No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Hunan-Guangdong cross-camping activity rally blows 

【Activity time】May 25-26, 2019 

[Venue] Linwu, Hunan to Lianzhou, Guangdong 

[Vehicle requirements] hardcore off-road vehicle 

[Limited number of vehicles] 8 vehicles 

【Accommodation Arrangement】B&B+Camping 

[Itinerary] D1: 2019.05.24 Gather at 8:30 p.m. and head towards Linwu, about 440km, as far as you can go, so as to reduce the pressure on the next day. D2: Sleep until you wake up naturally, start looking for the entrance of the ancient trail, start crossing, and enjoy outdoor life. D3: Travel back to Guangdong. Participants 1. Savage 2. Ke Lao Er 3. Speed ​​Run 4. Lao Ye 5. Brother Wen 6. Old Man Yang 7. Danube 8. Show Hu walked the worst road, drank the strongest wine, and watched the most beautiful scenery , make the truest friends, date the hottest girls. No brother no off-road! What off-road people pursue is not a car, but an off-road dream, a dream of wandering freely, which is a kind of off-road feeling.

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

2019.05.24 After all the vehicles assembled that night, we started to head towards Linwu, Hunan. In the end, we chose to settle down in Yangshan, Guangdong, to relieve the pressure on the next day! After sleeping until I woke up naturally the next day, it was already 12:00 noon when I arrived in Yangwulei Village, Linwu, Hunan. Find a place to eat! start crossing after meal

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Set the starting point of the navigation to Yangwulei Village, Linwu, Hunan, and set the end point to Meishuchong, Lianzhou, Guangdong, and then change to cycling!

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

The village you pass through when you start your journey

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Enter Wuyuan Township Crossing

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

I was a little disappointed when I entered the intersection of Wuyuan Township, why is the road so easy to walk!

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

scenery along the way

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

The convoy proceeds in an orderly manner

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Arrive at Wuyuan Township

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

scenery along the way

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

The road has become bad, I’m a little excited

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Why! cement road again

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

We took a group photo at the Ancient Wind and Rain Pavilion

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

scenery along the way

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

It is still a cement road, and the construction of village-to-village is still good!

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Enter Yaoju

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Relatively primitive Yaoju

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

This is Xinwuli Village

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

Get out of the car to release water, activity activities

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

move on

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

over the pass

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

traffic record

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post

No brother no off-road! Hunan and Guangdong crossing camping activity homework post