News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

-This article is reproduced from the public account: Sichuan-Tibet Line Channel 1-

【Due to the road collapse, traffic control will be implemented from Tianquan Darenyan to Qiandiaoqiaotou on National Highway 318 today】

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

Due to the landslide at K2700+200 meters of National Highway 318 (small place name: Zishi Township Darenyan) on June 29, in order to ensure the emergency construction, to ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians, the Tianquan Darenyan on National Highway 318 will be moved to the front Traffic control will be implemented on the Diaoqiaotou section, and the control time will be from 0:00 on July 1 to 12:00 on July 7. It is understood that at about 17:20 on June 29, a landslide occurred at K2700+200 meters of National Highway 318 (a small place named Darenyan, Zishi Township), and the road surface collapsed about 200 square meters, causing traffic interruption.

At the same time, the landslide caused more than 8,000 cubic meters of collapsed deposits on the side slope of the highway, seriously endangering the safety of vehicles and pedestrians passing below. According to the announcement, all vehicles are prohibited from passing during the control period, and vehicles traveling to and from Tianquan and Luding must detour through Yakang Expressway or Provincial Highway 217. Relevant departments will set up traffic control points in Xingou, Jiaojiping, Shaping, Shiyang and other places to implement traffic control measures.

The specific regulatory announcement is as follows

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

[Jiuzhaigou, expected to open on National Day]

When returning from Jiuzhaigou, don’t look at the water, let’s play a video first

On August 8, 2017, a sudden earthquake caused varying degrees of damage to the ecological vegetation, villages and tourist facilities in the core scenic spot of Jiuzhaigou. After that, although some scenic spots in the scenic area were reopened for a period of time, they were closed again due to the outbreak of mountain torrents and mudslides.

Is Jiuzhaigou still beautiful? When will it reopen to the public?

According to the Sichuan media “West China Metropolis Daily”, on June 29, 2019, the Jiuzhaigou Cultural Tourism Development Strategy Symposium was held in Chengdu.

What is the progress of the post-disaster reconstruction of Jiuzhaigou? When will it be reopened to the public? The topic of when Jiuzhaigou will return in “dress” has also become the focus of attention of the guests.

“Jiuzhai is currently closed for construction, and some scenic spots will probably open to the public on National Day this year.”

In this regard, Liao Qing, deputy general manager of Jiuzhaigou Tourism Group, said, “Jiuzhai is currently closed for construction, and some scenic spots will probably open to the public during this year’s National Day.” She also mentioned that the scenic spot is now mainly undergoing road construction. We mainly look at the water, and in the future we can also look at the mountains and enjoy cultural activities.”

In 2018, the water quality of Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area has been restored and the hydrology is stable

After 2 years of rest, Jiuzhaigou will be more beautiful

Jiuzhai in early summer

Every mountain and every river are full of affection, charming and touching

Dyed with the most vibrant colors of the year

(▲The source of the aerial video of the scenic spot in June is Xinhua News Agency)

calm rhino sea

wide waters

The reflection in the water is still as clear as before

People can’t tell where is the sky

Where is Haizi

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

(▲Photographed by Meng Dingbo, reporter from Xinhua News Agency, Rhino Sea in June)


Known as “Jiuzhai Valley’s unique” and “Jiuzhai essence”

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

(▲Photographed by Xue Yubin, reporter from Wuhuahai Xinhua News Agency in June)

Under the sunshine of the plateau

Shows light yellow, dark green, dark blue, navy blue and other colors

Mottled and blurred, colorful

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

(▲Photographed by Xue Yubin, reporter from Wuhuahai Xinhua News Agency in June)

“Nuo Ri Lang” means tall and majestic

“Nuorilang Waterfall” means “majestic waterfall”

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

(▲Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Meng Dingbo at Nuorilang Waterfall in June)

The torrential water flows from the sea at the top of the waterfall

Like the Milky Way, the sound shakes the valley

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

News丨Jiuzhaigou is expected to open on National Day

(▲Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yubin at Nuorilang Waterfall in June)

At present, Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area is in the process of “touching up makeup”.

Let us wait for the gorgeous return of Jiuzhaigou!

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