Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Original: Tracylove_free

The meaning of travel

Every place has its charm and

every beauty should not be disappointed.

Thank you for what you have seen in this life, and cherish the scenery you have stepped on with every step. While walking, rediscover the true tenderness and happiness in life together.

▼ Yaha Pass

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)


Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

▼Zimei Pass

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

▼Sting Cuo

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

After I came back from viewing cherry blossoms in Pingba in March, I became very sad. I worked hard every day for my livelihood, but my wallet was still empty; every day I slammed left and right in the crowded light rail, enjoying the rapid heating up of the city. sauna, I managed to get sick.

At the risk of having my money deducted, I hesitated to make a leave call: I am sick and need to go to the hospital.

It seems that everyone is well aware of the unchanging truth of “the body is the capital of revolution”. The results of the examination were as expected (who told me that I was a medical student), the body was cold, and it was caused by the stagnation of dampness and poison.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

During the Spring Festival, I went to Lhasa, the City of Sunshine with my friends, but suddenly encountered a heavy snowstorm, and the measures to prevent cold and keep warm were not enough. In order to shoot in the extremely cold weather, I dedicated my heroic posture: my hands were frostbitten and cracked, and the pain was unbearable. Forbearance, the body is bound by tens of thousands of hemp ropes and cannot be stretched because of the wanton entry of cold air.

(So ​​once again, I solemnly remind you: don’t ask me whether I will bring a down jacket when traveling on the plateau. My answer will always be: I have to bring it all year round!!!! Necessary items for plateau travel: down jacket or fleece jacket, mask, gloves, hand cream, sunscreen, sunglasses).

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

The temptation to set off

When I was lying on the bed and was ruthlessly tortured by dozens of silver needles, Xiyang called: “Sister Cui, I will go to Lenggacuo in a few days, don’t forget.” I quickly put this month in my mind. After going through what happened, when did I promise to go? ——This day is a mess!

There are always so many “husbands and dogs” around you. From time to time, they come to encourage you to drive, travel, hike, go camping, and look for poetry and distant places. The circle of friends is full of outdoor gods, photography masters, and travel experts… …

How strong did I have to be to resist this endless temptation, sitting in the office writing my research report with a calm surface and an extremely manic heart?

Not because of – poor! It’s nothing to have no money now, and there will be many days without money in the future! It is irresponsible to speculate on other people’s resignation and travel! We must resolutely resist! I never do it, because there is always a time crunch, as long as you work hard for it!

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Putting on my backpack, I set foot on the high-speed train to Chengdu…

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

This itinerary:

D1: Chengdu-Yakang Expressway-Xinduqiao, Place: Xinduqiao

D2: Xindu Bridge-Jiagenba-Yaha Pass (the road is blocked, you need to take a small road)-Yulong West-Lenggacuo-Zimei Pass-Xindu Bridge, place: Xindu Bridge

D3: Xinduqiao – Jiangba Grassland – Sidingcuo – Kangding Airport – Zheduo Mountain – Chengdu

After the opening of Yakang Expressway, three days is more than enough time for this line, so don’t always complain that you don’t have time to travel, what you lack is not time, but the determination to start.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

We got up early, facing the soft spring sunshine on the plateau, and we set off.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Although it is the season of recovery of all things, the high-altitude area still presents a winter scene. The dead trees on both sides of the road and the vast snow on the grassland are telling us that another heavy snow fell on Xindu Bridge last night.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

The car entered the country road from Provincial Highway 215, and the mobile phone lost signal. At this time, we could only take the old road Yaha Pass based on past experience. However, due to the closure of the old road due to construction, we had to make a detour. How should we go?

From Xindu Bridge to Yaha Pass, you can take Jiagenba over the mountain, or you can take Shade Township to enter. The driving time of Shade will increase by 2 hours.

It has never been our style to go back to Xinduqiao and take Shad by the same way, so we can only find the way.

Fifty meters back from the road closure point, there is a wooden bridge. Cross the bridge and turn right into an unknown village. Drive along the village road. There is only one road up the mountain. This mountain road with lush vegetation is Shangya. The road at Haya Pass.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Go through this forest and into the real mountains. Immediately, the field of vision widened, and the rolling mountains came into view, singing praises for this vast land one after another.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

The white snow began to melt in the hot sun on the plateau, the road became muddy, and the wheels made the sound of “snaking teeth” and slipping, especially at sharp turns, I also started to scream with the sound of the wheels. Sunset cast a contemptuous look from the rearview mirror of the driver’s seat, and said helplessly and funnyly: “Can you be quiet for a while!” My hands are sweating!

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

At this moment, the Gongga peaks appeared in front of us unexpectedly.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Brother Xi felt as if he had been beaten like chicken blood, and immediately took off his coat and said to me: Quickly give me a few photos, I have never been so close to the king of Shushan! I don’t know if he was shivering because of excitement or cold.

He said: When I went to Gang Rinpoche, I was never so excited! I think it may be because we are descendants of Sichuan and Chongqing, so we have more awe of the “King of Shushan”.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Gongga—as one of the most prestigious snow mountains in Sichuan and even the whole country, it never disappoints. Mount Gongga is located in the south of Kangding, Sichuan Province, surrounded by 45 peaks above 6,000 meters above sea level. The main peak stands on the top of the group of peaks, with an altitude of 7,556 meters and 6,000 meters above the Dadu River on the east side. It is the highest mountain in Sichuan Province , Known as the “King of Shu Mountain” (Siguniang Mountain after Shu Mountain). Its precipitousness and magnificence have made countless travelers who are obsessed with snow-capped mountains travel far and wide to see its true face!

The majestic and lofty Gongga stands tall and straight between the sky and the earth. The main peak rises straight into the sky and connects with the sky.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Yaha Pass: An alpine pass on Meiliang in Kangdingzi, with an altitude of 4568 meters, where you can directly face the west slope of Gongga.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

The best location to watch Gongga on the Western Sichuan Plateau:

Public viewing spot: Hailuogou (cloudy and foggy all the year round, it is difficult to see Gongga).

Niche viewing spots: Zimei Pass, Yaha Pass, and Heishi City in Gaoersi Mountain.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Sightseeing spots for hiking: Niubei Mountain, Sirentong, Dawa Gengza, Hongyanding.

Viewing secrets: Lenggacuo, Lisuohai, the king of Shushan is in their reflection.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

The mountain road up to the pass was not optimistic. In addition to slipping easily, the power of the car was still a bit weak at high altitudes. There were three cars in our group, and only our car drove to the top.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Going down the mountain from Yaha Pass, you will come to Yulongxi Village. Yulongxi Village is a Tibetan village in Gonggashan Township, Kangding City, Ganzi Prefecture. It is about 3700m above sea level. There are Quanhuatan, Yulongxi Prairie, which is known as the Little Yellow Dragon, etc. It is also the closest village to Gongga Snow Mountain, the king of Shu Mountain, and the best location to take pictures of Gongga Snow Mountain.

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

Before this peerless village was discovered by donkey friends, it was very poor and backward (there is no mobile phone signal in the village now). It was not until countless donkey friends and photographers who came here to pay tribute to Gongga’s style that they brought its name out of the mountain. My friend Duoji was born here and has been born and raised for more than 20 years. He is a son and daughter of Gongga!

Looking up at Gongga beside Lenggacuo, I am in the arms of the King of Shu Mountain (1)

(to be continued)