Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

The public welfare and poverty alleviation activity of “Warming the Road, Nujiang, Tigers Cultivate the Future” initiated by the Land Rover Alliance has been successfully concluded. At this time, all the riders of the Land Rover Alliance also returned one after another, reuniting with their families or enjoying a new journey. First of all, Land Rover Alliance would like to thank all the car fans who participated in the event for their enthusiasm and strong support for this event. The love of all car fans has been passed on to every student and every poor family who received donations. You have worked hard! Land Rover Alliance sincerely thanks every car lover who participated in the public welfare activities and those who did not participate but also showed love. At the same time, I would like to thank the Yunnan Tourism Development Committee for their personal reports on this poverty alleviation activity in Tencent News and other relevant media, and for their strong support for this activity. All Land Rover riders also express their heartfelt thanks for your work.

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

The poverty alleviation activity of “Warming the Road, Nujiang and Tigers Educating the Future” is a difficult task. Members of the Land Rover Alliance gathered in Dali from all over the country. However, the road to poverty alleviation is not all smooth sailing. On the way to the Nujiang area, car fans have experienced various difficulties such as traffic jams, road breaks, heavy rain, landslides, etc. However, these difficulties have not affected the enthusiasm of all car friends to give their love. Although the journey is difficult, the riders from various clubs will be happier when they see the smiles on the faces of every family and student being helped. Because everyone clearly realizes in their hearts that our contributions will truly help others, so no matter how hard we work, it is worth it.

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

Since April is the beginning of the rainy season in Yunnan, the plateau mountainous area will often be accompanied by heavy snow, which makes the return journey of all riders extremely difficult. After the student aid activities in Bingzhongluo, clubs from all over the country returned one after another, and each chose the return route on a club basis. Suzhou Land Rover Club and Shenzhen Land Rover Club chose to cross Biluo Snow Mountain directly to Lijiang and then returned. However, because of the climate, there was a blizzard in Biluo Snow Mountain. After overcoming many difficulties, Shenzhen Land Rover Club finally climbed over the snow mountain to Lijiang. However, the riders of Suzhou Luhuhui Che You Club lost the best opportunity to climb the mountain due to the rescue of road construction vehicles on the road and were trapped in the snow mountain. In the end, they failed to climb the Biluo Snow Mountain until they retreated to Gongshan County in the early morning. Reluctantly, I chose to return to the congested section of the road when I came.

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

The word poverty alleviation seems sacred. But it is indeed achieved through the real dedication of every rider. The road to poverty alleviation is long and full of hardships. No achievement can be achieved easily. Of course, every Land Rover rider does not think that such public welfare activities are our achievements, and only regard such behaviors as their own responsibility. We will continue to do our part to help the poor and help students.

Lunuan Nujiang Huyu Future Activity was a complete success

Here, the Land Rover Alliance once again thanks every club and rider who contributed to this public welfare activity, whether present or not, and sincerely thanks everyone for their support and participation.

Support Units

National Poverty Alleviation Office
Yunnan Office in Beijing
Fugong County Party Committee Office
Fugong County Tourism Development Bureau
Gongshan County Tourism Development Bureau


Land Rover China


China Land Rover Defender Club 

Hunan Land Rover Real Name Verification Club 

Shanghai Huxing Wujiang Che Youhui

Suzhou Land Rover Club

Hebei Land Rover Club

Land Rover Hui in Anhui

Nanjing Land Rover Club

 Land Rover Alliance Jiangsu Branch      

Ningxia Dangxiang Tiger Club

Land Rover Zhenjiang Club

Shenzhen Land Rover Club

Central Plains Land Rover Legion

South China Land Rover Story Collection

Chongqing Land Rover Club