“Live up to spring and live up to love” – ​​Xinhua Wentian charity trip

Organized by Phoenix Yufei in Changsha, Hunan, volunteers from Hunan Tourer Y62 Drivers Association, Changsha Jeep Brothers Drivers Association and Xinhua local volunteer service team – Xinhua Meishan Crazy Drivers Association assisted in this Xinhua Wentian student aid activities.

“Live up to spring and live up to love”-Che You Xinhua Wentian Public Welfare Student Tour

When it was time for another Qingming outing, Sister Na, the leader of the Hunan column of Tourle Family, mentioned to Xiami, a fellow car friend of the Xinhua Meishan Crazy Car Club, about going to Xinhua to help students. , Xinhua, and Anhua junctions), from April 2nd to April 5th, the itinerary of the “Phoenix Wants to Fly to Xinhua Wentian Public Welfare Student Tour” was completed in just three days , the raising of student funds, the determination of interviewees, etc.

The latest list of national-level poverty-stricken counties in 2017 includes a total of 20 in Hunan. Phoenix Yufei has carried out activities in Anhua County, Fenghuang County, Guzhang County and Longshan County, and has sponsored students. In the later stage, we will slowly go to the remaining national-level impoverished counties to help those children in need.

The destination of this visit – Wentian Town, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, is located at the eastern foot of Xuefeng Mountains, bounded by Gutai Mountain Forest Farm and Luguan Town in the east, bordered by Chaxi Town and Shuiche Town in the south, and bordered by Fengtian Town in the west. It is adjacent to Jiazhen, Tianmen Township in the north, and 41 kilometers away from Xinhua County. Fugong’ao Village, Wentian Township is more than 700 meters above sea level and belongs to the alpine region. There are more than 1,560 people in the village, with a per capita income of only 2,100 yuan. There are many poor households in the village, and the living conditions are extremely difficult.

Recommended by teachers at Wentian Township School in Xinhua County contacted by Cheyou Xiamige, 56 extremely poor students needed help. This Ching Ming Festival, public welfare does not take a holiday. Organized by Phoenix Yufei, assisted by volunteers from Hunan Tourer Y62 Drivers Association, Changsha Jeep Brothers Drivers Association and Xinhua local volunteer service team – Xinhua Meishan Crazy Drivers Association, they went to Xinhua County together In Wentian Town, we went to each child’s home to understand the real situation of their family’s difficult life.

Hunan Toule Y62 car club Xinhua visit plan

1. Activity theme

I have a date with Dashan in spring

2. Activities

date itinerary

At noon on April 5th, Changsha Leyi CLUB (50 meters south of Datuo Sub-district Office on Xiangjiang South Road) gathered for dinner. After the team rested, they set off at 14:00, and the journey took about 3 hours (about 218km). After arriving at the hotel in Xinhua County on the same day and arranging accommodation, we held a meeting with local volunteers and decided on the visit.

Gather at 8:30 on April 6th, depart on time at 9:00 and divide into three groups to visit poor student families in Fugong’ao Village, Wentian Township. Lunch can be settled at the local farmer’s home, and night stay in Ziquejie or Qujiangyuan (according to schedule stay). After dinner, talk about the experience of the day’s visit, and hold a barbecue party at the same time.

Depart from Ziquejie or Qujiangyuan on April 7, pass through Langshanping (Bainiudang) and pass through Zhongdu Forest Farm (the crossing route of Zhongdu Forest Farm is somewhat difficult). Chinese food will be camped and cooked on the crossing road, which will be determined according to the time Out of the mountain location (waterwheel or Jinshiqiao), return after group dinner.

3. Activity contact information

Hunan Tourle Y62 car club leader: Sister Na, 15973112288 (WeChat ID: wangna2020220)

Xinhua Local Volunteer Service Team – Xinhua Meishan Crazy Car Club Leader: Brother Xiami, 13873808677

4. Visit requirements

1. Visits must be made in person and at home. Each group will bring the donated materials and cash red envelopes (both sponsored by caring people and enterprises) uniformly arranged by the organizing committee, and hand over the materials and cash to the guardians of the visiting students. Make a comprehensive understanding of the family members of the interviewed students as well as the basic situation, hobbies, ideals, learning situation, and word-of-mouth of the surrounding neighbors, etc., and form written materials, and take photos and videos of the interviewed students, their family members, and family conditions to form images material. After the visit, the visit registration form and picture data will be summarized and reported to the organizing committee.

2. During the visit, all interview members are not allowed to directly express support to the interviewees. Whether all interviewees will be funded and how to support them must be determined after collective discussion by the organizing committee. All members of the visiting group have priority funding rights.

3. In order to protect the personal privacy of the funded object, the name, ID number, detailed family address, and images of the funded object must be processed before being released to the public, with the serial number instead of the name, and the mosaic on the head portrait. The above true information is only provided to the sponsor.

5. Activity fee

1. In order to use more love funds for poor students, the members of the visiting group are responsible for the food, accommodation and transportation expenses of this activity. Including 6 meals for 3 days and Big Bear Mountain barbecue fee on the evening of 6th), accommodation and breakfast expenses are at your own expense, and will be settled after the event ends, and any excess will be refunded and any deficiency will be compensated.

2. Note: Since the activity fund of 300 yuan/person does not include vehicle usage fees, the actual fuel costs and tolls of each vehicle will be AA by the fellow vehicle personnel on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis. Children under 12 are free of charge.

3. For those who cannot participate in the visiting activities due to personal reasons after registration and payment, the activity funds will be included in the activity work funds and will not be refunded.

6. Activity statement (including safety responsibility)

1. When registering, you must truthfully inform your personal information, including name, ID number, vehicle information, contact information, health information and other information, and be responsible for its authenticity, and ensure that the contact information provided is accurate and can be contacted in time;

2. Those who suffer from serious diseases or other diseases that prevent outdoor activities cannot sign up to participate in this event. If I deliberately conceal or deliberately fail to inform the organizing committee of my health status, I shall bear full responsibility;

3. Take good care of your accompanying children and luggage, and be responsible for their safety. It is recommended not to bring valuables to visit;

4. Without the consent of the organizing committee, individuals are not free to leave the team for activities on their own, and must strictly follow the arrangements of the organizing committee;

5. The driver must strictly abide by the traffic rules during the driving process, and must not violate laws and regulations, and must not leave the entire team during the driving process to ensure safety;

6. During the activity period, do not damage the legitimate rights and interests of local villagers, and do not engage in illegal and criminal activities;

7. The outdoor activities are dangerous and remote, and there are certain risks, especially in the process of going back and forth and visiting, safety accidents are prone to occur. For this reason, the organizing committee purchased personal accident insurance for each visitor;

8. Without the consent of the organizing committee, no one is allowed to disclose the photos of the interviewees and their family members on WeChat, Weibo and other public social networking and information network platforms (the mosaic processing can only be released), personal information and other privacy. Infringement of the right of privacy, the individual shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility;

9. Anyone who discovers that an accident has occurred to a member shall immediately report to the commander-in-chief. If it is a minor injury that can be resolved immediately, the team members will use the medicine box prepared by the organizing committee to treat it by themselves. If the situation is urgent, the injury is serious or cannot be judged, do not panic, keep calm, the commander-in-chief will rush to the scene of the incident as soon as possible after receiving the emergency notification, and immediately deploy relevant personnel to deal with the emergency, and contact the emergency department when necessary. Hospitals and emergency services;

10. Since this activity is a public welfare activity organized by individuals, the organizing committee will provide assistance as soon as possible if the personal and property rights of the individual are damaged during the activity, but they will not be liable for compensation; Accidents involving personal and property rights and interests shall be borne by the corresponding legal responsibilities and have nothing to do with the organizing committee;

11. The organizing committee shall not be liable for any compensation if the event schedule is affected or the event cannot continue due to force majeure. The organizing committee will refund the balance after deducting the actual expenses incurred;

12. If the team’s itinerary is affected due to failure to abide by these rules and the unified arrangement of the organizing committee, or even cause economic losses or personal injuries to the entire activity or other participants, the individual visitors or their guardians shall bear the corresponding liability for compensation .

13. Please respect nature, leaving only wheel tracks and footprints, not any garbage!

I have clearly and understood all the contents of the above text, and I agree to it, and I sign to confirm it now!

All the working expenses of this Xinhua Wentian student aid activity will be sponsored by Hunan Leyi CLUB off-road theme club

All sporting goods for this Xinhua Wentian student aid activity are sponsored by Hunan Aidong Sports

Sponsored by Hunan Hanyu Food Co., Ltd. Vinegar** 66 boxes

The Want Want gift bag purchased by the senior public welfare person – Sister Bingbing with her 2,000 yuan lucky money for the children

The team flag and car stickers of this Xinhua Wentian student aid activity are sponsored by Hunan Qunli Advertising

The load capacity of Tule is really good

Full of gifts carrying everyone’s full love

At noon on April 5, 2018, the team assembled at Leyi CLUB

Except for three non-local vehicles going directly to Xinhua, the other five vehicles assembled and set off

During the Qingming holiday, there were traffic jams everywhere on the highway, but the student aid team arrived in Xinhua safely

The children acted as porters

Meet up with the Xinhua Meishan Crazy Car Club

Because Xinhua is the first time that Phoenix Yufei is here as a student assistant, the chairman of the board, Miao, came to the scene in person to explain the content and precautions of the visit

Children are practicing reading a letter from “The Phoenix Desires to Fly” to the children in the mountains

One of the organizers of this Xinhua student aid activity – Brother Xiami from Meishan Crazy Car Club

convoy assembly

Assign visit lists to each group at the school

start of visit

It’s all this rough mountain road

Reading to children in mountainous areas the letter written by Phoenix Yufei to children

There is such a beautiful scene in the depths of the impoverished mountains

Carefully fill in the visit record

All the gifts are hand-delivered by the children to the children in the mountains

Detailed visit record sheet

Modesty in character and learning is the standard for Phoenix Yufei to support poor children

Thank you for everything you have done for the children in the deep mountains, because of you, let them see hope

The cultivation of children should start with him having a loving heart

Brother Zhen from the Changsha Jeep Brothers Che Youhui who fully supported this student aid activity

After dinner sharing party

Hosted by sister Na from Leyi CLUB, the chief conductor of this student aid activity organization

Miaojiao, chairman of Phoenix Yufei, made a speech

Beautiful homestay in the sun

Yesterday it was still jackets and down jackets, today’s morning light brings you a happy mood

At 8:00 in the morning, Brother Xiami leads the team to the starting point

different mood

different scenery

different river

The video is more exciting, but unfortunately it will not be uploaded

DIY lunch

Let’s do it together

Brother Xiami’s specialty – Bamboo Rice

The children are also helping, and it is much better for them to participate in such activities than any cram school

Brother Zhen burns fire

Guoge stir-fry

Range Stir-fry

Bacon Bamboo Rice

The bacon bought from the villagers is too difficult to clean

The crispy rice with bacon and bamboo tube is really fragrant

different food

different parking

Shrimp Brother released it

Encountered a roadblock

Let’s move different bricks together

On the way up the mountain, I met two elderly people in their 70s. The car friend gave them water and biscuits in the car

different wall hanging

Brother Xiami took us on a road that he has never walked. This is a different road without a road.

it’s dusk again

bumpy road

In order to ensure everyone’s safety, you have to get off at every corner to direct traffic

Stopping and stopping, everyone did not return to the county safely until 11:30 in the evening. So far, this Xinhua Wentian student aid activity is fully completed.