the Tourist Service Center, which is equipped with an activity square to save money on tickets for going abroad. You can buy bird food in the square to feed pigeons. This place is not full of flying pigeons like St. Peter’s Square, but it is not lost peaceful. In Mesopotamian mythology, the dove is the divine bird next to the “Great Mother”, symbolizing love. Picasso once painted a dove and an olive branch for the World Peace Conference. The Chilean poet Neruda called it the “Peace Dove”. Doves become world-recognized messengers of peace! Flying an envoy of peace at the junction of the two countries will always make people think and think more. The conclusion is that the friendship between China and Mongolia is long live, and the world will always be beautiful.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Messenger of Peace in the square.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The little guy “communicates” with the pigeons in a friendly way

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Snapshot – click one.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The greatest happiness for children is that they don’t have to think too much, so they buy a package of food and put it in at one time, and they get a good return—surrounded by pigeons!

The hurried Erlian left a deep memory. Considering the time for the off-road section of the later journey, we hurriedly embarked on the journey without stopping, turned the front of the car and headed east, and ran to Xilinhot. For a road that has not been traveled, we know his The only way is the map. If you can go deep, you must choose the satellite map mode. Here is not the picture, friends who are interested open the map to search, and you will see the endless prairie. . . So the following journey is stop-and-go. It is also this kind of casualness that laid the “foreshadowing” for the encounter in the future.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

It feels like a road that will never end, 120 kilometers of it, without seeing a single person or car. . . Only a few herdsmen’s houses were vaguely seen. This kind of highway can let you take pictures, roll around, and have fun. Of course safety always comes first.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

“Dabai” took a photo and took a group photo to keep in mind. The “no man’s land” is not counted as “no man’s land”, and the scenery beyond the camera’s reach is intoxicating.

After passing through a silent “no-man’s land”, we ushered in the first stop on the way: Sunite Left Banner – Mandu Latu Town, on the vast and endless grassland, except for the sight of a town , and there is a special landscape, step on the brakes to find out.

Monument to the People’s Heroes of Sunid Left Banner

To travel is to watch and learn as you go. If you haven’t arrived here, I think you’ll never know about it. The Monument to the People’s Heroes of Sunit Left Banner——to commemorate the revolutionaries who died in the war to liberate Sunit Left Banner Built for martyrs. Originally built in 1988, the original site is located on Wurigen Road, Darihan Street (in the town of Latu, Mandu). Later, in order to ensure the implementation of the overall planning of the town and facilitate the masses to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs, the original monument was demolished in 2008, redesigned and relocated to the northwest of the ecological park. Because I don’t understand Mongolian, this information can only be obtained by consulting history books after the return trip.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Monument to the People’s Heroes of Sunid Left Banner—Salute, salute!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Commemorate the revolutionary martyrs and pay tribute to the group photo.

Continue the journey, leave the road, and set foot on the ranch trail. The change of climate difference makes the green vitality here, stop for a short rest, and play.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Brother Tao’s “Navarra” and “Dabai” have a scene, and there is someone who steals the spotlight!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

A hundred people have a hundred senses of the lens, this is my way of expression, look at the picture to feel it!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The convenience of pickup trucks can also be a good photography platform in addition to “pull goods”! No, to be precise, it is a mobile photography platform (provided that safety measures are taken).

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Inexplicable. . . “The telephoto and the grassland are so in tune” “Come on! Come on! Come on! Give me a close-up too!!!”.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Oh, NO! Not for me. . . Yes. . . Cattle. . . . . .

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Please come out below – the main character debuts!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

One step two steps, one step two steps. . .

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

It is the pace of the devil. . .

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Walking no more than ten steps is running wildly!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Have a laugh!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The advertising leaflet that was accidentally blown off the car door by the wind, even though it was made of paper, the little guy ran hard to pick it up.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

There are surprises everywhere in life, and it is vividly reflected here! An advertising sheet immediately ushered in a big transformation after some operations by Brother Tao!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The “big windmill” of local materials

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

“The child’s smile, Brother Tao’s pride!” A small sense of accomplishment. . . Watching the windmills rotate also popularized the knowledge of wind power generation for children.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Embark on the journey, continue the journey, look back and smile for a moment!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Sister Xue who gave up her selfie stick. . .

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Feeling here. . . Fall in love with the feeling of freedom. . .

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

There was nothing. Take a breath of dust mixed with horse dung and cow dung, this is the smell of grassland!

Seeing this in the story, you may have questions, where is the “encounter” that was promised? No hurry to look down! At the central point from Mandu Latu to Xilinhot, there is such a place called: Abaga Banner. According to historical records, Abaga Banner evolved from an ancient tribe. “Abaga” is Mongolian, Chinese ” Uncle”. Because the leader of the tribe is the descendant of Beligutai, the half-brother of Yuan Taizu Genghis Khan, the tribe he led was called the “Abaga” tribe, and later became today’s Beligutai Town. This is how the story of “encounter” begins.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

20 kilometers away from the west side of Biligutai Town, there is an archway sign with the inscription “Beligutai Zhasang Grassland Tourist Scenic Spot”. Seeing such words, we decided to dig deeper and drive into the next crossing.

When we first entered the scenic spot, we felt a little hairy, the wind was howling at level 6 or 7 outdoors, and the scene in front of us seemed a bit desolate. When we were discussing whether to leave on the radio, a man walked out of the house unexpectedly, a burly uncle ! And warmly entertained us, it turns out that this is not a scenic spot. In the true sense, it is a place of worship and worship for local activities. If the sculptures seen outside are exquisite and lifelike, then the scene in the lobby is beyond words. . . Not much to say, let’s go to the picture above.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Click on the panorama.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The outermost soldier sculpture (right).

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The outermost soldier sculpture (left).

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Go forward to the gate of the central hall, and there are military servants stationed on both sides.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The layers of heavy guards on the outside indicate that the characters inside have a lot of background!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Enter the nave hall scene. . . It can only be shocked, please forgive me when I open the door, I can only sigh “really luxurious”

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Photos don’t do it justice – stunning!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

When meeting noble people, the hospitality of the Mongolian people is fully reflected. Keep one as a souvenir.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

It is not so much a place of sacrifice and worship as a museum, where various cultural relics about Biligutai are displayed.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Biligutai’s wrestling uniforms can only be said to be big, big, big, big. How big is it, compare and refer to the picture below.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Visually, it is no problem to trap 2-3 of my figure! Interested friends can visit and observe in person.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Pass through the nave stairs and connect with the back hall. Just this carpet on the ground makes people feel particularly precious. Here, I specifically asked the administrator whether he needs slippers to enter, and stepped on the carpet after getting permission.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

After climbing the stairs, look back at the scene in the middle hall!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The panoramic view of the back hall is impressive because of the hand-painted and polished sandstone murals on both sides, which fully embodies the essence of Mongolian traditional culture.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

panoramic display.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The girl clicked a thumbs up.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The chandelier on the ceiling is beautiful.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Appreciate from another perspective.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Under the help and guidance of the administrator uncle, sacrifice and worship, and pray for relatives and friends.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Concentration is sincerity! The unique pilgrimage culture of the place will not be introduced in detail here, and interested friends can experience it for themselves.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Everyone gets involved too, with the kids getting the most out of it. Do it in style! experience different cultures

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

family portrait

During the conversation, I learned that everything here is not like the traditional sacrifices in the Central Plains. It is more about praying for blessings. Many times when I encounter temples and other places during the journey, I will have scruples, because I don’t understand the local customs, so it’s good. Good communication habits are an inevitable guarantee. Only by understanding others, respecting others, respecting different cultural customs, and participating in them can we experience different meanings.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

A beautiful and welcoming place is always worth recording nostalgia. So I decided to record it against the strong wind of level six or seven, to see how serious my daughter is! I have been fascinated by it since I was a child, and I am sure that I will become a “master” in the future

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

aerial panorama

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

The video shooting quality was poor due to the strong wind, unfortunately no video images were left.

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Typical Mongolian architectural style! A different kind of cultural experience.

If it is not a fixed-point search, few people may be able to find this place from the map. An accidental “break-in”, but unexpected VIP-like courtesy, we are lucky and happy. I feel the enthusiasm of the Mongolian uncle all the time. In addition to leading us to visit and explain all the way, he also kindly invited us to participate in the Naadam Conference in July. The gratitude is beyond words, only gratitude. . . After the visit, I learned from the conversation that my uncle’s father-in-law needs to return to his home 20 kilometers away. Due to the inconvenient transportation, I decided to personally drive the escort. During the short 20 kilometers, I listened to the old man telling the story of the educated youth going to the countryside. . . Walking all the way, listening all the way, sighing all the way, what would we do if we could be in that era. In addition to the scenery, people’s sophistication, and the beauty of socialism, the towns and villages wherever I go, looking through history, all of them have undergone earth-shaking changes. From the houses built of loess and sand to today’s high-rise buildings, there are generations of heroes behind them who have made unremitting efforts. I am grateful for now, for everything I have at this time, and for every friend and relative who accompanied and helped me. . . From the volcano in Ulan Hada to the dinosaurs in Erenhot, the national gate, and then to the hero monument in Sunid Left Banner, the encounter at Biligutai, the road accompanied, and finally arrived in Xilinhot. Our trip is halfway through, and we have bid farewell to the paved road. We will soon be greeted by more than 1,000 kilometers of off-road sections. The road of travel, the road of learning, the road of growth, the road that can’t be finished. . . In the next issue, Hunshandake’s travel story. The excitement is to be continued!

Life can't hold you back - visit the border, encounter in Biligutai

Escorted home and took a photo with grandpa. (over 90 years old) In the chat, I learned that I worked for the government when I was young, and I will meet you in Naadam in July.